Marriage: What do you think about it?

@x_Jo_x (1040)
May 7, 2010 7:37am CST
When you are in a serious relationship and you KNOW you love each other loads, do you think you should get married? One way of looking at it is, youre showing your commitment to each other, telling the world that you love this other person and want to spend your life with them and celebrating your love with all your friends and family. Other way - You love each other, you both know it and thats all that counts. You dont NEED a big fancy wedding to proove that. Sometimes in life its the smaller things that matter not the bigger things. Would you get married? If you are married what was your reason for getting married? Do you regret it or best decision of your life? How long do you think you should be with someone before you even think about getting married?
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18 responses
@monkeylong (3139)
• Guangzhou, China
8 May 10
As far as I am concerned, I think it is so wonderful to have a marriage in the life. I think the marriage can be the happiest moment in the whole life. So I think I wil look forward to seeing my marriage come to me soon if I have met the right person in my life.
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• Philippines
8 May 10
There are so many factors that one has to consider before getting into the arena. Sad to say, LOVE is not enough. Unlike those hopeless romantics who preach that "Love will keep us Alive", the reality in marriage life is a lifelong learning process. Before anything else, I questioned myself numerous questions why I should get in. Not doubts towards my girl. But doubts about myself. Will I be able to stand true to my word till the end of time? Will I be able to provide well for my family? If things get rough between us, will I be able to stand by her and not falter? It really ends all up to asking ourselves.
@ifa225 (14463)
• Indonesia
8 May 10
i had married and that is the greatest decision i ever made. I know where i want to come home and i have kids that are waiting for me in that home. maybe that is the greatest feelings i ever felt
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• South Africa
7 May 10
Somewhere along the way you reach a point when you are sure that you want to spend the rest of your life with that specific someone, for some it may be within months of meeting for others it maybe a couple of years. That's the wonderful thing about us humans; in so many ways we are the same, but then we also differ in many other ways. But when you reach that point it may just be the right time to get married. Marriage is a confirmation of your love as well as a promise. A promise to love, to cherish, etc. plus you get the added family (in-laws) and security, as provided by law for spouses. Of course if you get married, do it because you want to not because society or family pressure, but remember, if both of you a truly committed to each other, marriage wont make a difference to how you treat each other. Lastly, if you are a christian, marriage is the only way to go.
@kenites (337)
• Philippines
8 May 10
I think marriage is not all about love nor the stability of your relation, although this thing is also very important. I think one more important thing you should consider is your financial stability. Let's face the fact that in marriage money is also very important. More so when you decided to have a baby. Raising a child is expensive. Milk alone can cost you a lot. And when it is time for them to go to school tuition can be expensive. Not to mention the bills, like the phone, internet, electric, water or even hospital bills. Some of my friends who married earlier in their life has this problem. I myself married at an earlier age. My girlffriend got pregnant and she wants a marriage. But for me marriage is not really urgent thing to do since we're young at that time. And honestly I am not sure if I am in love with her since I we're just together for less than a year. And I am not sure if I knew her that well. I have a main reason for marrying her, and I think she did not know this until know.I was a member of an activist group before and I feel that my life is in jeopardy and if not I know it will be a mess. I have a hard time trying to stay away from them. So I decided to marry her, we got married and we decided to move from another place far from the current one. We started a new life. My parents is too good to give us financial assistance to start a new business. At the early stage in our marriage troubles is very common since we were still adjusting and knowing more from each other. But as years went by, our relation becomes stronger, and one thing that I realize is love can always be learned. I learned to love her more. Now we're going to celebrate our tenth anniversary and still going stronger with our five children.
7 May 10
the marriage is nice things, but no need to rush because is a big choice
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@youless (112466)
• Guangzhou, China
8 May 10
I agree to get married at the end. The paper of marriage does make a difference. It is not legally prove that you are couples. But it is also a proof that both of you will love and care each other in your rest lives. This is a serious relationship. I love China
@family4 (52)
• Canada
8 May 10
My husband and I were together for 7 years before we got married. We were raising his daughter from a previous relationship and had decided to add a child of our own. We wanted the wedding to be special for our oldest and included her in the ceremony. It was very small and it was more of a marriage of the family celebration then wedding. This past year my husband I and decided to renew our vows for our 5th wedding anniversary. It was just our girls, my parents and us. it was written by us, held at a beautiful victorian house and short and sweet. We went for dinner all dressed up afterwards and really enjoyed the day. Both ceremonies were more about the committment to family and each other then the big production of big budget fancy weddings. I completely agree that people need to live together for longer then 2 yrs before getting married so they know who the person is and who they are. Marriage is a way to tell the world you love your spouse but it is a big commitment that puts stress on not completely solid relationships. The new has to wear off before you take that step or it has a big chance of not lasting. i have seen many many friends be so 'in love' then get divorced before they reach 5 years. I have never regretted marrying my husband and would do it again and again for the wonderful memories. It is a big decision to chose one person to spend the rest of your life with take your time and make sure it is the right person and that you can weather any storm that comes your way.
