What do you mostly do in facebook?

@tarapot (144)
January 21, 2010 4:21am CST
There are a lot of things we can do in our facebook account. We can chat, play, find friends here and etc. I mostly play and chat. How about you? What do you mostly do in facebook?
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16 responses
@laniekins (4579)
• Philippines
23 Apr 10
I do play more and post pics and chat. I am also watching news feed so I will learned the latest news about my friends and whats happening in the environment.
@lkbooi (16070)
• Malaysia
23 Apr 10
Hi tarapot, though I would like to visit facebook sometimes I don't spend much time there. I don't have lots of friends there as well. If I have mood or wish to learn some info from my friends there I then will chat with them. I leave some comments on the walls there once in a while. Most of the time I spend an hour or so playing games there. I never join in farmvilli as well as city restaurant though I have receieved invitation. I'm too busy with my own daily garden work in real life. Happy posting
• Philippines
24 Jan 10
Hello tarapot! I used to play a lot on Facebook. But now, I just go on Facebook to update my status from time to time, chat with some friends and relatives and check out new photos. It's been a while since the last time I played. I wish I had that much time to spare just to play on Facebook. But I think being updated on my friends and relatives is more important than any game on Facebook.
@tuyakiki (3016)
• India
24 Jan 10
I am quiet new to Facebook,so I cannot feel any addiction to it right now.I like using some social networking sites,especially the Facebook, to say in touch with the people whom I know personally. But I just follow some norms,just to maintain some ambiguity as other users of this sites may cause trouble,if I disclose all my facts. The sites that I regularly use are Facebook and Orkut and both of this are not paying. But its really a fun as I can share photos and other informations through messages and scraps with the acquaintances.It is very helpful in keeping contact with the people I rarely come across these days.I also like playing and chatting.
@jugsjugs (12967)
24 Jan 10
I used to be on facebook all the time,but now i am hardly on there as i am bored of it now.All on go on facebook now for is to send a few messages to a few friends as well as i poke a few people on there.I used to play all the games on there as well as be on the chat bit talking to all the friends that lived away from me.Like i say i am bored of all of that now and i do prefer to be on here as there are always thing that i can do.
@drawan (66)
• Indonesia
24 Jan 10
He first time my friend was told to create an account on facebook does not want fot lack of work. A few months facebook, facebook become fond of the people, then I have to make a account facebook in order to follow the development of the Internet. Facebook fun to play games, chat, find friend, and others.
@Ravenladyj (22902)
• United States
21 Jan 10
I talk with my friends by way of our walls and I play A LOT of Bejeweled LOL...Love that game..I do quizzes on occasion but that seems to happen in spurts...
• Philippines
22 Jan 10
Hi tarapot :) it's me again hahaha :) Uhm about your question, hmmm.. I don't know I just got tired with Facebook, with those same old games like Farmville.. etc. :) I just got tired of managing my farm as if I really have the GREAT responsibility to harvest my crops! Hahaha.. During my first few months I must admit I really got hooked with the Facebook applications but in the long run I just got tired with all those. I have two facebook accounts though, one is for game and spy purposes while the other is for serious accounts wherein most of my kinsfolk are my friends :) Hahaha.. :) So anyway, I just use Facebook to keep myself updated with my friends, colleagues and students but lately I've been hooked to Facebook mobile wherein I updated my status and uplaod photos straight from my phone :) My current game is Sorority Life, but I just got tired of updating it although it's level 79 already :)
@lynnchua (3412)
• Singapore
21 Jan 10
I mostly play games in facebook, so addicted to the games, chat with friends once in a while as most of my friends play games in facebook too. Game like Yoville we can meet up and chat or play together in the game.
@mialei23 (2385)
• Philippines
22 Jan 10
Hi tarapot! I often play my favorite application which is Farmville, I don't often used the chatbox because it disturb my application and my computer gets hang. I always open my facebook account everyday, I joined a lot of applications before but I'm tired of maintaining it so I decided to stick to Farmville instead. I have 400 friends before but I don't really know some of them so I deleted some friends I rarely talking, so down to 200 I was able to maintain the privacy of my facebook. Well, hope to join some new apps in facebook. Thanks for the post and keep on posting, welcome to mylot. Enjoy, mabuhay!!
@niara25 (147)
• United States
23 Jan 10
Mostly, I play games and email friends and family. Sometimes I chat, but not very often.
@inlaviola (241)
• Indonesia
22 Jan 10
i mostly play game in fb and my fav game is texas holdem poker and in this game i can chat to other people.i have fun n enjoy play this game
• United States
21 Jan 10
The first thing I do when I sign onto Facebook is check my Cafe World food to see if it's done yet. Then I'll check my other apps as well. I rarely talk to people through the Facebook chat. I also read through my friend's statuses to see if anything interesting is happening in their lives.
@lasjohan (78)
• Indonesia
22 Jan 10
mostly I write on my wall and friends wall, give a comment, tag a photo, updating of my photo, joking with friends.. and that's it.
@TriciaW (2441)
• United States
21 Jan 10
I am usually looking at all the pictures my family and friends have put on. I love to see how the little ones are growing and the fun times my family and friends have had. I can spend hours doing this and is my main reason for being on facebook. Once in a while I chat and play games too but again looking at pictures is my favorite thing.
@greysfreak (1384)
• United States
21 Jan 10
I mostly play games on facebook. Sometimes I talk to people, or read status messages. Mostly I play the little games, I have a lot of them that I play. I also like looking through the flair and bumper stickers, that is addictive and I add a ton to my profile.