Why so poor in general knowledge

india national flag - national flag of india
August 15, 2010 1:57am CST
Friends, today is August 15th our Independence Day in India. Some guys and girls less than 10 years young had come to wish me, holding small national flags of ours. I gave them chocolates and sweets. I asked them, what day it is, why we celebrate this? I am surprised, none could answer. All said they had been to school, there flag was hoisted and sweets were given. I wonder why they are so poor in general knowledge, why the teachers or at least the parents, don’t tell them, is it not their responsibility? Comment on this and share your views. Professor
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19 responses
@cjsalas (109)
• Philippines
15 Aug 10
It's every body's responsibility. :) Knowing the independence day of a country is just as important of knowing a family member's birthday. But it could be understood that sometimes we forget because of the daily activities and a lot of information that could overload us.
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@amrddy (215)
• Philippines
15 Aug 10
Hi Mr. Professor2010 During my time we were so updated with current events and histories of our country. Nowadays I think they don't teach that anymore. Well especially in my country where all cabinets secretaries are unable to finish their terms because they are just political appointees not like before. I guess since it is your Independence Day that should at least be taught in school. Happy Independence Day, Sir and to your people.
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@reader (707)
• India
19 Aug 10
indians have poor sense of history. after independence successive governments and rulers neglected, manipulated, twisted and distorted history.
@Sherry12 (2472)
• United States
15 Aug 10
That is sad that they haven't been taught the meaning. I see that here in the US too, that a lot of the children don't know the real meaning behind a lot of the Holidays. I wonder if we haven't put to much emphases on the celebrations and forgotten the meaning behind it.
@Sherry12 (2472)
• United States
15 Aug 10
And, Happy Independence Day to you!
@tigeraunt (6326)
• Philippines
15 Aug 10
dear professor, happy independence day! it sure is going to be a grand celebration with lots of fun fair and fireworks. the history of independence need to be taught to young students and to let them know of its significance and why it is celebrated. hope all is well. ann
• Philippines
15 Aug 10
@much2say (55192)
• Los Angeles, California
15 Aug 10
First, happy Independence Day! Interesting discussion - and so very true. I can think of many holidays we have in the US - and how so many children (even adults) do not know the origins or true meanings of these celebrations. This actually reminds me that I need to put more effort into educating my kids about each and every "holiday" now that at least my oldest is of age where she should understand better. It's not all about getting things - like sweets and gifts.
• Philippines
15 Aug 10
some really don't care gaining knowledge in several things....
@Lakota12 (42600)
• United States
16 Aug 10
If course the teachers and parents should tel them what this day means to India. It really should be in your history books for sure. Just LIke ours here but I bet alot dont know why we elebrate the 4th of July here as out independants day
@Hatley (163776)
• Garden Grove, California
15 Aug 10
hi professor thats very sad that they do not know the independance day for India, that would be like some of our children not knowing what we celebrate on the fourthe of July but I am sure our children are taught about our independance day on the fourth of July. its not just a day of good food, its a day to respect our independence.Independence day and its meaning should be taught in the schools across our lands so our children would know the true meaning and how to observe it.
@dorannmwin (36392)
• United States
17 Aug 10
I think that it is sad that the world has come to this. I know that there are a lot of children that my daughter goes to school with that aren't able to identify where our state is on a map and it really makes me sad. When I was in school this is something that had a lot of emphasis placed on it but it seems that geography and history are things that aren't really that important anymore. It makes no sense to me because you have to know these things in order to be able to move forward in the world.
@dreamhome (558)
• India
16 Aug 10
Yes, it is the duty of the teachers and the parents to teach these things to the child. My child is just 4 years old. He is in his kinder class. He knows that it was Independence day yesterday. His teacher had been telling him various facts and stories about Indian Independence for the last whole week. They had encouraged the children by doing various activities related to independence. So he was asking me many questions about this..I also answered them to improve his knowledge. When moulded properly, kids are sure to grow as good citizens. It all lies in the hands of the parents and teachers.
@kukueye (1759)
• Malaysia
15 Aug 10
Wow giving sweets to children holding the national flag.I think that is a good way or promotion of indepence day if don correctly.I guess those children have no clue because the school , the teachers and their parents forget to tell and educate the children.So i guess the children clueless just waiting for people to tell them.
@qianyun6 (2067)
• China
16 Aug 10
That's the irresponsibility of the elder, they didn't tell their posterity the honor of their ancestor. I don't know much about Indian history, but I think the children should not only be taught that the day is "Independence Day", they should also know why it is, what happened in Aug, 15th in a specific history year. Then they'll know how important it is. Like all us Chinese know the Founding Ceremony in Oct, 1st 1949 and "The Chinese people have now stood up" by Chairman Mao in that day.
@2004cqui (2812)
• United States
17 Aug 10
I am so sorry to hear this! Pride in ones country is something that needs to be started at a young age. This can be done in just about every class but especially history. It is essential for the country's growth and strength.
• Bangladesh
16 Aug 10
Hello professor. it's very important issue you have discussed. Independence is very important for a country. Indian people gained independence trough struggle from British in 1947. India has a long history of culture and arts. Now young people as you have told they do not know when is their Independence day and without knowing they have come to wish you. This is not their fault; it is duty of their parents to guide them and to teach them the value of Independence day. Thank you.
@zandi458 (28102)
• Malaysia
15 Aug 10
Happy independence day to all Indian mylotters. We Malaysian will be celebrating our independence and Malaysia Day on 31st of August. I think both parents and teachers should be responsible to pass on general knowledge about their country to the young generation so they will know their birth land well and at the same breath instill patriotism to the future leaders of the country.
@onlydia (2808)
• United States
15 Aug 10
When my son was in school. I asked one of his teachers so when are you going to start teaching and stop collecting a pay check. Well needless to say he didn't care for my remark. But it was true. I taught my son all about our Indepenence day. So I do feel your pain of why are they so busy to make it all fun and no learning. Have a great day
@Unah08 (671)
• Philippines
15 Aug 10
I don't know about India, but I think in general most of the youth now are not so fond when the subject being taken into account is all about history and such. With the advancement of technology, most of them are only interested in gadgets and modern stuffs. But I also do think that INDEPENDENCE DAY of a certain country is a must to remember or commemorate for all of those who live in that country. It is a sign of respect and love for our own country. In our place, INDEPENDENCE DAY is being celebrated by everyone, then history tells us that our country was being under the influence of other nations who treat us in a cruel way that is why we cherish our INDEPENDENCE DAY that much. We Filipinos don't forget our Independence Day cause we learned this important information from the beginning when we reach our primary years in school. We acknowledge our history and gave it a big deal of importance...
@common_man (1799)
• India
15 Aug 10
Hi Professor, First of all accept my best wishes of independence day of India, Our Motherland. I agree with you children these days are having less general knowledge. Every Indian child must know about history of India's struggle for independence and how ultimately Gandhiji lead us to independence. Both teacher and Parents need to imbibe this knowledge to children. Happy mylotting
• United States
15 Aug 10
i think they should teach that one in school coz it is very important to all people especially kids to knwo the history of their country and you know without history we will never be here.