Did any book influenced most in your life.......?

September 14, 2010 8:57pm CST
As a matter of fact many of us read books whenever we find time and leisure to relax and to enjoy.Few do not read for reasons best known to them.As you ruminate your past you recollect happy and unhappy events.Similarly you may recollect that a particular book had impressed you very much and influenced the course of your life.Some books change entire life for some people.I recollect that "Meditation" by Swami Vivekananda has influenced me much and also changed the course of my life to a certain extent. Earlier to reading the book I was a shattered man with no direction in my life.I was restless and naturally unhappy.After reading the book I realised that only meditation is the ultimate in life.Many are under wrong impression that meditation is something for sages and saints and not for ordinary people.I was also under such impression. It is not so.In fact meditation is for active people who are involved in family life and in material achievements. I would like to know from friends in Mylot whether any book has impressed them and influenced the course their lives...
3 responses
• Philippines
15 Sep 10
There are lot of books that affect my life in a positive way. Such as: How to Argue and Win Every time by Gerry Spence The Art of Talking so that People will Listen The Art of War by Sun Tzue organizational behavior (a management book) These are few of them that shares the beliefs and perception that I have in life.
• India
15 Sep 10
Than you a lot for sharing and I will try to buy and read and also add to small library. I shall be thankful for a brief statement as to how and in what way these influence you life.
• Hong Kong
15 Sep 10
If you like money and you want to be rich, the book "Rich Dad, Poor Dad" (Robert Kiyosaki) is suitable for you. Another book had impressed me very much is "Think and Grow Rich" (Napoleon Hill). Try to read this two book, you will find the way to reach the freedom of finance. You don't have and you want to have this two book, just add comment your email here, I will send you.
• India
15 Sep 10
In fact I have read "Rich Dad and Poor Dad". No doubt it is very interesting to read but I doubt how far the concept in the book is applicable to underdeveloped country like India in which I live. ThanQ for your valuable response.
• Philippines
15 Sep 10
i had read lots of books and i could say it really made a big difference in my life..
• India
15 Sep 10
If you don't mind I would like to know the names and authors of at least two books so that I can purchase and add to my small library. Thank you very much for response.