
@riyasam (16556)
November 16, 2006 5:49am CST
hw many of u hav kid??
2 people like this
19 responses
@ansje46 (372)
• Netherlands
29 Nov 06
yes i have 2 childeren buth they are older teenagers
@riyasam (16556)
• India
30 Nov 06
• India
16 Nov 06
@riyasam (16556)
• India
19 Nov 06
@luskas (3428)
• Portugal
16 Nov 06
I dont...
@riyasam (16556)
• India
16 Nov 06
• India
16 Nov 06
i' m bachelor
@riyasam (16556)
• India
16 Nov 06
• United States
16 Nov 06
I have a 6 year old, a 3 year old and a 2 year old
@riyasam (16556)
• India
16 Nov 06
• India
16 Nov 06
i dont have...
@riyasam (16556)
• India
16 Nov 06
r u married?
• India
19 Nov 06
I am not married , still single
@Thewishlady (1057)
• Netherlands
27 Nov 06
I have got no children yet. Me and my boyfriend would like to have kids in the future. We are both still young so we want to wait for 1-2 years.
@lena2000 (2392)
• Belgium
16 Nov 06
i have 1 child my 6 years old son brent
@riyasam (16556)
• India
16 Nov 06
ihav 1 daughter of 4yrs n 8mnth old son
@sunita64 (6469)
• India
27 Nov 06
Sorry , I do not have any.
• India
9 Dec 06
No kids. I am a bachelor....
@xabelsx (512)
• Italy
16 Nov 06
i don't know
@riyasam (16556)
• India
16 Nov 06
y dont know?
@nana1944 (1364)
• United States
27 Nov 06
I have a daughter who is almost 43 years old. I lost 5 after she was born. She has given me 5 grandchildren and one of her daughters has given me a very wonderful greatgrandson.
@siddhinfo (1500)
• India
27 Nov 06
I have 2 Kid. Older is Daughter and second Child is Son. Daughter is doing her 1st yera college and son is in School. What about your children.
@cyberfluf (4996)
• Netherlands
16 Nov 06
I have about 20 :P LOL! Just kidding... I got a job at a center that provides afterschool care for children in the age range of 4 to 12 years old. They can have a (healthy) snack, sandwich and lots of stuff to play with. There are also couches, books and other things like wool, etc to make stuff with. There are 2 people on each group to help out and keep order, I work with kids ages 7 to 12. I don't have own kids yet, but it feels like having a herd of them! :) LOL! I do love the job and I'm glad I was picked ^_^
@macubx (11414)
• Philippines
19 Nov 06
no kids yet..
@Sorathian (4329)
• Pakistan
16 Nov 06
I Don't Have Any
@rocknroll (1535)
• India
19 Nov 06
no i don't hv..
@hemalover (829)
• Egypt
16 Nov 06
i dont have kids