kids are smarter than adults..

@amelly (1554)
June 3, 2010 12:19am CST
how would you react if there is kids around you are smarter and knowledgeable than you?surely there will be some kids that are genius since they were babies and some were gifted with super intellingence in math, music and some other skill..personally i envy these gifted kids because they are special in their own way..i do talk about kids,not teens or pre teens..we get can smarter by learning but i can be mesmerize if a small kid can answer a difficult algebra question or answer some difficult questions maturedly..
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17 responses
• Philippines
3 Jun 10
This sometimes happen actually but in terms of logical thinking. Kids tend to think clearer than adults when it comes to that. I think it's because kids have less problems than adults.
@amelly (1554)
• Malaysia
3 Jun 10
kids says the things they see and hear..but adults say things they know,see and being added by others..the part less problem also don't have to worry like adult
• Philippines
3 Jun 10
D@mn right.
• United States
3 Jun 10
Actually I believe kids do have to worry about what they because of there parents. yes it true they say what they see and here but it doesnt mean they have nothing to worry about. Some nthings here is the wrong thing to see or here for there age.
@laglen (19759)
• United States
3 Jun 10
sadly, alot of them are. I became useless home work help in math and science by 6th grade!
@laglen (19759)
• United States
8 Jun 10
yep, but I can still help with English, Lit and History!
@amelly (1554)
• Malaysia
8 Jun 10
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@syankee525 (6261)
• United States
3 Jun 10
that is the problme these younger kids might be smarter when it comes to thing like math and using these new techony and stuff. then they think they are smarter then us old people when it comes to life, in fact most of them are so dumb when it comes to life. they have no clue about life and how to treat family and friends. then i love when one of these young fool think they should be able to be in control of older people and tell them what they need to do, i looked at them and laugh at them, i have an issue to allow anyone to control me at all, specaily if they are young enough to be one of my kids. then thier feelings gey hurt and they cry over i wont allow them to tell me what to do. but i really love when they think they know about marriage and how it should be when either they never been married or been married for a very short time i think most kids from 19 to 30 are just reatards, and from 12 to 18 are just stuipd
• United States
3 Jun 10
most of the kids these days from 12 to 30 are so sad. how they treat older people. and how they think they know everything about life. and love when they are like this is what you need to with your life or marriage... then i ask them are you married ? no so what do you know about being married beside nothing? what are you doing with your life or what have you done in the your 23 yrs ? they say i work and do nothing. then i am like well by the time i was 23 i was vip for a company, i brought my own house by 21, and two new cars. come back to me when you have done something more young people are just stuipd and think they will be running this world. we are in such much trouble. but not all of them just a small %
@amelly (1554)
• Malaysia
3 Jun 10
you got your own mind about kids.i can't say i agree or deny it but kids do act like they know everything,ya know they don't matured when we assume them as 'kids'..but one day they will grow to be teens and adults..and they also will have their own thought about are interesting..
@josga2008 (320)
• Canada
3 Jun 10
Well, I'm not sure that in general kids are smarter than adults. I do believe however that kids are smarter than adults think they are. Just because a child (or anyone else for that matter) happens to know more information about a topic doesn't make that person smarter. There is far more to being smart than that. Maybe kids are focused on different things than adults, like the latest trends, and so it sometimes looks like they know a lot. There are plenty of other things that the adult may know about though that the kid doesn't. You can make a sweeping general statement like you made based on a kid knowing something more about a certain topic.
@amelly (1554)
• Malaysia
8 Jun 10
yeah..i know that..i didn;t say that kids are better than adults but sometimes kids do smarter than adults in many ways..if you compare the knowledge,of course kids tend to have lack of knowledge since they are still learning..unless they are really a genius..
@med889 (5941)
3 Jun 10
I know kids can be very smart too than adults in life and I appreciate these kids a lot, there is one in my neighborhood who is eight years old, he plays piano so well, prepare breafast, gets good marks in school, science attracts him a lot so sometimes he even tell me proverbs, it is amazing to watch him.
@amelly (1554)
• Malaysia
3 Jun 10
wow..his mother must be so proud of him..he is so talented in many ways..wish my future son or daughter can be like that..hehe
• China
3 Jun 10
we need not to envy the genius. because we are so simple. if you are poor in some filed,may be you are an expert in some field. do not worry about that. to be happy everyday and just do yourself.
@amelly (1554)
• Malaysia
3 Jun 10
yeah..i guess you are right..we are special in our own way..i am happy with myself..hope you are happy too...
