Are you satisfied of how you live your life?

September 20, 2010 1:32pm CST
I was watching a Korean drama, My Girlfriend is a Gumiho. And once again I am filled with fairy tale illusions of life . How awfully nice is it to be young and in-love! Well, I just came up with the conclusion that my life sucks, far from a fairy tale story and I'm doing nothing to make it worth living. I'm overwhelm with frustrations, knowing that I'm getting older and older before I even knew it - 24 and nothing special happened to me. Instead my life is full of disappointments and I lack the drive to make my life better. I sound like a bitter person, yes I am... I'm unmotivated and so empty. At this age, do most people experience severe depression due to unworthiness? Or the lack of goals in life? How do you find your motivation?
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14 responses
@sayariza (146)
• Indonesia
21 Sep 10
I am satisfied with my life I am married the most beautiful woman already 3 years even until this time I am still falling in love with her I have two kids I have a house, not big but it is peaceful inside I am happy with all I get You said that you never experience something special in your life do not blame anything it is not your fault it could be what things you experience everyday are specials. Something is said special because it is rare, unique, hey maybe all your experiences are special, you feel normal about that, because of that you feel there is nothing special in your life.. Lack of goal? yes, maybe your expectation is too high try to make it lower and more realistic... I find my motivation because I compare my life with people who their life quality above and under mine...
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@kaka135 (14931)
• Malaysia
20 Sep 10
Yeah, I am satisfied with my life now. Sometimes it may not be what happened to you, but how you appreciate what you are having now that makes you satisfied. If you think you are not happy with certain things, then you may need to make a change. Sometimes when you view from another angle, things can be different. When I find myself lacking of motivation, I'll start reading books or find something I really want to do. Reading books always motivates or inspires me, and I always like to read inspirational or motivational books.
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@SomeCowgirl (32191)
• United States
20 Sep 10
I think satisfaction of our lives should be put on a scale from one day to another, because honestly our moods and perspectives change often. One minute we might be very happy and content while the next, after seeing someone else's life, we feel envious. I am content with the way things are generally, and I know I have the power to change the way things are for the better. All of us have that power, but it's the way we use it, or when we choose the use it that is the problem. We do something wrong, or not the way we wanted to and we get depressed overt it, we dwell over it it's only human nature. Only sometimes can we pull through it fast enough to realize it was just a bump in the road, and we must get back up and try again, or try a different way. I would like for my husband and I to have our own place, but I know I have the power to change that, I need to get a job and I know that I have the power to do so if I only try. Life is a gamble, but it's the way you play your cards that matter. Think of the good things in your life, then think of the things you want to change, things you want to accomplish, set out a goal, a small one at first, and like stairs slowly climb up until you are the top of the your goal later, then start anew. When one has something to strive for, a reward, one is more apt to do what is needed to get to that reward. Good Luck!
1 person likes this
• United States
21 Sep 10
I went through the same thing. I am now 35 yrs old and still feel that I haven't accomplished all I should have but I look at it this way. If I accomplished everything I have nothing to try for anymore. As long as you keep trying your not a failure in anything. And although we would like life to be a fairytale, its far from it. That's how they make money, keeping us watching those shows. I got tired of making money for everyone else, something you could do is start a blog. I bet so many feel the same way. You'd be amazed at how many people would read it. Not only would you get that feeling off your chest, you maybe feel better knowing that you were helping others that are feeling the same.
@GemmaR (8517)
20 Sep 10
I am satisfied at the moment, because I am dedicating the next three years of my life to earning so that I will be able to buy the house of my dreams in that amount of time. I am actually not that far away from my goal, so I don't think that I will have to dedicate that much of my life to earnings. I am very happy with where I am in my life though, because I am currently dating a lovely man who would do anything for me, and we have just bought a flat between us. Hopefully we will make a huge profit on it when the market picks up- as we paid a rock bottom value for it when we invested!
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@swissheart (6482)
• Romania
21 Sep 10
i feel the same as you glechelle...I'm disappointed in general. I don';t like my life, I wish I had someone to love me but it seems that I;m unable to keep someone with me for a long time, I wish I looked better, I wish I had more friends who don't disappoint me and finaly I wish I wasn't sorrounded by a bunch of idiots and jerks
@cher913 (25782)
• Canada
20 Sep 10
i am. i like who i am and i like (am content) with all i have.
@celticeagle (165348)
• Boise, Idaho
21 Sep 10
Young and inlove? I was those once. Life only sucks if you let it. You will find that no matter how horrid and awful you think your life is someone else out there leads an even more awful one than you do. I think you may want to set some goals for yourself. THings that are attainable. Short term ones that make sense. Then set some more and before you know it you will have made it!
• Singapore
21 Sep 10
You know what? I think I'm watching the same drama as you except that it's titled: Grudge, the revolt of Gumiho. So the little girl's name is Yeon and she was killed by the master. Then she went into Cho-ok's body and reconciled with her Gumiho mother. I've to watch the rest of the story next week. It's a good drama. Now to your question. I'm satisfied with the way I live my life. I have friends who I can talk to, I have good teachers and I have access to almost everything.
@mahrulz (52)
• India
20 Sep 10
Not becomes fun and happy to live when we are accompanied by a friend.. i have never been able to have one. even though i had many friends i screwed it all some or the other day..
@formidexo (1351)
• Canada
21 Sep 10
Can we change ages? I'll give you my age of 60 years in exchange for yours of 24. You've got your life ahead of you and you lack motivation? Do you have a medical problem where you may need medical attention? Have you had a check-up lately? Are you taking care of your health?
@khoikhoi (93)
• Vietnam
21 Sep 10
Self interest is a driving force, it is my motivation. My motivation leads to progression. There is no single purpose of self interest, it is for the individual to decide, but it is my motivation to live and I am convinced that it raises the standards of life. All things naturally progress because they adapt. Progress is a number of different things but it generally means a forward movement that helped me control the environment around me with greater ease and precision. Self-interest serves to better my life. It encompasses both hobbies and passions.
@jatessa (43)
• United States
20 Sep 10
yeah i am satisfied with the way im living my life their some thing s that im unsatisfied with it but im trrying to change those things
• Pakistan
21 Sep 10
dont think like that, their is nothing in your life just think positive, think that you have still time and you can consume that time still. just need to concentrate on your life activities and start to manage it according to your aim and your desires