Has Hip Hop/R&B Replaced Rock as the Dominant Music of Youth?

United Kingdom
April 11, 2010 11:51am CST
Sometime in the 1950s, Rock and Roll or Rock became the supreme dominant music of young people, replacing Jazz as such and ushering in the 1960s Youth-Rock cultural revolution. Has the same thing happened to Rock; I mean, has it been replaced as the foremost music of the youthful lifestyle, by Hip Hop/R&B? The airwaves and Pop charts in my country are more or less dominated by R&B. Rock is still strong of course, as is Jazz, but something has changed; the question is...when? How? Is Hip Hop an entirely separate genre to Rock, as Rock was with Jazz? When did Hip Hop start to replace Rock as the principal voice of youth? Will Hip Hop itself be replaced? What of Dance? Electronic Dance? Was it ever a serious threat to Rock? Is it still current? What is the future of Popular Music? Does it have a future? let's talk Popular music, with special emphasis on Hip Hop/R&B and its relationship to Rock/Pop...
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5 responses
@jambi462 (4576)
• United States
12 Apr 10
I would say that it looks like it. Today's popular music or at least the music that I hear on the radio in my area is pretty bad I'm not going to lie. Rap is definitely becoming a pretty popular genre and their are a lot of famous artists using an instrument called autotune which is a program that automatically fixes all the problems in rappers voices. The reason a lot of rapper's have to use this is because they have no actual talent and can't hold a tune when actually singing. A lot of rap sounds the same and their lyrics are usually about how much money they have and a lot of derogatory speaking about women. I think that popular music will always be changing because a lot of society likes to be with the newest fads. The only thing is that music greatly influences who people are as a person and I feel like our next generation isn't going to be as intelligent due to listening to rappers brag about how much money they make and how many cars they own.
• Philippines
12 Apr 10
I'm not really sure but personally as a youth I listen more on R&B and Hip Hop rather than Rock coz I find Rock songs too emotional or too intense already. I just want a happy mood.
• United States
11 Apr 10
Hello, hello! Over here in the States Hip Hop Is More popular than Dance and R&B. I think it is in a close tie with Rock.All this started in the 80's. I remember my friends and I were noit into rap, that's what it was called back then, so when it was played at dances we sat and waited for the pop and rock to play. By the 90's Rap/ Hip Hop came of age and by 2000, it was just as popular as rock. Rock and Hip Hop are in different categories but there isn't a huge fight. There are many who love both. There isn't a war like with Punk and Mod? Everything is cool.
@bunnybon7 (50973)
• Holiday, Florida
11 Apr 10
i fought the new movement from rock as long as i could. but just like metal, because of my kids and grandkids insistance on playing it around me it kind of grew on me. i have no idea how. but i will say that for some reason the youngest generation always sets the trend where music is concerned. so, yes its in all the movies just about, and is the main music played right now. yes it seems to be taking over the music industry.
@jazper26 (56)
• Philippines
12 Apr 10
It all depends on the place where were you. It's not about changing the music or moves but the environment of your place. But now i can say that the most playing music in the bar is "HOUSE music"that you can really dance with.