do you enjoy fishing?

August 9, 2010 3:17am CST
we're gone fishing, we are a company made up of many nationalities and i am sure, like myself, many of you have fished in your own countries and with different techniques.. could you share your techniques here? i love shore fishing in the sea and i really preferred this type as it is easily accessible and easy to set up. and lol there were not any large fish caught last night but a lot of fun was had by all in the group and when we left with a noticeable aura of tranquility surrounding both parties with everyone saying that they would be back for more and i'm sure with new and improved techniques... do you have any techniques please share!!!
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13 responses
@max1950 (2306)
• United States
9 Aug 10
you can see where i fish on you tube, in the search box put in " tarpon and hammerhead" we fish for tarpon with crabs. at night and off shore surface plugs and bonita . in the full moon shrimp for snapper can be caught with a net and a searchlight, the shrimp come to the light and we scoop them up with a net and use them for bait. inshore we use 8 inch colored grape worms and crabs for redfish, snapper and snook also shrimp works well, but inshore fishing in canals and lagoons can get dangerous as their loaded with alligators so you have to be careful where you walk, never close to the shoreline and never wash anything off your hands in the water. i fish everyday either in the lagoons or rim canals to the largest lake in florida ,lake okeechobee. i also fish the everglades for bass with top water plugs. fish on my friend.
• Spain
9 Aug 10
okay i'll comeback and give my comments after watching it..
@max1950 (2306)
• United States
26 Aug 10
telescopic rods are great, here in florida you can fish anywhere, if your driving and see a pond or lake your allowed to pull over and fish (except on private property) i keep a telescopic rod in my car and truck in the trunk or under the back seat just in case i see a great fishing spot. i try to use unbarbed hooks as i catch and release because i like fishing but not the taste of fish. thanks.
• Spain
10 Aug 10
Dear, cool. i have seen the place. that was really a nice fishing spot. last night, i went to a small fishing shop that was recommended to me and spoke to the owner about what i wanted to do and get some advice from him. the preferred local way here is to fish with hand lines but fishing rod were available as well. i opted for a medium way telescopic rod and reel which cost 125 riyals. there are not a great variety of rods and the telescopic rods seem popular and easy to transport. next was the accessories and he suggested between 6 kg and 8 kg breaking strain line with an assortment of hooks and swivels. because i was not going to going deep he picked out a couple of small brightly colored lures for fishing at the surface mainly for game fish and size 18,15 and 12 hooks that would allow from 1 kg to 6 kg size fish to be able to swallow.
@williamjisir (22819)
• China
10 Aug 10
fishing for fun - Fishing can be very fun which needs a lot of patience.
Fishing can be very fun which needs a lot of patience. I have only tried a very short time of fishing in my life, but my father-in-law is very fond of fishing. He used to fish every day, but now as he is older, he goes fishing once in a while. Sometimes he fishes some small turtles in the pond and river. I have no idea about fishing techniques, but a very good fishing pole with some good baits is needed for a good fishing, I guess. Enjoy yourself, friend.
• Spain
10 Aug 10
thanks. fishing is really a great outlet here... give it a try again my friend! you might like it...
@asiregar (864)
• Jakarta, Indonesia
10 Aug 10
I like fishing too, especially on public fishing pond just to spend time alone
• Spain
10 Aug 10
thats great. here, we don't have public fishing pond and it's very hard to find a companion to go fishing.
@goldeneagle (6745)
• United States
10 Aug 10
I love to fish, and I live in NW Florida, so I have a lot of places, both saltwater and freshwater, to choose from when I decide to go fishing. I like to go freshwater fishing for bluegill and bass, but I got saltwater fishing more often...
• Spain
10 Aug 10
wow that's great. here, there is only one choice, with the absence of fresh water, we could still catch a variety of fish found under saltwater.. and it is an advantage that there were no fishermen here so fish are still abundant and not depleted unlike other parts of oceans.
