Are Chain Restaurants responsible for Childhood Obesity??

July 26, 2010 5:03am CST
Do you think Are chain restaurants Making Kids Fat? or who do you think is responsible for childhood obesity? parents or child or our faulty food eating system? Many people/Group claims: chain restaurants food is responsible for such social ills as heart disease, diabetes, animal welfare abuses, labor exploitation, unceasing environmental destruction and the breakdown of our food system...what do you think?
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16 responses
@ptower76 (1616)
• United States
27 Jul 10
I believe that parents are mainly at fault for childhood obesity. It is a fact that there are biological factors that affect the way food is broken down and stored in the organism and as a result, some children are at higher risk biologically than others. But the bottom line is that most of the obese children that i have seen or read about are so as a result of the parent's over indulgences. Maury did a show I remeber where childhood obesity was the topic. Each child highlighted on the show was obese as a result of the mother's refusal to tell their child no and overindulge their children at the kitchen table. On that show a three year old ate more for breakfast than I eat all day. Kids don't go to chain restaurants on their own. Scientist have linked the ills of society to many foods as well as other causes but lets put the blame where it should truly lay. Chain restaurants have been linked to animal abuse, labor exploitation, and environmental destruction, but lets not make excuses for our personal failures and blame them for our errors.
• Philippines
27 Jul 10
It's the parents who should take the blame why there's so many obese kids today. It's the responsibility of the parents to look after their children, from everything they do, to everything they eat. In the Philippines, when a child is fat, people tend to label him/her "CUTE" and he/she will get the attention of everybody.Come the time he/she grows up 12 to 15 years old, when he/she is still obese it's not "CUTE" anymore, instead he/she will be labeled as "NAIWANAN SA KUSINA" ("left in the kitchen").
@salonga (27775)
• Philippines
27 Jul 10
Food chains are good sources of junk foods but we have our own wit so if ever our children becomes obese because of those food chains then it is our fault. Me, I don't patronize those food chains that sell junk foods. I prepare good and healthy food for my family and they enjoy it more than those food in those food chains.
@p3ks626 (6538)
• Philippines
27 Jul 10
I dont think its the Fast food chain's fault that kids are getting fatter. That's the kind of business that they have and they should not be held responsible if kids eat there or if parents decided to take their kids there. Childhood days are very important that parents should take responsibility in disciplining their kids especially when it comes to the food that they eat.
• United States
27 Jul 10
We can blame the media for oh so many things, but realistically what it boils down to who buys the children this food... Hello as parents there is some responsibility here. :)
@keshia2007r (2880)
• United States
27 Jul 10
Hi & NO its definitely not fast food restaurants fault for making kids fat. for One they're kids. Kids can't drive or earn money to take themselves to Mcdonalds. I point the fingers are the parents. Some parents feed their kids what they want and not what they need. I'v seen tv shows about this fact all the time (back in the day) but this is my opinion. btw happy mylotting!!
@Galena (9110)
26 Jul 10
people don't seem able to take responsibility for themselves anymore. of course it's the parents fault. why would it be a fast food chains fault? they don't force anyone to feed their children their food on a regular basis. until the children are of an age where they are responsible for what they eat, the blame is with the parents. laying blame on things like food companies and schools is ridiculous. the parents buy the food, and it's their place to choose a healthy diet for their child, with less healthy food only in moderation, rather than every week, or in some cases every day. and it's the parents responsibility to teach the children about a healthy lifestyle. yes, it's fair to say that fast food companies can often be blamed for such things as supporting bad farming practices, but they don't forcefeed anyone. we live in a blame culture. we need to look ourselves in the eyes and admit that sometimes it's our fault.
@betlynfrnds (4065)
• United States
26 Jul 10
I believe it's the responsibility of each restaurant to provide ALL the nutritional facts for every item on the menu. After that, the parents take full responsibility for their children. Most things in moderation are fine. Unfortunately, people tend to overindulge. I'm finding that many parents are not taking the time to educate themselves so that they can better educate their children. Then with life being so busy for so many people, the parents aren't making the time needed to feed their children properly. It's so much easier for some to order take out or go to the drive thru. It starts in the home.
@syankee525 (6261)
• United States
26 Jul 10
no its thier parnets fault that the kids are fat. we hear all the time fast food and restaurants make kids and grown up fat, no we make ourself fat. knowing when to stop eating and how much we eat. fast food place shouldnt have to tell me or you, anyone else hey you are eating to much or that is fatty. so my thing is no one fault but our's we are fat. and no one fault but the parents why thier kids are fat. too many always pushing their blame onto someone else
@junmae (1586)
• Philippines
27 Jul 10
I dont think food chains can be a reason why a child is obese because sometimes its the child's fault why they become one. Also I dont think parents also play a role of having an obese child because as a parent, they just want there child to be healthy and when they think that it was too much, they would be the one who will control the child's eating habit.
@madteaparty (2748)
• Japan
26 Jul 10
Well, to blame chain restaurants for making kids fat is like blaming knifes for killing people. Knifes don't kill people, but people using them. People need to make a responsible use of things, as well as a responsible way of eating. The only responsibles for childhood obesity are the kids that eat bad and too much and the parents that allow them to do that.
@ANIME123 (2466)
• United States
27 Jul 10
Well actually no because their restaurants that sell food and it's up to the consumer if they want to purchase food from their or not. Definately not the restaurants fault one must always watch their diet and are responsible for that so yeah that's what I think anyway. -ANIME123
• India
26 Jul 10
In a way yes they are responsible for increase in the cases of childhood obesity, because all they offer is a junk food. It is up to the children to patronize them or not. Parent must encourage their children to take healthy food. If the stomach of the children are already full, then why would they ever go to these restaurants for junk food.
@tomitomi (5429)
• Singapore
26 Jul 10
Hi Crazy_Poster! Chain restaurants is just one of the many options we face today. I would say that ultimately we choose, we decide. It's our attitude that makes or breaks. And as parents we have an additional responsibility of teaching this to our children.
@thanks1961 (7035)
• India
26 Jul 10
Hi dear, Do any one run out when it is raining to drink water? No. Here it is we just taking the time to the slaughter house. Keeping all the foods prepared in our kitchen kept in the fridge and dust bin, we will take our children to the taste house. It is we, our responsibility to divert them from all these things. These companies and hotels are running only to make their profit with whatever means. But we, the 'noble man' knows everything and 'caring' our children with 'healthy and good' food for their better living. So pit of it, even I have make lots of voice to divert this trend from our family children. But as the society and the common people are motivating towards such trends, who is going to listen what we say. Get victim for such things and silent sighs are the only results. Regards, Thank-s
@oldchem1 (8132)
26 Jul 10
Not at all it is completely down to our changing lifestyles. Before I moved the school where my son went had many parents who drove their kids to school although it was a five minute walk for them, these parents were the ones complaining about the school meals not being healthy! It is completely down to how we bring our children up - the odd treat at a fast food restaurant, so long as it is part of a good diet will do no harm, but many parents are now very lazy with the foods they give their children and rely far too much on fatty processed foods. Added to this children play out less, spend too much time in front of the TV or computer and play less sports at school. I think that it is all these things that are making our children obese.