Do you believe in God ? why do you believe in him ?

August 30, 2010 4:10pm CST
do you believe in god becasue when you where young and thats what you grew up to believe why do you believe that their is a god up in the sky that made the world in 7 days or whatever ???
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8 responses
@zeethegr8 (785)
• India
30 Aug 10
The basic reason is that nothing in this world happened all of a sudden without any power not being able to make it happen. So I believe in God who created everything.
@Absinto (2385)
• Portugal
30 Aug 10
I dont want to be rude but how can you believe there is a God with no actual proof? The world happened all of a suddenbut there are scientific explainations, now there is nothing credible about existing a God.
@Absinto (2385)
• Portugal
30 Aug 10
I dont believe in God, i dont know how with so many unanswered questions. So many doubts to why he should exist. Like how do people know that god made us in his exact image if nobody actually saw him? Why would he create on 2 people to start with? How did Adam and Eve give brith to enough people to start making the population we have today? Their are somany why's? So i cant believe something i have never seen and something that has so many unanswered questions.
@Absinto (2385)
• Portugal
14 Dec 10
I am here because of my parents, not God. And they are here because of there parents. And it goes on, we are here on earth because of nature. I dont intend to ofend those who believe in him. But how can someone believe in a person who created earth, actually a figure of mankind. I mean ok even if he did make earth and mankind, who made him? Everything has a purpose and a reason of existence, yet i dont see any that lead me to believe in god. I believe in science because they can give concret information. I dont want to or intend to try making other see that there is no god, because everybody has their own belief and i respect that. But just because i dont believe does not mean i am satan working.
@ifa225 (14463)
• Indonesia
14 Dec 10
i believe in Him because he seems to know what i my feelings inside. when i pray and get some difficulties in life, he answer my pray and gave me the solution. I believe that he also talk to me whenever i get sad
• Philippines
1 Dec 10
im 100% believe in GOD because he will give the faith everyday although it has many trial in my life. i love the god and i never forgot him. i believe in god also because he born all of the person and things in the world.
@formidexo (1351)
• Canada
31 Aug 10
Yes, I believe in God. Why not? Yes, he prepared to earth in 6 days but each of those days was millenniums long. It harmonizes with true science. It does not harmonize with unproven theories but with scientific facts. Why do you believe or not believe?
• United States
31 Aug 10
I believe in God and its not just because of what I was taught as a child. There were alot of things that I was raised to believe that I think is a pile of crap and have fallen by the wayside. With God all things are possible so 7 days to create the earth is minor what about all the people that have been on earth how did they come about God created us all in his image with love like the decision we make when we decide to have kids exsitence wouldnt be complete without them.
• United States
31 Aug 10
yes i do believe in God and as for the 7 days it tells us in scripture that a day is as a thousand years uno the lord so if that is the case he would have had no problems
• Canada
30 Aug 10
I am undecided as far as religion goes. I have no religion and don't know what to believe. Everyone I know who believes in God believes in him because that's how they were raised. They were told there was a god while growing up. I feel if nobody was ever told there was a God, they wouldn't believe in God. The people who were not taught religion think for themselves. Some of them choose to believe in god, and some don't.