@monkeylong (3139)
• Guangzhou, China
10 Aug 10
Yeah, as far as I am concerned, I think I nejoy fishing so much in my daily life that I usually go to fish during weekends ,when I will have a lot of free time to sit down by a pool. For me, I think I can get a lot from fishing ,besides happiness, I think I still know how to control my temper in my life. So the fishing has taught me a lot. I love fish so much!
• Spain
10 Aug 10
fishing is definitely an activity i would recommend to anyone who likes the outdoors.. same here lol i love fish....
@ANIME123 (2466)
• United States
10 Aug 10
Actually no I have not ogne fishing, but I have a feeling that I would actually enjoy fishing because it helps to relax one and teaches one to be more patient too. I think that I will put this on my list as a thing that I want to do because my friends always tell me to go fishing with them because it will be fun, but I never decided to try it, but now I will.
• Spain
10 Aug 10
that good of you anime. it is a good vehicle to spend time reflecting and enjoying the calming properties that the ocean possesses.. congrats now!
@youless (112263)
• Guangzhou, China
9 Aug 10
I am not a patient person, so I can't find finishing is a very interesting activity for me. Sometimes it is really boring because I can't fish anything for a whole day. I love China
• Spain
9 Aug 10
it depends from where your source is, fish there may be totally depleted lol.. here in the gulf there's a bountiful of any kind of fish here and so i love to fish and i enjoy it...
@Hatley (163781)
• Garden Grove, California
9 Aug 10
hi kumar I have never gone ocean fishing from the shore but years back we used to go trout fishing in the creeks in the Black Hills of South Dakota And I loved them . You just swung your line with the bait into the water stepped back o ut of sight and in a few minutes you had a fish. I loved to fish whenwe were catching them, when not I would go for a hike up the road into the hills they are so beautiful in the s ummer time there. I live in the US.
• Spain
9 Aug 10
i'm a country boy and i love that old style of fishing. nowadays, only few are use to doing that as there is not enough fish anymore along the sea shore... and so we need a boat to fish.. here, there's still an abundant fish population as there were no local fishermen making their way of living through fishing here...
@maclanis (2406)
• Belgium
9 Aug 10
I've never gone fishing, and not really planning to ever go fishing for that matter. Correct me if I'm wrong, but it just seems so boring! Besides, I'm way to impatient for that. :)
• Spain
9 Aug 10
lol i just find it a relaxing one... jejeje
• India
9 Aug 10
Hello kumar Welcome, i used to go fishing to the river near my home as a guy with other guys of my locality, we enjoyed that sport, but those sweet days are gone, i no more went for this activity in the past 50 years... Thanks for sharing. Welcome always. Cheers. Professor
• Spain
9 Aug 10
Hi Prof., yeah and i like it especially with my company because of the excitement i get. on the otherhand, if i'm alone, i could also have a very peaceful time with nature so it is really relaxing!
@tomitomi (5429)
• Singapore
9 Aug 10
I love the thrill of the simple rod and line. It is a real test of patience.
• Spain
9 Aug 10
yeah the thrill of what is on the end of our line, big or small..
• United Arab Emirates
9 Aug 10
I just know the trick of traditional fishing by hook. At my grand parents village. We used to dig the soil and unearth huge and fat earth worms and out it as a bait. I have also tried cockroaches, prawns, little frogs and fishes as baits. I found that earthworms are the best baits.
• Spain
9 Aug 10
thanks there buddy! if i'm fishing live bait, i tend to use an artificial setup just to keep myself occupied..
• United States
9 Aug 10
A technique that my Grand-father taught me was to use a smaller hook and to slowly jig the line up and down . . . or at least that is what he told me to do when we went bait fishing off of a pier. One of the main things you want to remember while fishing is that although you may not caught the big one first, try try again. And remember. . . have fun!!
• Spain
10 Aug 10
thanks for that technique clamps. you did not mention what bait will work best for hand lines fishing... here i uses prawn...