What is the most stunning battle scene you've seen in a Movie?

@kd_fmay (554)
January 20, 2010 3:15am CST
Any suggestion of a movies with war/battle that you think can compare to the biblical descriptions of Armageddon? I just want to watch it. Thanks!
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8 responses
@lazerm (478)
• United States
20 Jan 10
hi kd_fmay! the movie your looking for is MEGIDDO- omega code 2. it features the anti-christ taking over the whole world, except for america and china. and yes, the battle of armageddon scene does happen at the end, and satan appears onscreen! just before his final victory, Jesus Christ returns to earth, and sends him to the lake of fire.MEGIDDO the movie is amazing!
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@kd_fmay (554)
• Philippines
20 Jan 10
Wow! Thank you so much lazerm. Surely I will watch it.
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@lazerm (478)
• United States
20 Jan 10
kd_fmay,I was just on youtube, and someone posted the entire MEGIDDO movie.if you want to see it as fast as possible, parts 1 to 10 are on there.see you around mylot!
@kd_fmay (554)
• Philippines
20 Jan 10
Really? Okay, I will look for it now. Thanks!
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@celticeagle (163201)
• Boise, Idaho
20 Jan 10
The battle between the soldiers and the indians in Soldier Blue. It is the battle of Bull Run. Horrible.
@celticeagle (163201)
• Boise, Idaho
20 Jan 10
It wasn't really what I would even call a battle. More of a slaughter.
@kd_fmay (554)
• Philippines
20 Jan 10
Yeah, sounds horrible. Thanks for your suggestion. God bless u!
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• Philippines
20 Jan 10
Do you mean good and evil?try joan of arc though this is classical..
@kd_fmay (554)
• Philippines
20 Jan 10
I see the trailer of that movie, the battle there can't compare to the biblical description of Armageddon. But still, I will watch that movie...thanks for reminding me. God bless!
• United States
20 Jan 10
There is a new movie out called 2012. Not sure if it is still in theatres or you have to wait for the DVD. I have heard good things about it. If you have not heard about it, it is basically going along with the myth that the world will end in 2012. There are supposed to be some intense scenes it in. I have not seen it yet, waiting to rent it for cheap because I have heard good and bad things and did not want to waste $20 when I can pay $1 to watch it :P Also, the movie armageddon is very good [think I spelled wrong, oh well] :)
@kd_fmay (554)
• Philippines
21 Jan 10
Hi there! I've seen the 2012 movie and sad to say there's no battle scene there like Armageddon. It's about a global cataclysm that brings an end to the world. More on science confirmation in Mayan calendar's prediction. It is indeed a very good movie.
@Devilova (5392)
• Indonesia
20 Jan 10
hmm.If You see on my profile, on my interesting.You can find Band Of Brother as my favorite movie.I like a war movie, specially the world war story.I don,t like fiction movie as much as the true story.
@kd_fmay (554)
• Philippines
20 Jan 10
I didn't see it, it's 2012 there. Well, I will look for it in IMDb. Thanks!
@nautilus33 (1827)
20 Jan 10
Hi! I have watched many movies with impressive stunning scene's like "Braveeart", "Resident evil"( like the other two have already mentioned), but the most stunning and memorable scene/scene's that I have ever watched are the battle scenes from "The Lord of the ring"- I mean the final scenes of each part- when the orces attack the alliance, when Gandalf turns to "grey", one Frodo destroys the ring! These are the most stunning battle scenes for me!
@kd_fmay (554)
• Philippines
20 Jan 10
The Lord of the ring, it's trilogy epic film right? I've only seen the "The Fellowship of the Ring".
• Brisbane, Australia
20 Jan 10
I like Residential Evil Extinction movie. Stunts performed by lead actress was awesome.
@kd_fmay (554)
• Philippines
20 Jan 10
Yeah, I heard that movie. I don't like the title that's why I didn't watch it..haha! But okay, I will watch it. Thanks!
@lelin1123 (15595)
• Puerto Rico
20 Jan 10
The battle that sticks out in my mind would have to be from the movie "Braveheart." Its a excellent movie with Mel Gibson. I'm sure there are more but this is the only one that comes to mind at this time. It was an unforgetable great movie.
@kd_fmay (554)
• Philippines
20 Jan 10
Yeah, I've seen that movie... I agree with you it is a very good movie. But it can't compare to the Armageddon.