a person without friend

@kyel_11 (1069)
September 30, 2010 10:45am CST
does this person exist? i mean how can he/she survive without any friends? there's a saying that no man is an island. no man can live alone for himself, he needs companions and friends. so this really wonders me.. how about the so-called loners or anti-socials? they don't have any friends? i can't live without friends. friends are GOD'S gifts and blessings to each and everyone of us :)
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27 responses
@kquiming (2997)
• Philippines
30 Sep 10
i believe in the saying no man is an island..it means no one really survives this life on his own...we all need somebody to survive. i think socializing is a necessity and part of a normal person.
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@daliaj (5674)
• India
30 Sep 10
Watch out for people with no friends. A person without a single frined will have mental issues and it is not advisable to marry somebody like that. I am not somebody who keep good friendship with so many people. I am nice to everybody and at the same time I have a few good friends. My friend married a guy who has't had a single friend and he was proud of being having no friends. I sounded danger in that and thought he would be the boring person in the world. She was not sure if she wanted to marry the guy after knowing more about him and knowing about he strange thing of having no friends, but finally she ended up marrying him because of her parents' pressure; the parents wanted her to marry him because he was very rich. Finally, after marriage she found out that the mental sitaution of the guy is not normal and ended up filing for divorce in a week after marriage.
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@Ramaditya (1227)
• Indonesia
30 Sep 10
No. That's impossible. Even there are men or women so arrogant saying that they can live without friends, but they will feel lonely at some points, somewhere we will never see. Like the first poster said, even the lonely will find friend, which is God.
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@ifa225 (14463)
• Indonesia
2 Oct 10
i have seen one person like that. and he is a terrible lonely person. he just deal with book. no one want to be near by him.
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@IoanaBI (494)
• Romania
30 Sep 10
Hello Kyel! I think that everybody has a friend! even the loners and anti-socials; they have friends other people that are loners and antisocials, but because they want to keep their status they meet very rarely. You can not have a life without people involved in your life..it will be too sad.
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@IoanaBI (494)
• Romania
30 Sep 10
Hello Kyel! I think that everybody has a friend! even the loners and anti-socials; they have friends other people that are loners and antisocials, but because they want to keep their status tey meet very rarely. You can not have a life without people involved in your life..it will be too sad.
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@chrislotz (8137)
• Canada
18 Sep 11
hah....I don't have any friends and it is terribly lonely. I moved away from a bad relationship, to another city, far away from all my friends and family. The only person I know in this city is my daughter. She is 28 years old and we live together and we work together. We are self employed cleaning houses so the only persons I meet are clients and I don't like to mix work with my personnal life and neither do my clients. So I have no way to meet new people and make new friends. I have gone out to a few places in hopes of meeting some people but it hasn't worked for me. I have gone to a couple really nice lounges around my house thinking I might meet someone like me, looking for friends in a nice lounge around home, but that hasn't worked too well. All the people I meet are heavy drinkers. I don't want friends that are heavy drinkers. I have joined a bowling league and all the people there were way too young for me. I am 54 years old and the people in the league were on average around 25 years old, too young. I have taken dancing lessons in hopes of meeting some friends but everyone there were in couples and not interested in making new friends. I have gone to the local gym and the local community centre and nothing. I am at my wits end. I don't know where else to go to meet people. Some one said to go to church to meet people so I tried that but it was all family people and they were in their own little worlds and weren't interested in making a new friend either. So yes some people do exist that don't have any friends. Right now I am posting in mylot because I would go crazy otherwise with no one to talk to and this is sort of like talking to people, more so than talking to the TV. Cheers my friend and happy mylotting, Chris
@andy77e (5156)
• United States
2 Oct 10
That is great for you. For me, every "Friend" I have ever had, has hurt me, and deserted me. I do not have friend, and nor do I need them. I don't hate anyone, but I don't need them around either. I feel best when I am alone, with no one around to ruin my good mood. I think it's great that friends are a gift from G-d to you. To me, friends are a curse from G-d to torment me. Let G-d know that if friends are a 'gift', then he can keep all his 'gifts' to himself. I don't want them.
@anurag3786 (6267)
• India
2 Oct 10
I think friends are always important in my life. Because always they give me their supports when I really needed. So I think friends are the person who always gives their help to us when we really needed. And when nobody gives us their help then only friends give their help to us. So I always give importance to my friends. And if there is no any friends in someone’s life then their life become empty because there is no nay joy in their life. And fun always comes when we have friends.
