Do you think you're strong?

November 5, 2010 8:03am CST
Well, I am strong. I know I am. But I am not strong, like all the time. I am strong only when I am happy. Fortunately, most of the time I am happy. But when I am sad, or, frustrated, I feel like I am not being strong anymore. Sorrow and expectations make me vulnerable. Sometimes I feel it's the reasons that make us strong. Then at other times I feel that nothing gives me more strength than my own emotions. I don't know what makes me strong. But I definitely feel this strength that seems to keep me going. Do you think you're strong? What makes you strong? Did you recently demonstrated your strength in your life?
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35 responses
@akari77 (123)
• Philippines
5 Nov 10
Well for me, my everyday experiences in life make me strong. If for example this action gave a negative result then i won't choose to do it again. Identifying weaknesses can make a person stronger but there are also moments in our lives that we don't have control and all we have to do is to have faith to our creator.
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• India
5 Nov 10
The thing you're saying is somehow related to a phenomenon called reinforcement. There are positive reinforcement or encouragement that you get from good deeds. This reinforcement may come in many forms, like mental peace, happiness, praise from your near ones and colleagues etc. There is negative reinforcement that discourages you from doing mistakes. This too can be of different forms, like rebuke from boss, bad consequences or criticism etc. Then there are differential reinforcements where although you get some positive feedback on your good deeds, but you get little or no feedback for the mistakes you do. This is all in psychological adaptation process.
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@saphrina (31551)
• South Africa
5 Nov 10
Hello sweet pea. I am anything but strong. Emotions can really show you how weak you are. Crappy actually. It's frustrating and it makes one moody and bad tempered. Even if we want to be strong each day, i don't really think it is possible. TATA.
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@saphrina (31551)
• South Africa
5 Nov 10
Thanx meluan, but i work down the mails. Sweet pea got the next one, though.
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@saphrina (31551)
• South Africa
5 Nov 10
Never mind meluan.
@saphrina (31551)
• South Africa
5 Nov 10
Git that then?
@vandana7 (100083)
• India
5 Nov 10
Hello kiddo, I think I am strong when three conditions are satisfied a. I am not having any major health problems; b. I am not feeling as if others do not understand me, or deliberately avoiding to take the side of right, which of course is mine; and c. I am feeling secure, physically, mentally, emotionally, and financially. If all these three conditions are satisfied - I think I can tackle even Boa constrictor. ha ha
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@vandana7 (100083)
• India
5 Nov 10
Condition a not yet satisfied, I have acute leg pains as of now.
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@saphrina (31551)
• South Africa
5 Nov 10
@saphrina (31551)
• South Africa
5 Nov 10
Can i send the boa then. 8 metres to be precise.
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@ren_hbl (14)
• Philippines
6 Nov 10
Yes, I'm strong. And, I think, everyone living in this earth, who keeps living, is strong. As we face every challenge in our daily lives, we become stronger and stronger. And, what makes us even stronger is when we win that challenge. But, losing doesn't mean you're weak. Though it's normal for you to feel that way. But, what makes you stronger is when you stand up, aim, and fight again for what you believe is right, that would make you a better person.
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• India
6 Nov 10
Okay, Bold and Beautiful, you sound like you're strong for sure. As the difficulty level of real life problems rise, our ability to find a feasible solution also increases. Human mind is actually quite flexible and adaptive. But there is a certain limit beyond which human mind can fail and the limit varies from person to person. Whether a person will have a strong mental framework depends on the way he's been brought up. All battles are first fought within the mind. So mental strength is way more important than physical power. If you take every difficult situation as a challenge, and learn to take it sportingly, then your life actually becomes more eventful and enjoyable.
• Philippines
5 Nov 10
Hello basu, Well, i am strong indeed i am. I should be and must be strong at all times. Be it in physical and emotional. When seeing people around me , listening to my love ones , thinking about my work, thinking about the people who awaits my acts that makes me strong enough to face the odds of life. I know my weaknesses and strength (hopefully i know me 100% hehe) in order to conquer my fragility. I feel vulnerable when in love.
• India
5 Nov 10
When you know your weaknesses, they are no more your weakness. They almost becomes your realizations, valuable lessons. But not many of us has that kinda analytical prowess. When we are happy we say we're being emotional. Then again when we are sad we say to ourselves, "Am I being too emotional?" As a matter of fact it's the emotions that helps us do meaningful things. The important decision is made when you channel all your emotions in a purposeful way to do some good deeds. A good deed, for example staying honest, is a reward in itself, which again will work as a positive encouragement for your next action.
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• Philippines
6 Nov 10
Your words are tend to be an eye opening. Just this day that i demonstrated my very act of strength which i decline or avoided many times before. I closed and padlocked a certain house now. I really dig my strength for doing it though everything was fine before hand. We had with my boss discussed about it but still cant get into my nerve. Well this is my job suppressing emotions for the improvement of many.
