
November 6, 2010 11:32pm CST
are you satisfied with your life right now??so in that case how do you say it that you are satisfied now???do you tend to get more or dream of anything???or you just satisfied for what you have right now.
4 responses
@ifa225 (14464)
• Indonesia
10 Dec 10
i just satisfied what i have right now. but yet i still have many things that i am dreaming about. and i wish that someday i can make it come true. but that des not mean that i am dissatisfied
7 Nov 10
a human never gets satisfied.. thats nature.. satisfaction occurs when we are rich enough in resources and happy till we die.. if it comes to me.. am not fully satisfied yet.. as am able to live in the present moment its a bit satisfactory but there are still some reasons why am not satisfied in my life yet..
• Philippines
7 Nov 10
im satisfied maybe even that i have headache everyday. there's always challenge that threaten to undermine contentment but the joy is in surpassing those.
@aaronfyzeon (1920)
• Philippines
7 Nov 10
so far, I am satisfied with my life. I am pretty contented with it. Although I am a little hard up financially but generally I still am having a satisfactory lifestyle.