@Rallon (441)
• United States
1 Oct 10
Friends are of the highest importance in this life! Without friends, we would have a very difficult time being content, having fun, not being lonely, or moving a couch. (lol) Throughout my life, my friends have been like my extended family. I don't what I would have done without them to lean on in troubling times. I too hope that there really is no one out there who does not have a single friend. That is just to sad to think about.
@bagputza (504)
• Belgium
30 Sep 10
Good evening dear Mylloter friend Kyel_11 , five years ago i used to live in roumania , and i used to have a really big bunch of friends , but they seemed to be friends only when i had money and alcohool or something else to give them , and manny times i used to make pretty much sacrifices for these so called "friends" that when i started to need them , they have all turned the back on me , one by one , so forgive me when i tell you that a person without friends its a better healthyer person because friends for me have only brougght sadnness and problems , so let me tell you this , that is soo much better to have just one real good friend , then to have a big bunch of people that only pretend to be your friends , and will turn theire back at the minute that you asked them a favor back , so i consider myself pretty lucky that i only have one friend now , and he lives really far from me , 1200 km , since i live in belgium and he inh southern france , in marseille, but we see eachother pretty often , i mean he is like a familly member , he cames here in belgium every two months for a period of three weeks ,and i do the same going to marseille every two months for three weeks even a month sometimes , thyis is what i call reall friend , whos making sacrifice as well as i do , the other types of friends they dont even exists in my sight Have a great evening dear Mylloter friend Florin , Over and Out
@harry89 (2330)
• India
30 Sep 10
a man without fnd is called a great businessman
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• Philippines
15 Oct 10
a person without friend have a useless life..or maybe that person is not a good so that nobody like him/her to become friend.. I know that person could change if he/she have a bad attitude..just to have friends..you should be good to them..
@avic24 (57)
• Philippines
2 Oct 10
Its nice to have friends at all, we're you can share everything. I pity those person without friends. Why?? maybe he/she has this bad attitude, or a real loner.. or maybe he/she has this so called problem (afraid to get hurt, been left alone). But we should respect these people, let's give them the word UNDERSTANDING.
• India
1 Oct 10
I think everyone will have at-least one friend, it may be mother if noone else is there. I think it's mother who is the first friend in our life. I am lucky to have my first friend and many more.
• Philippines
1 Oct 10
Wowowee! Hi there kyel_11. I'm colmama9 and its nice that I've chanced upon viewing your discussion. Well, to start with, I'm a person who has no friends. Yes this person exists, its me. How do I survive? I simply live by moral principles, even if the actions would not benefit me at all. Though I communicate with other people of course, but not to the point of sharing personal private feelings and ideas. No man is an island? During uncivilized times, man fends off for himself through hunting, and builds his own shelter. Loners and anti-socials sometimes may seem like they don't communicate anything at all, but they might actually have an online social life.(Like what I'm doing, however these people, and you, are not mutual friends of course. Just letting you know that I exist) Its a good thing that you value your friends. Its nice to have friends. I'm just not designed to have friends. Anyway, if ever there is a NEED to make friends(business related matters), of course I will try and be friendly. But that person cannot expect me to get all touchy and open. The humorous and kind type of relationship is what I will establish. Good day to all Mylot users. ^_^
• Philippines
1 Oct 10
I never imagined a person without a friend in this world. No, I think there's no such person evolved and lived. Even the most sinful sinner and most abandoned man has a friend despite the situations they'd encounter. To normal person, I believe a person live without friend is living like a man in an island.
• Philippines
1 Oct 10
for me i cant live without friends because for me friend is my second sisters\brother. friends is very important in my life.... i cant live without my friends,friends who always there every time im alone,friends who make me smile,who make me laugh,and friends who comfort me when im sad..... i believe in the saying that no man is an island!!!
• Indonesia
1 Oct 10
yeah i think for them who dont have friend i think they are having a such bad experience in the past so they dont want friends and enjoy when they are alone,but for me absolutely i cant live without friends because they are like my sister or brother
@marnice (60)
• Philippines
1 Oct 10
A person without a friend has a bad attitude problem...I know someone here in our office. Very bad attitude towards others I think she's insecure and full of bitterness at first she will befriend you and use you.