New Members and Top Discussions

January 15, 2010 7:48am CST
I dont know what has happened to mylot these days..? i'm seeing a lot of new members in this site for the past couple of weeks who have just a couple of discussions in their kitty and they seems to have broken the code and their discussions have been listed in the top discussions of the day..i dont know whether mylot is lurking them to stay in this site or whether their discusion is really good so that they are getting it as top of the day..? what is your opinion about this?
8 people like this
15 responses
@paula27661 (15811)
• Australia
19 Jan 10
It’s interesting but I have no idea how it works and I don’t bother trying to figure it out either! I start and respond to discussions at my leisure and I don’t aim to get the top or BRs or anything like that. Admin or Alice may be able to answer that although it may just remain a mystery just like the earning algorithm! It is nice to see new members get recognition and I am sure there is good reason for everything admin does!
1 person likes this
• India
19 Jan 10
yeah even i was thinking of asking it from alice,but i'm not able to find her for the past couple of days..anyway thanks for the reply..
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@adamc151 (476)
16 Jan 10
Maybe they just have very good discussions. I have seen many new users create many posts that have only got a couple of responses. Just because a user is new to the site, doesn't automatically mean their discussions will be crap and not worthy of getting top discussion :) But just try not to think about it and focus on what the discussions are actually about.
• Philippines
16 Jan 10
I agree with you that new users have evolve from being one liner to posting quality discussions. I hope that it stays that way because it will benefit all of us and it will be more enjoyable.
@dawnald (85148)
• Shingle Springs, California
15 Jan 10
I don't know, but if it's an interesting discussion, why not? If it's the same old stuff that you see over on 'no responses' all the time, I really wonder how the heck it made the digest!
• India
16 Jan 10
yes you are right but in mylot you see only the old discussion being framed in a new way..thats the thing with these youngsters they give in the old discussions in a new way and earn the top discussion spot..
@sid556 (30960)
• United States
16 Jan 10
balacancer, you earned yourself the #1 spot in top discussions with this discussion. Check it out.
@savypat (20216)
• United States
15 Jan 10
One of the mysteries of mylot, why not ask Alice, she may be able to give us a good explanation as to how the discussions are picked.
• India
16 Jan 10
yes you are absolutely right..maybe we should ask alice this quesyion that would put all doubts to rest..thats the best option..
@hexeduser22 (7257)
• Philippines
16 Jan 10
I don't care about the today's top discussion anymore. When I was a newbie here I wanted my discussions to be included in the top discussion but now I really don't mind. I realized it doesn't change anything aside from the satisfaction you get inside your head. It doesn't justify anything and I'm clueless on how they determine the top discussions for the day...
• India
16 Jan 10
ya even i worried about these things only when i was new to this si9te but now i'm not concentrating on these things and i'm concentrating on writing qualty discussions which really matters more to me..
1 person likes this
• Philippines
16 Jan 10
Yes we should promote making quality discussions and avoid one liner discussion and response
@Cutie18f (9551)
• Philippines
16 Jan 10
Hello there! I haven't noticed this, but I think Mylot has standards for such classification? I thought those that fall under top discussion are those topics that are able to attract many responses. I do not know if Mylot has other criteria for this.
• Philippines
16 Jan 10
Well I think that most of us or all of us are really clueless on how mylot picks those discussion. I think it's not about the number of responders
@sid556 (30960)
• United States
16 Jan 10
I hadn't really noticed this but it is possible. I would think that if they are in the top discussions that they maybe have made some really good discussions. It doesn't really matter how long you have been here. It is all about quality and so my guess would be that they must have had some quality discussions. I wouldn't read too much into this if I were you.
• India
16 Jan 10
yeah you are right as you have told the quantity does not really matter up in mylot it is ultimately the quality which matters more and that i think would have been thepoint with these new comers and we should also get few advices from them...
@salonga (27775)
• Philippines
16 Jan 10
I actually don't have the time to observe those things. I think anyway they are newbies and they deserve a chance. If they break the rules, it's mylot's job to apprehend and not mine. I would rather spend my time participating in as many posts as I can so that my stay here at mylot would be productive.
• India
16 Jan 10
You areright..its not our duty to look upon these you said its upto mylot to decide what to do and i think mylot has given them a chance to be popular in site and they want them to continue in this site as long as possible..
• United States
16 Jan 10
ya know now that i think about it i reaized it was a lot easier to get in top discussions when i first started than now.. i wonder if they do make it easier the newer you are to encourage?
• India
16 Jan 10
ya even i think the same and maybe if alice appears in the next weeks discussions we will ask her what really is the matter with the top discussions and new members...
• Malaysia
15 Jan 10
hi bala .. there r a lot of new friends here .. some really have interesting topics to discuss ... some seniors are missing though for top discussion ~ i am happy with a minimum of 5 response for my discussion, at least some read my efford - right cheers
• India
16 Jan 10
yeah thats right some of my favourite seniors are missing and i wonder what happened to them? thats right even i would be happy if some 5 to 6 people go through my discussion..that would be more than enough for me..
@kiran8 (15348)
• Mangalore, India
1 Feb 10
Hi bala,Any discussion that is liked by the members and gets a lot of responses is considered a top discussion and automaticaaly goes into that slot. I am sure all of us would have had one discussion or the other in that category. So why not the new members. It is just a matter of having found the right kind of topic that holds the interest of the members and generates responses...And I doubt if anybody including mylot has anything to do with it, afterall everything is computerised ...All the best
• India
1 Feb 10
Hello my friend balacancer22 Ji, First of all I do not have taht much time to make all that survey in myLot. I am still lagging behind just 16 days to response through alert messages. But, I would be interested to know, what guide lines mYlot has fixed for such reputation. Even I have observed,members having more than 20000 posts linger with less rating than a member with less post less than 1000 becoes blue crown. I have never understood, as such I just do not worry at aim is to write and response. I will do that first. May God bless You and have a great time.
@checkmail (2039)
• India
16 Jan 10
Hello balacancer22 well here at mylot each and every discussions are rated as per their quality and knowledge about the subject in it.Yeah there have been few discussions that were of normal subject, but still matched the preference of the mylotters.If the mylot rules are broken there is also some action taken by mylot authorities, don't worry about it.Any mylotter whether an pro or an newbie can acheive sucess here at mylot.Anyways keep it up with your participation at mylot.Happy mylotting.
• India
16 Jan 10
yeah i know that if someone tries to break the rules they will be severly punished by mylot,but thats not the discussion over here..its how the newbies are getting this much attention more than others...
@dorannmwin (36392)
• United States
16 Jan 10
I think that it doesn't matter if a person is a new member here at mylot or if they are a veteran member, I think that anyone could have a discussion that is very successful. That said, I think that the way that the top discussion have a lot to do with the way that the discussions are rated. I can see that there are just as many new members who are gifted in writing and intriguing a reader as there are people that have been around for a while.
• India
16 Jan 10
yeah even i think the same but wanted to know whats people's opinon is and congrats for achieving the 300 mark fiqure and i think it would be too difficult for me to achieve such a number of posts..anyway congrats...
@23uday (2997)
• India
16 Jan 10
Hi friend, Now new members are coming to earn here. I had seen some questions will very funny and kitty questions. If we submit any question or top question no problem will be their. have a good day.