Just recently got back from my last trip to grandmas house.

Grandmas house - This is the back of my grandmas house. I am really going to miss seeing her there.
@Erilyn (3020)
United States
October 19, 2010 8:37pm CST
Why is it when it rains it pours? I got a call about 3 weeks ago that my grandma had stage 4 cancer in her lungs, brain and pancreas. We were going to go to Ohio to get her and take her to my moms house. The day we were to leave to go to Ohio she had a stroke. She was unable to leave, and we ended up staying for 5 days to spend some time with her before we had to come back. Of course once i got back it was time to get back to the old grind! Do you remember the last time you went to your grandmas house? I know that it will be the last time i make the trip to grandmas.
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3 responses
@celticeagle (163207)
• Boise, Idaho
20 Oct 10
Oh, my goodness. I have so many memories of granmas. I visited occasionally. She was very understanding of some choices I had made in my life. One morning my mom called and told me grandma had passed in her sleep. I was happy for her. I think this way of passing is the very best way to go. Mom took care of her house, paid the taxes and finally sold it. Some good folk baught it and remodelled it. I was invited to see what they had done to the place but I couldn't bring myself to go. I wanted to remember all the idiosincrancies of the place as I had grown up in it.
@Erilyn (3020)
• United States
20 Oct 10
I can understand that. Im waiting for that call. The dr said that she would pass peacefully in her sleep because of the tumors in her brain. i just hope there is no pain for her.
@celticeagle (163207)
• Boise, Idaho
21 Oct 10
I do too.
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@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
24 Oct 10
Yes I do remember it very clearly and I was glad we got that time together I am so sorry about your Grandma Sweetie and I will keep you and your Family in my Thoughts I hope she is not in to much Pain Sweetie Big Hugs
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@Erilyn (3020)
• United States
26 Oct 10
Thank you Gabs. I call or text my cousin every day to see how grams is doing and to see how she is holding up as well. She is taking care of grandma at her house. Last night she said that grams started having pain and she had to start giving her morphine. She said today was a better day for her, but that she now cant move herself at all. It may sound terrible but at this point for grandmas sake it will be a quick process for her. She always hated anyone fussing over her. I am very thankful for the time I got to spend with her while I was there.
• United States
20 Oct 10
So sorry your grandma is so very ill. I have never had a grandma so this disheartens me to hear another person experience. God bless her and hope she is as comfortable as possible.
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@Erilyn (3020)
• United States
20 Oct 10
Thank you hun. She isnt in any pain and the dr said that she wont feel any pain. I call 2 times a day to check on her and see how she is doing. This whole thing hasnt been easy. I am glad that i got to spend some time with her, and I got lots of pictures while I was there.