How to maintain my 55 kilogram weight?

@joddie (173)
September 27, 2010 9:42am CST
One year ago, i weighted 65 kilos. After a my operation (TAHBSO)my weight became 55 kilos. I'm worried on the sudden weight loss. After some positive results on laboratory tests to ascertain whether there's some health problems i'm quite happy now. However, i just wonder if i can maintain my 55 kilos weight. Fellow myLotters please give some tips on how to do it.
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1 response
• India
21 Oct 10
Hello welcome to mylot, have you ever tried the 'yogic breathing exercises' as taught by world famous Ramdeb Baba of india? It can keep your body fit in all respects,if you are obese, you will lose some pounds, if under weight you will gain, next it will remain steady at some point that is your ideal weight..may be at 55 kgs lol.. Thanks for sharing. Professor. .