have you ever completed any tasks on mylot?

January 25, 2010 2:26am CST
I was checking around the earnings page when I realised that there was a new column that I had never noticed before called "tasks". I snooped around, trying to find out more about what that refered to. I clicked at the top 'tasks' label, on the middle bar, and finally got more information from clicking the link right at the bottom in blue. It directed me to click on 'available' for a list of tasks to start cracking on, but when I clicked there, to my disappointment it was empty. How does it get filled with things to do? Have you completed a task before? Are you active in getting earnings from this new aspect of mylot?
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39 responses
@megamatt (14292)
• United States
25 Jan 10
I think I have done one or two successfully. Tasks are not something that speak to me. I just think it is more straight forward for me to do discussions and make comments to other discussions. I should really take a look at tasks again sometime. Perhaps there are some potential for earnings that I am overlooking.
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@madteaparty (2748)
• Japan
25 Jan 10
Before it would usually be a load of tasks but recently there are none or one at most. I have completed tasks in the past, and sometimes I look for new ones to complete
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@youless (112263)
• Guangzhou, China
25 Jan 10
Yes, I like doing the tasks. And I often check whether there are new tasks. Although some of them are too difficult for me to complete, but I can still do some tasks here, such as the registration tasks. Besides this kind of tasks, I also finished the image tasks in the past. It can let me earn easily and faster from Mylot and this is why I like finishing the tasks. I love China
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@jassics (205)
• India
25 Jan 10
hey hi buddy same thing happens with me yaar whenever i am going to see available task i found it empty. What i think is that tasks are mostly for USA people and you know i have never found any task till date although i m here from last 2 yrs . i was not regular but whenever i come online here i use to check task link because one task accomplishment means near around 5 dollar minimum. How to get task and how to know when task is available the main question that i wish to know. if anyone knows then plz let me know
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@kun2349 (23381)
• Singapore
28 Jan 10
The task section has been there for quite some time now.. hehe ^_^ There used to be lots of tasks in there, and they are often uploaded by mylotters.. So far, i have only completed one task in there, and after which, i have no longer visited it.. lol =D Most task in there, involves writing reveiws etc, which is not suited for me, and thus i'm out.. hehe ^_^ U can try upload your own task as well ^_^
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• Singapore
29 Jan 10
but I have no tasks to give leh...
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@kun2349 (23381)
• Singapore
1 Feb 10
I guess most task came from writing of articles.. hehe ^_^ If u are a member of any review sites, that will be a good way of earning from both sides.. lol =D
@junil_jk (496)
• India
25 Jan 10
i've never completed a task. i'm just a few days old on mylot though. there was one task when i checked it today but it was only for US residents. maybe what u people say is true...most of the tasks are for US residents only.
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@salonga (27775)
• Philippines
27 Jan 10
There are no available tasks these days. The tasks are really empty and it has been for some few days already. I've done some tasks before. Some are writing jobs for Sharon Bucks and I was paid. But sadly no available tasks are displayed now. Maybe we just have to wait.
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@sanuanu (11235)
• India
26 Jan 10
Yes, I have completed one task which was asking me to write 4 paragraph on a topic but I didn't get paid for it as it was being rejected by the admin. Since then I have not tried any task in my career. Besides, I don't have time to even post on myLot, so I have not touched task section for a while!
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@K46620 (1986)
• United States
26 Jan 10
No I have not.
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@teamrose (1492)
• United States
27 Jan 10
I've never managed to figure out the tasks bar either. Once there was a task I could do, but trying to register for the task proved too daunting. This has proved to be a very difficult site for me to navigate.
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@bingchen (1119)
• China
27 Jan 10
i dont complete a task before,because i find that it is difficlut for me to do.i met many difficluties and have this experience as yours.so it make me disappointed and have this interest to finish task.although i know i can earn money from this espect of mylot.but when i could not easy finish task and spend my much time.i think that it is not signnificant to do like that.because i spend much time to be here for a long time now.i hope that i have another free time to do online and do what i want and valuable thing and make me happy.
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• Amman, Jordan
26 Jan 10
hi i have completed mor than one but its week because some tasks for determent countris if you want to make some of them you must have some information about the kinds of works in the internet see some information here and you can work in this great site http://www.bukisa.com/join/39155
@faimei (127)
• Philippines
27 Jan 10
Hi there. Since I'm new here, I haven't started any tasks on myLot. I'm still exploring how myLot really works. And when I do I may be able to check up on the tasks and be able to do something there.
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• Australia
26 Jan 10
I've completed one task and since then there haven't been any. I go to it everyday but I either miss them or they are for America only. Keep trying, sooner or later there will probably be one. Good luck.
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@jilshi (271)
• Malaysia
26 Jan 10
what is doing task? i do not understand. i could not find in mylot. anyone can assist me?
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@ravich (242)
• India
26 Jan 10
hi friend i tried to do that and also done 3-4 tasks where i have completed one and got paid 1$ for that ..after that i tried again and got one of my task rejected and never tried again for that and but some times i check back to have a site of task which earned me that dollar and didn't find it back till now..its good if you try that but takes time to complete that and requires more patience to complete that but i don't have that ..the reason why i am not doing any tasks now
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@Hazelrose (2179)
• Philippines
26 Jan 10
Hi squaretile,I did not try any task since i started here because i don't have enough time and i think its too hard.We need more time in doing task.Have a nice day!
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@lucaflo (20)
• Chile
26 Jan 10
I never realized that they were some tasks you can do in this page, the bad thing is that I'm an international user so I think I'll never find one available
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@kyel_11 (1069)
• Philippines
26 Jan 10
yes i was very happy when i saw that my tasks were approved. sometimes the task menu has links but most of the time it's empty too. There are also tasks for US citizens only.
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@brymel25 (285)
• Philippines
26 Jan 10
hi there. i haven't tried that one too. i am also quite hesitant to do tasks because some instructions are a bit confusing. each task also offers only a relatively small amount of payment. hmmm, i don't know if i will ever try doing one.maybe next time.
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