@Mitica8 (48)
• Italy
5 Nov 10
hi, In general i think to be enough strong, but i have to say that it depends so much if i am happy and satisfied. for me, when itsn't a good period, i feel me weak, and anything can hurt me. love and satisfactions make me feel strong. Few times i'm not strong.
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• India
5 Nov 10
If it's only love that makes you feel strong then you can use it in your advantage. How about loving people even when they don't love you anymore? How about forgiving every other person who treated you badly? Just try it sweetheart and you'll feel great. I know from my own experiences.
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• Vietnam
6 Nov 10
Love can make everyone feel strong also. Who denies that? ;) Even being hurt makes us stronger ^^
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@primeaque86 (8108)
• Philippines
6 Nov 10
Am I strong? what keeps me moving? Well, I just feel each day that there is one thing that fueling me... that keeps me move, that's a love from someone... a love that I rarely feel before... I guess that is what keep me in place today, or I don't know what happen if I lost it.
• India
6 Nov 10
Don't you think that the thing you've considered so far as your strength has already become your weakness. Please don't take it otherwise, but I think you're being extremely depended on that particular someone you're talking about here. You're giving undue significance to her presence. You're saying that it's her love that keeps you moving. You're highly overrating it just by saying that at the same time you're overlooking all other things that are actively contributing to keep you alive, moving. I am worried for you brother, because whenever there has been undue dependence, there has been sorrow, shock and bereavement.
@saphrina (31551)
• South Africa
6 Nov 10
Actually biswa, this goes both ways. I am rowing in exactly the same boat here. It cannot be undone. It just have to happen like this. Don't ask as i don't have the answer for it at all.
@bunnybon7 (50973)
• Holiday, Florida
6 Nov 10
i must be very strong emotionally because a few times people have said, i dont know how you do it. with all the problems and strife ive had and raising 5 kids, and through 4 abusive husbands, etc. my mother being very abusive, all that and havent been to the luney ben yet, physically ive never been strong though.
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@dorannmwin (36392)
• United States
8 Nov 10
I know that I am a strong person, I've always been that way. There was a time in my life that I was a weaker person, but my father passed away when I was a teenager and it was at that point that I realized what a strong person that I am. I learned a lot from my mother, and she passed her strength onto my siblings and myself. There are times that I feel like I am a failure, but I realize that it is the trials that we face in our lives that serve to make us stronger in the long run.
• India
9 Nov 10
Hello, The things you said are precious. You just mentioned the very essence of all learnings. I also believe that there are more things to be learned from bad situations than from happy moments of life. Sometimes we become myopic. We can't see beyond a certain distance. That often makes the failure quite prominent to us. But an experienced and reformed person will always see opportunity in every failure he faces in life. Thanks so much for your wise words here. God bless you.
@airasheila (5454)
• Philippines
5 Nov 10
A pleasant day Getbiswa2000, As for me, I dont consider myself strong. Though, some of my friends always tell me that I am. I am always depressed. As the situation that I am going thru was not that smooth. I just need to be strong in-front of others as I dont want them to tease. That, I once heard some of my colleagues was saying, why I am not smiling. That, as if, I am the only person in this world that has a problem. For this reason, I need to smile for a while in-front of others. As, I dont want to hear that again. Honestly, I am just relying and lifting up everything thru prayers. And this is the only weapon I have and the reason, why I am still strong inspite of the many trials that I am facing. And hoping one day, all of these trials will turn into blessings.
• India
6 Nov 10
In my opinion you're the strongest person among whom I've responded so far in this discussion. I am telling you why I think that. You know you're strong, yet you're not even a bit overconfident about it. You know that at times everyone can get weak. So you give yourself enough space to grow organically. You get hurt sometimes by the strong opinions that others may have about you. But even then you don't let your mind get lost in depressive feelings. You always derive some positive things, positive goals from it. If you believe in prayers then you've already passed the critical stage of ignorance. You've chose the most reliable person to be your friend and you will always get help from there.
@llbo1981 (1237)
• China
5 Nov 10
I think iam not strong enough in daily life.I should do many exercises and make my body strong enough.Weak body is harmful to daily life,it can bring me many problems,such as it affects working,it affects other things which i do.
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• India
5 Nov 10
Well, only a strong body can be the best container for a strong mind. I agree to you on that. But the greatest strength just happens to be more psychological than physical. Don't you agree?
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• United States
5 Nov 10
Time and my years of wisdom have forced me to be strong. Sure I do have my weak moments but seriously I would not be standing today after so many trials if I were not strong.
