How do you deal with these kind of people?

September 1, 2010 6:17pm CST
Most of the time at work, most of my officemates are really talking too loudly and they seldom disregard that some people are trying to concentrate on their work. Problem is on my last performance rating, I was commented on not being able to communicate well with others. I think that's unfair since most of the time I am trying to concentrate on my work and being able to deliver the required work before the shift ends while all of them are just putting on extra hours chatting and making noise. So how should you deal with these people?
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12 responses
@chayapathys (2111)
• India
2 Sep 10
work is for work only and not for gossip and particularly when it is loud.Respecting other's sentiment is a self disipline. It is distressing when others talk loudly not only in work place but also in other places.Their behavior shows they were brought up. We can report to the superiors to take action on such people if they cause disturbance in work place
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• Philippines
2 Sep 10
Thanks for responding
@pinkfray (24)
1 Sep 10
i had a similar issue at my previous work where all were chit-chatting and gossiping on matters that weren't relevant in the work place. i was even thought of as a snub because i was focusing on getting the job done. i wanted to talk to my peers about this, but i knew they might think of my approach as a confrontation. so, i took this up with my manager as non-biased as i could relay it. the next week, he actually gathered up everyone and said from his observation, everyone could perform a little better with a little less chatter (something like that), then promoted a quieter work place by actually asking people to shush (in a friendly and polite manner, of course). there were still times when everyone was noisy, but that was natural i guess when people love doing what they do. but since the lil meeting, everyone was noticeably more silent. so i guess my answer for you is talk to your boss about it.?
• Philippines
2 Sep 10
Thanks for responding, I'll talk about it with my boss.
@Adoniah (7513)
• United States
1 Sep 10
It is hard to answer your question when you do not say what kind of work you do...Is it necessary that you converse with your co-workers in order to do your job? If so, then maybe you need to do more talking too and work later sometimes to make up the written work that does not get done during the day. Or learn to tune them out and work faster. Shalom~Adoniah
• Philippines
2 Sep 10
Thanks for responding
@p3ks626 (6538)
• Philippines
2 Sep 10
A lot of people here would tell you to ignore them or talk to them. I also have very inconsiderate office-mates and they really are not very easy to deal with. There are times when I am really pissed of then I do the same thing they do that annoys me so they will know what I mean.
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@jerikjames (1041)
• Philippines
1 Sep 10
I've had those kind of people in my work. I just try to cooperate and interact with them. I just don't let their noise get in to my nerves. I kind of make sure that I do my work perfectly and interact with them. I'm not saying that you should force yourself to. Just try to have a conversation with them and try to communicate then maybe you'll begin to tolerate them. Companies require being a team player right? So how could we be team players if we don't interact with our colleagues? I think teamwork is just as important as doing your job right and deliver outstanding work.
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• Philippines
2 Sep 10
Thanks for responding
• United States
2 Sep 10
DOn't worry about them, ppl always have something to say when you don't mingle amongst them. As long as you're performing strongly and do very well at your work and are commmunicating effectively when necessary. you shouldn't allow their convos to take your mind off doing well just focus, find a place in your mind to block them out since its evident they don't know how to shut up and actually do work. Those who get ahead and do well for themselves most often if not always are the ones that focused on the tasks at hand. . . if you do what ought to be done when it ought to be done, the time will come when you can do what you want to do when you want SO just have patience and don't let the idlers drag you down with them, you have to pay your own bills and live your own life and your job is important to you, how awful would it be to lose it because you decided it was more inportant to chat and mingle among your co-workers.
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@ratyz5 (7808)
• Philippines
3 Sep 10
Well, as the comment about your communication skills with others stated, you do work while they are doing their routine of mingling with each other on their break time I suppose. That's okay, you do know why the comment was like that. You just happen to be serious at work and focused on it. Perhaps if you have break time along with them, do you talk to them as well? Maybe your new to the job or just started out so your just getting used to how they get along. Adjusting as others might put it. When I started working, I really didn't communicate well with my colleagues. I just did my thing and that was how I started. Eventually, I got to know them better and I seem to get along with them now. Takes time but, as you loosen up, it gets convenient at times. They would eventually get to know me as I would eventually get to know them so, by the time you get to establish your personality when it comes to work, perhaps they would understand and they would be quiet while you do you work. When one is working here in the office, one would often mention it to the other workers who are not working so they would immediately be quiet for the benefit of the one who is focused no his/her job.
@youless (112263)
• Guangzhou, China
2 Sep 10
I have this problem, too. Sometimes when I make a call, they are speaking very loudly around me. So I have to make a gesture to tell them to be quiet, otherwise I can't hear anything from the phone. I love China
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@jamed28 (1903)
• Philippines
2 Sep 10
Well, since you said this people are in the office so meaning to say they are well educated. And well educated people don't do such things. And you seems to be bothered about this, meaning you are more educated than them. Or should I say you are more professional than them. What I would suggest for you to do is to raise this issue if you have a meeting. I know it's kind a awkward, but it is about professionalism so they should be professional enough to accept their mistakes.
@bloemart (222)
• Philippines
2 Sep 10
It is like this, sometimes we have to make some conversation with our fellow co-workers. And there is a saying if you cannot beat them join them. I think it is better to join them sometimes. It is really hard to work if you hate your co-worker. And they are the one who can help you if you have problems with your work.
• United States
2 Sep 10
I would calmly and gently say, I realize that you are all having a wonderful discussion but I am finding that it is really disruptive for me to concentrate on my work. Sure they are not going to be ecstatic about that, but hey shame on them. Do they not realize where there at. If it persists then you need to privately speak to the manager, and well you tried to help by going to them first. Good luck with the annoying people
@cajimenez (452)
• Philippines
2 Sep 10
Aside for being efficient in working alone. We need to maintain social relationship with our co-workers. To create a harmonious workplace, It's better we remained in good terms with our co-workers.