State your best case for the existence of God/dess

@blummus (451)
United States
February 15, 2010 3:02pm CST
While belief in a divine Being -- however you want to define Him/Her/It -- is ultimately the bottom line, how would you answer this challenge? What logical or empirical arguements would you present to someone who has a pretty good general understanding of the world and language, but who has no clue about God one way or the other. What would you tell this person, and how would you demonstrate the existence of a Deity or Deities to them?
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5 responses
@gewcew23 (8007)
• United States
15 Feb 10
I do not have a good explanation for the existence of a God or Goddess. I guess what keeps me from going over the Atheist cliff is I cannot explain how the world was created without so kind of supreme being. There is the Big Bang, but I do not understand what started the Big Bang.
@blummus (451)
• United States
15 Feb 10
That's one of the things no physicist will tell you with certainty -- what, if anything, was before the Big Bang. Logically, something has to come from something else, but whatever was apparently was consumed in the creation of what is.
1 person likes this
• United States
15 Feb 10
The existence of beauty. The wonder of a sunset or sunrise; the excitement of how things all come together to create life; how the body can repair itself from illness, sometimes; how people can share love and unselfishness through a belief in something greater tahn self-interest. Every religion has its way of describing and promoting the wonder of love - - and that this love is given for us to share. There are many other things that help me believe in a higher power (and his son) but the existence of beauty that has been here for generations and will be here for generations to come is enough for me. And it sure beats feeling that we are all alone here.
@blummus (451)
• United States
1 Mar 10
Feeling good is as good a reason as I can think of. I respect your honesty, valentinesdiner.
@Bionicman (3958)
• Czech Republic
15 Feb 10
There's no good enough argument that would prove the existence of god. If Id's still have to present something, I'd say this: 1. Existence: The fact that something exist means there's a chance that it was created. Maybe by an intelligent creator. It's incredible there's something complex like universe and life and how it's constantly evolving. 2. Experience: We all experienced something that could suggest there's something more to life. Here's my story for example. I was sitting in my garden and was really bored. I was looking at some branch where I've seen a snake like 2 years ago and I thought it would be cool to see a snake again. 10 minutes after, I was lying on a bench on the other side of the garden. My hand was hanging on the ground when something touched it. You guessed right- a snake. It just passed by my hand and went away. Now what are the odds? I see a snake maybe once in 3 years. I don't think about snakes...that was like only time in my life that I was thinking "I wish there's a snake". Coincidence? Law of attraction? God?
@redhotpogo (4401)
• United States
22 Feb 10
The harder thing to do is prove which religion is the right religion, who is the true God. Its easy to prove there is a God. How did everything get here? Big bang? From what? How did it happen? How did it get here? Something cannot come out of nothing for no reason at all.
@floridia (296)
• Algeria
15 Feb 10
i think you don't have exact answers concerning this point. till now i still can't understand how 1+1+1=1 but they are three in the same time.
@gewcew23 (8007)
• United States
15 Feb 10
Let me ask you why do you believe in something that you cannot explain or understand. One other thing 1+1+1 always equals 3 but of course that would fly in the face of the OT teaching that there is only one God.