Hello Everyone!

United States
April 16, 2010 3:49pm CST
I finally have internet! Lots and lots have happened to me since I was last online. Filed for divorce today. Cost me $250 and I enjoyed spending that money. I have met a wonderful man since moving out from my husband. Threw caution to the wind and fell head over heals in love. Good can come out of a bad situation. Look around you and do not be afraid to embrace what comes along.
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19 responses
@ElicBxn (63307)
• United States
16 Apr 10
Welcome back! I'd been getting a bit concerned that you were gone for so long. Congrats on the divorce and new love - that's the way to do it, ya know, move out THEN meet the nice guy!
2 people like this
• United States
28 Apr 10
He is an extremely nice guy. Luck was on my side!
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@ElicBxn (63307)
• United States
29 Apr 10
@dawnald (85148)
• Shingle Springs, California
16 Apr 10
It's more expensive in CA. lol But I'm ready to start filling out papers. Don't think I'm going to get much cooperation, he keeps trying to change my mind. Best of luck with your new life!!!
2 people like this
• United States
28 Apr 10
He tried to change my mind. I am not going to change. Love my new found self.
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@dawnald (85148)
• Shingle Springs, California
28 Apr 10
yesterday afternoon he says he'll go down to the courhouse with me when I file, wants me to be happy bla bla bla, yesterday afternoon he doesn't understand why I'm doing this and wants another chance... It's going to be a long year...
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@kgwat70 (13388)
• United States
17 Apr 10
Hi! Welcome back my friend! It is great to see you online again. That is great that you filed for divorce since you were not happy being with your husband and hope this new man loves you and treats you better and takes good care of you. That is very good advice that you gave. Hope to see you online when you can.
• United States
28 Apr 10
Hello Ken. My new love treats me so well. He is a blessing to me.
@jillhill (37354)
• United States
17 Apr 10
Good for you! I truly hope things work out for you! It's a tough decision....but I know how you feel. When I filed I felt like the weight of the world was lifted off my shoulder....best of luck to you!
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• United States
28 Apr 10
That is exactly how I felt. Big sigh of relief! And when I met this sweet man life got even better.
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@momiecat (997)
• United States
17 Apr 10
Hello Elusive, glad you hear you have internet again. We depend on it so much these days. My ex filed because I did not want to pay the cost too, but it was the best thing he did for me. I met another guy also, and he has treated me so much better than the ex. We have been married a fast 17 years now and I could care less about my ex, in fact, wish I had never met him. I hope this new love is the same for you as what I experienced and that you will be happy together for many years to come.
• United States
28 Apr 10
I can only hope that it will be so.
@crazydaisy (3896)
• Canada
17 Apr 10
I am really happy for you I hope everything goses good for you!!! cd
2 people like this
• United States
28 Apr 10
Things still continue to be great.
@Polly1 (12645)
• United States
16 Apr 10
When I seen your name in my email I thought I hope its not bad news, you have had more then your share recently. I can "hear" the excitement in your words. I am so happy for you, you deserve it. I so want to fall in love again, I miss it. I do wish you all the best. Also welcome back to cyberworld-we at mylot have missed you. your gonna have to keep us informed with how things are going so we can cheer for you. Its always nice to share the good news. Take care, be happy.
2 people like this
• United States
28 Apr 10
Every day is a good one. Love my new life and my new love.
@Thoroughrob (11742)
• United States
18 Apr 10
Hi! Glad to see you back. I hope you remain as happy as you seem right now. You deserve to be happy.
1 person likes this
• United States
28 Apr 10
I can only hope and pray that this doesn't end. But, I also know from experience that we don't always get what we want. I am happy with my life at the moment and I live for every moment.
@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
18 Apr 10
Hi Elusive That is wonderful and it sounds like you are on the right road now I wish you happiness as you certainly deserve it Big Hugs
1 person likes this
• United States
28 Apr 10
I have chosen the right road. Sometimes things happen fast and we have no control over it. This seems to be the case. But, it is a good thing.
@suscan (1955)
• United States
18 Apr 10
Good luck to you on your new start. It is sometimes hard to embrace the new moments in life, but love is always healing.
1 person likes this
• United States
28 Apr 10
Excited about my new life. Nice to have someone to share the new with.
@paula27661 (15811)
• Australia
20 Apr 10
It is great to see you back with us again ElusiveButterfly! So you are in love...That’s fantastic, great news! It goes to show that you never know what’s around the corner and every cloud has a silver lining and all that...I can read your joy in your discussion (LOL)!Enjoy it, this is a very special time for you!
1 person likes this
• United States
28 Apr 10
I am extremely happy again...have never been this happy!
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@Imran_A (82)
• India
16 Apr 10
Hey...It's great that you finally found the right person, you are very lucky..Great going, I'm sure you are enjoying ur life now to the fullest, congratzz and great that you got back to internet.. Welcome back :)
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@caiye786 (95)
• China
17 Apr 10
In few days ,i have seen many guys puzzled in divorce ,i feel sad for them .How splendid love is. i want to share some good sentence With you .it is in the world of love ,no one indebted for others ,while many people don't know how to cherish others .if we can only weeping With the smile rather than repenting With the cry .how beautiful words.
2 people like this
• United States
19 Apr 10
Very happy that you've found someone new! Congrats for getting out of a relationship that wasn't for you and moving on! Takes a very good and strong-willed person to do that. :) Keep us posted and have a good day.
1 person likes this
• United States
28 Apr 10
Thank you.
@GardenGerty (159036)
• United States
17 Apr 10
Hon, I wish you well, I know you said it needed to be done. My only question is whether or not this head over heels thing is too fast or not. However, it is your own life, and I did some head over heels myself as a widow. Hugs to you, keep us up to date with your happenings.
1 person likes this
• United States
17 Apr 10
That was a concern for me too, but this is the real deal. Can't believe it happened to me. Makes me crazy knowing how fast it happened though. We both discussed how quickly we fell for one another even though we talked about taking things slowly. His statement was that people have been known to fall in love at first sight and marry the same day. So, I guess in a way, we are taking it slow. Big huggers to you.
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@BarBaraPrz (46175)
• St. Catharines, Ontario
17 Apr 10
Well, good for you. Hope it's all you want it to be.
1 person likes this
• United States
28 Apr 10
It is great!
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@Hatley (163781)
• Garden Grove, California
18 Apr 10
hi I wondered where you were elusivebutterfly. I am glad that you have filed for divorce, Kind of nice too that You have met a wonderful man. We all need to love and be loved. Is life now better for you? Yes much good can come out of a bad situation indeed. what is the situation with your two sons now? is it better, hope so hugs from hatley.
1 person likes this
• United States
28 Apr 10
Things are great with me and my new love. I will post an update on my sons.
@Janey1966 (24170)
• Carlisle, England
28 May 10
It's great when something good comes out of a bad situation. I am very pleased for you and I include this link that isn't connected...but you do seem to like butterflies so I hope the pics make you gasp with wonder like I did when I saw them. Enjoy my friend. http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/sci/tech/8709314.stm
@bestylish (922)
• Philippines
17 Apr 10
I hope you'll do well with your new husband.
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