Google Adwords- Tried, Liked, Profited.

United States
January 28, 2010 8:02pm CST
I recently started working for a company that manufactures high-dollar systems that are used in every municipality, power plant and refinery in the US and abroad. We are a small company in a niche market (I know, I hate it when people refer to their market/industry as "niche"... but we truly are) and do not have a wealth of competitors to contend with. I handle the components sales and, at the direction of the boss, turned to our Google Adwords account that was setup months ago but never utilized. After logging into the account and getting a feel for how this thing worked, I started digging for every 'hot' word or phrase I could find that related to our industry and what we specifically do. After keying about 50 keywords into our account, I saved my changes and cast my line in the water. Within a week, I received the first phone call that shortly lead to an order from someone who needed a product, googled the product type, and went to our website. That order put enough cash in our pocket to pay for at least four more years of Adword advertising. Within the next two weeks, I received two more inquiries directly from our Adwords ads athat resulted in another order. Our monthly Adwords expenses? Less than $20. The beauty of it all? You don't pay if people don't click through to your website from their Google search results. It's like buying a billboard on Net 30 terms and only paying pennies at the end of the month for each person that actually looked at it and wrote down your number. Don't get me wrong... if you sell office supplies, insurance or some other product or service that has you competing with hundreds or thousands of other companies, then Adwords may not be as effective for you as it has been for me. But for a few bucks a month, what does it hurt to have another line in the water? It's a big lake, but the fish have to eat...
1 person likes this
2 responses
• Philippines
29 Jan 10
wow thanks for the great information about adwords now I will try to think a better keywords for my blog and congratulations to you! you did a great job!
• United States
29 Jan 10
Congrats again! And thanks!
@cperry (151)
• United States
31 Jan 10
Very Good post. I love to see people making good money online. I personally have made goog money online or the last 10 years. Most of my income has come from various affiliate programs. I even run a blog about makinging money with affiliate programs now. You can check out the link to the website in my profile. I wish you continued success with your online ventures.