• India
3 Jun 10
obviously the new generation is more intelligence than the previous one.its just because they are really good at imitating others.they are more active and their surrounding is also better than we had.the surrounding these young lads have is full of technology which in turn attracts them a lot and force them to take interest in them.
• United Kingdom
4 Jun 10
I think that this tends to be the latest trend now! Kids are definitely a lot smarter than they used to be and they have access to all kinds of different technology as well. I guess the old folk are looking upon kids with trepidation as well as intimidation!. I think that it's quite inspirational when you see a kid and he or she is really smart, a lot smarter than his or her parents and I guess this kid can definitely teach his or her parents a thing or two! I wouldn't describe myself as old, I'm only thirty-five years of age! Still, when I think about employment I realise that young kids have the advantage! They are so smart and they are learning a whole lot more at a much quicker pace. Anyway, all credit to them! If they work and study hard then they deserve the very best for themselves. Andrew
@xeroeight (1060)
• Philippines
3 Jun 10
I also envy those kind of kids they are truly special if you ask me I be proud to experience talking with such genius kids even though they are way smarter than me i don't care well I'm not really a smart person, so its nothing to me. I wonder why I don't get those kind of specialty, what do you think the reason why there are child like them who are great on something and super genius. Do you also think that we can also be a super like them even if we are already matured? I hope I may encounter such child and get a chance to see hi/her specialty in person, I like those who are great in math and something that has special unique talent.
@amelly (1554)
• Malaysia
3 Jun 10
i also not sure how these kids can be special or smart..some say it might be genetics while others say it is a gift from god..well,they are truly special..i also don't mind linger around these kids but i will feel like it's kinda hard to accept when they are better than me..but well,it is a gift that nobody could resist..
• United States
4 Jun 10
these days, the kids are learning stuff in 9th grade that i learned in college. when i was in kindergarten, it was there to learn to read, but now if you don't know how to read a little, you are behind. there is no question that the young people will be smarter than me...i am just trying to keep up!
@ohiocy (214)
• Malaysia
4 Jun 10
Well I had be glad to actually observe kids like this. If you are a Sherlock Holmes fan then I would illustrate this condition as the kid being SH and I'm Watson. To being able to be there to observe one of those with exceptional skills at work is totally a fantastic sight. Nonetheless I do pity them a bit though, because those with exceptional skills usually will face a lot of problems in their life as though they are not suppose to exist at the present.
@qianyun6 (2067)
• China
3 Jun 10
Normally kids can be smarter than an adult, but little can be more knowledgeable than an adult because lack of experience. Algebra problems have no business of age. In China, a pupil who study on Mathematic Competition can easily answer a algebra problem which is difficult for even a doctor studying other subjects.
@amelly (1554)
• Malaysia
3 Jun 10
really..that is new to me..but i would love to meet any gifted kids in a flesh because i usually watched them on tv..never got a chance to meet them personally..
• Philippines
3 Jun 10
I will accept the fact that nowadays there are a lot of kids that smarter than adult. Kids has fresh mind and adult have a polluted mind. Its like the hard disk, kids have enough space in their mind and adult need to be defragmented because of running out of space.
@amelly (1554)
• Malaysia
3 Jun 10
that's a nice one.ya,kids mind are clean and they don't act like adult although some kids do matured fast than others..
@senobayu (19)
• Indonesia
3 Jun 10
because,,, adults many think, and the children just little think
@Pose123 (21635)
• Canada
3 Jun 10
Hi amelly, There have always been some kids who are very bright, like the three year old who without being taught, can play the most difficult pieces on the piano or is a mathematical genus. I think though that you are talking about something different and I agree there are some very smart kids around today. I love to be around smart kids and if they have good parents, it will continue into their teens and often for life. I have a nephew who in his last year of high school has a 97% average, yet he remains respectful of his parents and is just interested in helping others. It's good that many kids are so bright today unless they try to intimidate others. Blessings.
@jasmeena (846)
• Indonesia
3 Jun 10
They`re special kids..but kids are still kids. It is their parents`s job to educate them how to use their intelligence wisely. But in my opinion, genius doesn`t mean anything without hard work.
@kosanya (28)
• United States
3 Jun 10
I think that kids may appear to be smarter than adults. However, they only appear this way because you expect less of them. If these kids were adults and displayed the same set of skills no one would pay attention. I do not think that kids are smarter than adults. They are just more in touch with their basic needs. They are more true to themselves because they are not burdened by expectations of society. However, given their inexperience, kids cannot make decisions on the same level as adults. They should not be expected to do this either. We must learn to scrawl before we can walk.