which one is better friends, Earning Online or Working in office??

May 20, 2010 10:30am CST
Earn money by online or Earn money by working in office??? I think both are better and worst because if you are earning by online then you think that you will be in house no need to go out side to work but its very difficult get paid earlier!!! same if you work in office some times because of stress and outing you will get tired you will get hospitalized for serious hazards...... so i am in full of confusion which one is better... Can you tell me which one is better????
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14 responses
• China
21 May 10
I think you can find a job in office which is not so busy. Then use your spare time to earn Online.
• China
20 May 10
Well it depends on the earning. from where you earning more. If you can earn more in office then batter to work office. But if you are earning more at online. Then should invest time here. But there is one advantage to work online. That is you will be your own boss. And you can decide your time.
• Indonesia
20 May 10
i fully agree with you.... if you could earn more especially with same amount of time you should go there... and actually earning money is not only onlne or office, you should consider something you like to do coz they maybe can make you earn money too and the most important thing happily haha
@HADDOWZ (1469)
21 May 10
Hello, If I had the choice between staying at home, starting work when I felt like it, stopping for breaks, having lunch whenever I liked and finishing work early, or doing a 9 til 5 office job, I would most definately stay at home. Sadely there are very very few actual jobs like this available for anyone to do. At least with officework you know the job would be done on time and I would get paid on time, so there is something to say about job security away from home in the workplace. Have a great day..
@_Honey_ (780)
• Philippines
21 May 10
Work online - what i find exciting about working online is you are within the comfort of your home while working. it saves you from transportation and meal allowance. :)
Earning money online gives you the privilege to work within the comforts of your home. It saves you time because you don't need to travel anymore, you don't need to wake up to early to prepare and you don't need to spend money for transportation/meal allowance. What I like about working in the office is in most cases, they provide you medical benefits. If you stay longer, some provide pensions. I suggest you still go for an office job for now then see if you can manage it with part time jobs online till you make really good connections that will improve your credentials.
• Philippines
21 May 10
if i were given the choice... i'd rather work online at home sometimes the commute and the hassle of dealing with people just bothers me and it frustrates me working online for now is not yet that big for me I'm still working on getting that number that i've set as my goal as soon as i hit it for 3 months straight i'm quitting and devoting myself full time to being my own boss :D
• Indonesia
21 May 10
for me.. it's better to earning online.. because i'm just getting bored working in office.. by earning online, we can schedule our own time, and we can great friends while we are working, so i can always keep contact with my friends and when i want to go out.. i don't need to excuse to someone.... just go out ^^
@celticeagle (165348)
• Boise, Idaho
20 May 10
If you are able to work and make good money and the work makes you happy then work in an office. But, if you are ailing or disabled and can't work then earning online is a great way to make some extra money. It depends on the situation and what you have going on in your life.
@anuraa32 (2446)
• India
21 May 10
I would say it is better to work in an office. That should be your main source of income. And the online earning should only suplement your earnings. You dont know hwo the internet job will go. There is no tangable job here. There is no one specific one can hold responsible. There is no physical form to the thing called boss. And there is no what one would say, you know, in the office, we will surely get paid that much every month. We know that we are going to get certain amount of money every month. It is something confirmed. But not so for online. So online is good to suplement your income. But where the main source of income is concerned, office job or any job which has a physical form is better.
@ybong007 (6643)
• Philippines
21 May 10
There are always the pros and cons. But the ideal is to be your own boss. This is easy to achieve if you work online. Working online is good but you have to very good at it because if not, you'll just end up earning cents which may not be even sufficient to pay the internet bill much more to feed yourself or your family if you have any. On the other hand there are a lot of stress if you have an offline job and if you just an employee but at least there are laws that requires employer to pay minimum wage which is sufficient enough to support you and your family if you have any. The ideal is to find ways to earn income whether online or offline.
@airasheila (5454)
• Philippines
21 May 10
Good day to you Sach143_u, Both are better for me. However, you are right, working in an office is very stressful. And that the health is at stake. Well, the thing that I can share is, check how much you have save and if that is enough to sustain you, then go for an on-line business, then look for another line of business that is less stressful because in due time, the savings you have will be exhauted soon.
@magtibaygom (4858)
• Philippines
20 May 10
I cannot point out here which one is better. It depends. If you want a secured income, then working in office is better, because you will receive regular pay (salary) which is a secured form of income. Now, on the other side, you can earn unlimited income working online. Although this form of income is not secured, this income can possibly make you rich if you become wildly successful in earning online. So, can you see now the difference? First one is for "security-minded persons", while the second one is for "freedom-minded individuals". The truth is SECURITY and FREEDOM are two opposite things. The more secured income you have, the less personal freedom you can have! An effective illustration to this, is the prison cell. If a convicted prisoner's FREEDOM level does down as he is being moved to the "maximum SECURITY compound". There he can enjoy higher level of SECURITY, but ultra-low level of FREEDOM! Look at managers of big corporations, the higher they ascend the corporate ladder, the higher their salaries they get, but less personal freedom they enjoy (probably because of increased job responsibility associated with salary increase and job promotion). Some of them don't enjoy life anymore and are already enslaved to their jobs. Now, it's up to you. Where do you fit in?
@atha13 (159)
• Malaysia
21 May 10
I love doing both! For me, making money online is just side income while working in the office contributes to my main income. Though it seems great to earn online at the comfort of your own home, but the source of income is not secure. The online business can go bust anytime. On the other hand, having a full-time job is more secure as you got paid every month. So if you are thinking of quitting your current daily job right now, please think twice before you make up your mind.
• India
21 May 10
try both to earn more money. never stick to one.
• United States
21 May 10
well earning online is slower that the office so i think that the office makes u more money so i would prefer the office and you dont have as many distractions! haha