• India
5 Nov 10
Wisdom is the greatest strength my dear. We are all trying to achieve it in different ways. Sometimes this purpose is hidden by various confusing words like 'riches', 'career', 'establishment', 'peace', 'happiness' etc. But no matter how we define our aims in life, it all converges into a single word, 'wisdom'. Knowing your own mistakes is not easy. It needs a lot of self realization. Pointing a finger, that was once habituated in seeking others in distress, to yourself is a difficult task. If you're among the very few who have actually achieved it, then you are already in the path of wisdom. Just go on and you'll reach enlightenment soon enough.
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@toniganzon (72281)
• Philippines
6 Nov 10
Physically I'm not strong. Emotionally and mentally, I believe I am. My past experiences in life have taught me how to strengthen myself. I hate to be vulnerable and when I am, sometimes, I never show it at all. Basically it's my principles in life that gives me the strength to resist all kinds of temptations at all. Most people have the impression that I'm weak but they're all wrong.
@arielbsn (199)
• Philippines
5 Nov 10
I'm strong in the sense that God gives me the courage in life to be strong but without Him I'm totally nothing. Sometimes I feel that I'm weak person but when I think of the things God can do for me I ignore the feeling of being a weak.
• India
5 Nov 10
Sometimes we are thrown into bad situations. Then we complain and argue with ourselves. We become paranoid of the very existence of God. We even blame him for our own distress. But then we just think in a very crooked way. God controls everything, and he always has a good reason for what he does. When he brings bad situations to us, he only intends to give us some lessons so that we can be transformed into better human beings. If we're in terrible distress, it only means that God has some good plans for us in future. It means that we have been chosen to do his work and therefore, he is preparing us for that purpose, by making us stronger.
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• Indonesia
6 Nov 10
How else, "strong" is a confidence that is in our lives. Each person must feel a strong or weak in face of some problem. We're weak if the problems we face are too big so that makes us feel not able to finish. But the problem could only be resolved if we are in a state of clam and thing clearly.
@Opal26 (17679)
• United States
6 Nov 10
Hi my sweet bis! I think that you are very strong! You are smart, funny, caring and loving! You don't seem the least bit weak to me. Everyone has times in their lives that they just don't feel completely alright because something is "off" or their are some issues that are getting them done! That is just another part of life that we all go through. So, you are not alone in having those feelings. Sometimes I feel very weak and miserable, more often than I wish. But, I know that when my friends or family needed me I was there for them in spite of my own feelings of ineptitude! You are a wonderful person my dear biswa and don't you forget it!
• India
9 Nov 10
Hiya, You always make me feel special, d' you know that? If you see some good in me, that's nothing new. Every mother sees the very best in her children. That's what makes mothers one of a kind, the most precious gift a man can ever have in his entire lifetime. I wonder where I would stand without the love and care of wonderful persons like you. Thanks. God bless you, mother.
@Renhard (3471)
• Jamaica
5 Nov 10
i am strong too. But the only time you may see the opposite in me is when i feel a bit sad which you will hardly see or when i am ashamed. But otherwise from those things i am always strong. And what builds that is when i get shame or sad as the more i have those emotions the more i get use to them and the more they dont have an effect on me. And i cant remember a situation now that i demonstrated strength in my life.
• India
5 Nov 10
This is how it all goes. We are first subjected to some mild distress. Then when we get accustomed with it we are exposed to some new one which is stronger than the one we faced before. The difficulty level rises as we grow more mature and experienced. People always complain about being deprived and underprivileged. But what they don't see here is that it's all just to make them stronger, so that they can face difficult challenges with ease.
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• Philippines
5 Nov 10
well im proud that im the one of all of the people who's strong. but it is not all the time sometimes i feel also some tired with my body. but still im reduce some energy to become a strong again.
• India
5 Nov 10
A tired body leads to a tired mind. It's everything in our mind boy. The whole world is contained within our mind. The things we see, the things we hear are all processed information stored in our brain. So it's actually a mind game that we are playing all the time. Since mind can't work without body, a strong mind should be accompanied with a strong physique too. The mind can't stay strong for hours as it's functions actually depend on the state of your body. That's why we need to rest sometimes.
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@Jiabsa (511)
• India
6 Nov 10
I don't think that i am so strong physically, because i am a female. Physically female are weaker than men. But mentally ladies are stronger than gents. The special gift of God to women. Like other ladies, i also is strong mentally.
• India
6 Nov 10
Well, I have experienced mental weakness from most of the women I met in my life. But there are exceptions. And I've met men who are weak both mentally and physically. I somehow reached the conclusion that mental or physical strength, in no way, depends on gender. The thing that you mentioned here is just a long standing conservative belief held by our society. But this will soon change. There will be time when physical strength in women will not be looked down upon as masculine trait.
6 Nov 10
I am superman strong because i take steroids . I've crushed skulls and toppled down buildings . RAWR !
• India
6 Nov 10
I can't make head nor tail of it. Why do you have to take steroid? If you want to topple down a building then just call a bulldozer. Then why do you need to spend your money on medication just because you want to crush someone's skull. Are you kidding me?