@andy77e (5156)
• United States
8 May 10
As a Christian, I believe God demands that I back up my claimed love of my wife, with the commitment of Marriage. I don't want to play rent-to-own, or "test drive" or any other game. I want to make it real, or forget about it. As a pragmatic, the average life span of a unmarried move-in relationship, is 3 years. That's the average. Then they brake up, and move in with someone else. Then 3 years later, repeat the whole thing. Only 1 in 10 move-in unmarried couples, last a life time. And half of those which do, get married quickly after moving in together. Quickly being normally under a year. Granted, marriage is not a sure thing. Not by a long shot. But undoubtedly, saving yourself for marriage, and getting married first, has the highest rate of success. I for one, want the best possible chance for a successful marriage. Lastly, as a close friend, I have personally witnessed the pain and heartache of so many of my closest friends, as they bounce around from relationship to relationship, never getting married, never lasting, always getting hurt by someone they thought loved them.
• China
7 May 10
There should be a lot of changes in my coming life. I cant imagine this relationship which is expected to be unchanged.
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@sender621 (14894)
• United States
7 May 10
If you love your special someone and are committed in a realationship with that person, you have to consider marriage. Marriage is a union and a bond of trust. If your love is true and lasting, marriage should be on youe mind.
• Philippines
7 May 10
Yes, I would probably get married in the future with the one I truly love. marriage for me is so sacred. It is very essential for me before having a family of my own. It serves as a blessing for a beginning family. Aside from that, children who were born outside marriage will be very pitiful because other people might think of them as illegitimate which is not good to hear. If I would get married, I would surely want to know the person whom I'll be giving my life with before we engage into marriage. I don't want to regret in the future so as much as possible I want to make it sure.
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@Rhazelle (356)
• Canada
7 May 10
I would get married so that I can tell the world "this man is mine, back off" I mean I really don't NEED a big fancy wedding, that is true, but it's nice to have one I suppose. If I really didn't have the money it wouldn't matter to me. If I do though, and it's sort of optional, then why not? But I suppose I will anyway, because I'm asian, and asian families are all about pride and honour and if I have kids before I'm married it's kind of... dishonourable or something.
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7 May 10
as for me, i wouldn't pursue a relationship for the sake of really loving each other... i would consider lots of things before getting married,
@sharay (2769)
• India
8 May 10
Would you get married? - I am already married, but there would be no choice for in our culture it is compulsory to get married, but i personally feel living together is best than getting married If you are married what was your reason for getting married? - The foremost reason was due to my parent's compulsion and also i really liked my husband, i wouldnt say i loved him at that point, before marriage Do you regret it or best decision of your life? - It has been 5 years adn we are still clinging on to each other...there has been no detorioration in our love so far, i do soemtimes very rarely feel upset due to soem happenings, but never regreted, would never regret in future too How long do you think you should be with someone before you even think about getting married? - That depends since the time to take to understand a person varies and also, i dont believe in marriages, if u love someone, live with them, why is marriage necsry? you need not proove anything to others, right?
@calixto21 (103)
• Argentina
8 May 10
if you really love the other person i dont think you need to get married, that's just for a kind of social thing,or if you are intrested in the other person money.
• Philippines
8 May 10
Marriage is a lifetime commitment. You are giving your life to someone that you love. The two of you become one. You will always agree things in one accord. For better or for worse, the two of you will share it. Some people do not understand the meaning of commitment in marriage. They easily get discouraged when they found out something they don't like about their partner. They easily call it a divorce without working out things to make it better. The reason why it is called lifetime commitment because you have to know each other, to discover each other, to quarrel, to love for a lifetime. Courtship days is different from married life. Fancy wedding is not the gauge to have a solid relationship. It is the right communication, the right signal, the right radar and the right forecast between the two of you. Before I was so afraid to get married because I don't know what to do over my attitude and character because I'm going to be with a big strangers for a lifetime. I cannot imagine it. But now I understand every thing. I am ready to face all the challenges in marriage.
• Philippines
8 May 10
the sacred union of two individuals.people marry for many reasons including social,emotional,and religious as well. i want to get married when im fully done helping my parents. I want to have a decent job and to earn a living from it not just for me but for my future family as well.