Don't like the dishes I cooked!

@zearah (5381)
August 25, 2010 7:37am CST
When I do the cooking and preparation of dishes, I don't feel hungry. When another person do the cooking I would love to eat the food.Do you experience the same?
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10 responses
• Philippines
25 Aug 10
They say its just a natural thing for a person not feel hunger if she is the one cooking or who cooked the food. As for me, I haven't experienced much of it because whenever I cook, I definitely like to eat that food that's why I prepare it.
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@zearah (5381)
• Philippines
25 Aug 10
That is true when you cook not for other persons.I mean if you cook because your kids or loved ones love that food, feel like you are full once you see they love it. Or if you really intend to cook for yourself that make the sense of it.
@SomeCowgirl (32191)
• United States
25 Aug 10
I think that is normal, when you cook you have to exert energy and time into the food and it makes the food pale in comparison to when you can sit down and enjoy a meal with little to no preparation. On the other hand some love to eat the food they prepared, but everyone is different and unique. I prefer my own mac n cheese to the way my mother in law fixes it, but I still like to eat her cooking because she's a much better cook then me.
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@zearah (5381)
• Philippines
25 Aug 10
I thought there is something wrong with my sense of smell, hehehe.
@diamania (7011)
• Netherlands
25 Aug 10
Hey hey hey zearah, Yep when I cook I am not so hungry as when somebody else cooks. Maybe it is the smell of the food suppressing our hunger.
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@zearah (5381)
• Philippines
25 Aug 10
[/em]You got it!I feel hungry when I smell someone's cooking. What I do is to offer an exchange of cook from my sister who live in another house with her husband.
@epicure35 (2814)
• United States
26 Aug 10
I wish! I like to eat no matter who the cook is.
@xianelle (83)
• Philippines
25 Aug 10
Yes. I'm like that too. Whenever I cook I don't feel like eating the food I cook. It seems that all the aroma of the food had made me feel full already. eventhough i can see my family loving the food i cooked i still won't even taste it.
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@zearah (5381)
• Philippines
25 Aug 10
It could be a psychological effect, only a guess.
@babyimp (151)
• Estonia
27 Aug 10
Yes, absolutly. I always refuse to make pancakes because I want to eat them, not make them. If I do make them I'll be high on pancake smell and tired. And when I do eat after, I'm so full I don't want to move and I'll take a nap to burn off the calories in my sleep. I think I need to exercise more.
@4mymak (1793)
• Malaysia
26 Aug 10
that is normal.. we usually 'lose' our hunger while we cook.. probably from all the smells and tasting of the food.. so, i dont think it is because you dont appreciate your own cooking... but usually, when i am cooking something which i myself look forward to eating.. i'll eat more than the rest of the family..
@snowy22315 (174710)
• United States
25 Aug 10
Not really. I usually love the dishes I cook, if I didn't I wouldn't cook them. They only time I might not eat is if I ahve been snacking on the food all during prerparation fo something.
• United States
25 Aug 10
I agree with slitereturn above with the response. Another thing to remember is imagine working in a restaurant or bakery where the smell of food starts to smell like too much lard. I believe this triggers the brain in not wanting it so much anymore.
• Canada
25 Aug 10
It was funny to read this discussion, because I am the same. What an intersting phenomena! I think when I do the cooking I must get full on the aromas! Perhaps this could be a new diet plan. Scented sticks that smell like different dishes. Just sniff away until you aren't hungry anymore, LOL!