have u ever dated with a my lot friend?

May 23, 2010 4:23am CST
i am asking that have u ever dated or made a friend from my lot.. who is an essential part of your life now? or every one is just an earning friend here.. ?
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10 responses
@juggerogre (1653)
• Philippines
23 May 10
I haven't tried dating mylot friends. But I have lots of beautiful friends here that I want to date them some time :D
• Pakistan
23 May 10
i m not only talking about dating.. i am asking.. have you met any body?
• Philippines
23 May 10
They're beautiful in the pictures but not everyone is what they seemed. it's nice though we have so many attractive friends. recently i have seen old mylotters who are prettier than before, but there was this mylotter who is actually pretty i even admit i had a crush on her but she push me off
@smiley83 (1534)
• Malaysia
27 May 10
Well, it has never crossed my mind to think over dating a mylotter!!! I think that is way too impossible for me as my purpose is to earn some payouts not to search for somebody despite the fact of having so many handsome guys here..but, I'm not into pick up somebody for a date... As for meeting up friends from here; well, I haven't thought of that..We do keep on messaging each other but I never thought of asking them to show up..& i don't even have time to meet my real close friends due to some busyness...
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• Pakistan
28 May 10
well i also never thought about that.. the reason before this is i m living in Pakistan.. and there are a few persons from Pakistan.. i was just asking.. because this question came to my mind.. and i placed it here.. i really dont have that time to visit my lot every day and post some responds.. so it is almost very impossible for me to place some messages.. because those are not instant messaging.. and i cant wait for the replies.. because replies rarely come..
@vijayanths (7877)
• India
23 May 10
I have a lot of friends here on Mylot. They are all good friends to me that is all. I don't date mylot friends.
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• Pakistan
23 May 10
i mean to say that have u ever met with any one?
@Fireheart (683)
• India
24 May 10
Dating in my lot i dont think that is possible, as you may know people we meet here are strangers across world who know what all kind of people we meet, it would be unwise but meeting in real world is different than meeting people in virtual world,i accept reality than virtual, i take everyone by as an earning friend, for sole purpose, as no one i met seems to make a company than for just to earn.
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• Pakistan
26 May 10
yes you are right.. that means it is almost impossible to make a friend in my lot and meet him or her..
@mine2008 (107)
• Philippines
26 May 10
im looking for a friends here if you looking for a date then start going on some dating site not here lol
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• Pakistan
26 May 10
no i m not looking for any date.. and where i live.. it is impossible to date.. because you can only date with a person from your country.. and there are almost no members from my country in my lot..
@rhinarea (311)
23 May 10
So far here in mylot I've gained friends but not dated anyone.
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@ifa225 (14464)
• Indonesia
23 May 10
we make friend while earning too, it is so much fun so never thought to date one.
• Philippines
23 May 10
Hello kooltiger, I have known this mylotter for a long time before i got her into mylot. she's busy now a days with work, married. Yes, i must say before i had dated this person numerous times, with his husbands approval and had spent nights with her too. we both never regret it, am happy something like that happened in my life.
• United Kingdom
23 May 10
No,I have never dated anybody from My Lot but I'd love to, given a chance..:)...Well,there a lot of good looking chicks here who's profile pics draw me towards them.Sometimes,I really have to stop myself from commenting on their looks because they look just so sexy.But,I exercise patience and restraint and tell myself that My Lot is above all and can't help to lose it any cost.So,this is to all you beautiful young ladies out there,if you are single,please do not hesitate to contact me..:)
@dav20b (507)
• United States
24 May 10
no I have not dated any one here and I do not date people online.