drunk???they don't know what they have done???is it real??

November 11, 2010 8:25pm CST
as many people engage in drinking sessions and being drunk totally,they tend to do something unusual, kinda weird actually and after they have done that the next day morning their friends asked them,"do you know what you have done last night"? is it true?? based from your friends ???
2 responses
@ifa225 (14464)
• Indonesia
13 Nov 10
i never drunk before. but what i had saw, a person often totally loose control when they get drunk. and never remember what they had done while drunk. they become brave and could do anything that they want. uncontrolled.
• Greece
12 Nov 10
Yes, I have experienced it myself. When I drink a lot (it rarely happens but when it does) I do things that I probably wouldn't do while sober. Most of them I can remember and somehow control at the moment, but others not. Usually I can't remember specific details. Now my friends drink a lot more than me (at least my closest ones) and they tend to have more extreme behavior than mine. It's funny to me...!