how can you say your in love ??

November 15, 2010 8:20am CST
your in love??? could it be???is it love when you feel that you always happy when you see her,you always wanted to glimpse at her,you cannot resist every time he ask you a favor,or you always think of her every time??? can that be that your in love?? can that be a signed that your in love???
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7 responses
@ifa225 (14464)
• Indonesia
10 Dec 10
if i am in love, i would do anything for him. giving him all that i had. but since now, i never do that. so i can say that i have not find my real love or truly madly deeply in love
@sender621 (14894)
• United States
24 Nov 10
We can say we are in love when the object of our affections is always in our thoughts. When everything around us reminds us of that person in some way , we can honestly say that we are in love.
@academic2 (7000)
• Uganda
15 Nov 10
When there is a tingling in your heart and you are thing like a fairly foolish person who can noloner use the full power of his brain!
@mods196621 (3652)
• Philippines
15 Nov 10
Yes that is a sign that you are already in love because she is always at you mind and always happy thinking of her. That you cannot eat well, sleep well, and many things to relate that you are already inlove. The indication that we are inlove is when we never stop thinking of her /him even at the office or anywhere.
@kquiming (2997)
• Philippines
15 Nov 10
i think all of the above describes love...but love is not just limited to those descriptions. well we all have different ideas / perception / belief when it comes to love, so i won't argue with the fact that we have different answers on this one.... but yeah, right now i know i'm in love. and one of the reasons why i say and know so - is because i'm willing to make sacrifices i don't usually make with just anybody...
@aaronfyzeon (1920)
• Philippines
15 Nov 10
For me there are still lots of factors to consider before I could say that I am in Love with a person. It will not just make me feel that I wanted to see this person everyday and my heart beats so fast everytime he is near me. For me, this is just a high school stuff. Yes I definitely experienced it before but now I don't.
@ipenk1000 (207)
• Indonesia
15 Nov 10
if it's called falling in love at first sight... hahaha...