Are you what you want to become when you were a child?

April 18, 2010 4:41am CST
As a child, first I wanted to be a teacher.. I taught my cousins, nieces, nephews and neighbors the same way as how my teacher did it at school... In the middle of my primary days and years, on my 3rd grade, then I wanted to become a doctor but I am a nervous person and maybe during operations or emergency situations I will be the one to faint than my patien.. I never became a teacher, neither a doctor, but I become an engineer, I love mathematics though... how about you? did you ever become as what you wanted to be as a little child? :-)
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18 responses
@syankee525 (6261)
• United States
18 Apr 10
i am sure not, i wanted to be either a stunt man, so at least i could have gotten paid for getting hurt. or take pictures for playboy lol.
• Philippines
18 Apr 10
oh ouch does it really hurt? dangerous one huh? i think the pain you feel is lost after you are paid.. right?
@sacmom (14192)
• United States
19 Apr 10
Hi shigeraldz. There were plenty of things I wanted to be when I was growing up. I wanted to be a ballerina, a model, an actress, a veterinarian, and so on. Like you, I even wanted to a teacher at one time or another. But I wound up being a mom instead. I did get to work in a veterinary office for a short time before I became pregnant with my eldest though. So, even though I didn't actually get to be a vet, I was still able to take care of the animals. However when it comes to all the other things it was never meant to be. LOL Happy mylotting!
• Philippines
19 Apr 10
everything happens with a reason and purpose so why regret what you become today, though they were not as what you wnated to be when you were a child.. keep up... :-)
@junmae (1586)
• Philippines
19 Apr 10
No, when I was young, i dreamed of being a model or a flight stewardess. But then, I failed and now, i am just an ordinary office staff in an office with a very cheap salary. I guess those dream would be very impossible to come true this day because I will be a mom and being a mom is a very hard job among all. I will just focus on how to earn more and how can I give my baby a good future.
@monkeylong (3139)
• Guangzhou, China
18 Apr 10
As far as I am concerned, I think I am not what I want to become when I was still a young boy. Though I am trying my best to realize my dream now, it still exasts a lot difficulties in front of myself. But I will never give up, keep to stick to my dream. I think with my effort in my hands, I think I will succeed in the end.I can become what I want to become when I was still young. Have a nice day my friend.
• Malaysia
19 Apr 10
I wish to be a drummer, b'coz I was so crazy to a band form HK - Beyond
• Philippines
18 Apr 10
Hi shigeraldz, No, I didn't become what I wanted to be when I was a child. I wanted to be a lot of things! I dreamed of becoming a teacher, a manager or an accountant. Sadly, I haven't become one of those. But it's okay, I'm learning to love what I do now, and it's not too late to fulfill my dreams.
• Philippines
18 Apr 10
yes it is not still too late to fulfill those least in our everyday lives, we still do any of them.. we may not notice some of them but we actually do them everyday...
@raj917 (66)
• India
18 Apr 10
no, when I was a child, I had lot of ideas, its all called attraction on those things.
• Philippines
18 Apr 10
yes, child can really be attracted to thinhs easily, especially to things they find to be interesting and fun...
@Theresaaiza (10487)
• Australia
19 Apr 10
It is expected that as we grow our preferences change. In my case, I am a nurse by profession but it never occurred to me ever that I would be. Well it figures since I was only encouraged to go to nursing school. It was not my decision. I dreamed of being a photojournalist, then a vet, then a psychologist, sometime before I wanted to be in the army! But all of that didn't happen.
@alex8288 (290)
• Philippines
19 Apr 10
nope, nope, nope, when i was a child i want to be a ninja, hahahahaha
• India
18 Apr 10
no not yet well i always had d dream of becoming airhostess and then a fashion designer bt now a successful business women so i m going along the way bt havent reachd d destination yet.
@rumshie (186)
• Philippines
18 Apr 10
since im not done with my studies, i can't really answer your question. but when i was younger, i really want to be a doctor/lawyer and gladly, i'm taking the path to become a lawyer now. : but im still currently taking up it's PRIMARY COURSE since i can't enrol as a student of DOCTOR OF LAW without graduating a 4 or 5 year course. :
@lassielee (134)
• China
19 Apr 10
Yes,when I was a child I wanted to be a scientist.But,now,I think it's pretty hard for me.So,I just want to do my best to do what i should do now and not do some unrealistic things.
@markleob (1902)
• Philippines
18 Apr 10
wow we are almost the same... when i was just a kid my dad would ask me what to take up when im gonna be in college.. i would say,"teacher" but now i am taking engineering and i am no in my fourth year.. i am taking up bachelor of science in civil engineering.... i just love mechanics and structural designs...
@jorkio (3)
18 Apr 10
When i was a little I wanted to be an animal vet,architect or computer hacker :).Right now i'm not really any of thoose things. Have a nice day :)
@wainaa (70)
• Philippines
19 Apr 10
i did not imagine myself to be an engineer when i was a child. i used to dream of being a rich business woman and i still do until now. problem is i don't have any capital to begin with. i'm a student currently taking up an engineering course but entering this field is just a stepping stone into fulfilling the bigger image i've drawn for myself. i can't really tell if i would become what i've always dreamed of since i'm still in the process of making it happen but i sure would do my best in reaching my goals. i have so many dreams and life is short so i always believe in making the most out of my time. :)
@earthsong (589)
• United States
18 Apr 10
When I was little I wanted to be an animal vet, and then an architect. I am neither. Right now I'm a college student getting my business degree, and getting ready to go for round two and get my IT degree. At this point I'm still not sure what I'll be when I grow up LOL
@Porcospino (31366)
• Denmark
18 Apr 10
When I was a child I wanted to become a teacher. I loved reading and writing, and I wanted to teach Danish or literature. Later I changed my mind and decided that I would like to become a librarian. I read a lot, and it sounded like the perfect job. I kept that dream for a long time, but eventually I decided that I would prefer to become a journalist, because I really enjoyed writing, so I thought it would be interesting to work as a journalist. Today I am not a teacher, a librarian or a journalist, but I still love to write and read and I write poems and short stories.
@maezee (41996)
• United States
18 Apr 10
No, not really. When I was little I had so many ideas of what I wanted to be; not legitimate ideas. More like "singer", "olympic swimmer", and so on. As it turns out I am horrible at both singing and swimming. So I would say a no on this.
@umit_umit (1984)
• India
18 Apr 10
well some tend to become what they thought as a child,but not with everyone,i am not what i thought when i was child!