maridjan, the merapi volcano keeper died by hot cloud

October 27, 2010 4:19am CST
maridjan, the merapi volcano keeper who is famous in Indonesia died by hot cloud in his home kitchen in prostrate position at 05.00 PM wednesday (27/10/2010) burn by hot cloud of merapi volcano eruption. the location is on Umbulharjo village, the sleman prefect. his house only five kilometers from the peak of eruption of Mount Merapi. last night, Maridjan has encountered by evacuation team. When asked to leave his home, he refused. As a caretaker, maridjan never want to leave mount merapi. the 83-year-old man was once said "If I join the refugees, I will be ridiculed by chicken". now, maridjan who's famous with called "mbah maridjan" is died now, his name became a history of Indonesia. mbah is a nickname for the old man especially for javanese people, his age 83 years old. do you know mbha maridjan before? what your opinion?
3 responses
@areximut (86)
• Indonesia
27 Oct 10
nice, he die and refer 16 people to die because his thinking
• Indonesia
27 Oct 10
ha ha ha they are not follower but journalist, one person knew from vivanews
• Indonesia
28 Oct 10
i've known before Mr Maridjan, the trouble is why the media did't upload the evidence of merapi eruption whethet upload the maridjan story, i can't stand for it
@yspmyl (3435)
• Malaysia
27 Oct 10
That is so scary and I pity him because of his stubborn. If he listen to the authority's advice, he could have save his life, many are stay to save their crop but yet they can't even save their life. So sad!
• Indonesia
27 Oct 10
yeah, sometimes a people believed with their unreal thinking. I think this must resolve by our government. our country is big, and many culture in here. we must be patience to solve problem like this, with cool head.