name of the school???does it really matter in applying to work???

November 15, 2010 8:54am CST
does it really matter where school have you been,when you are applying for a company???how much do they give importance to this matter??? what if you are in a situation that you have been in a school that is not that well-known unlike those your co-applicants which came from well established school,will it affect your confidence because you just been in a not well-known school???
6 responses
@chiwasaki (4694)
• Philippines
22 Sep 11
I think the name of the school really matters. There are company that only accepts students from certain university. I don't really agree on that but that is their policy. I somehow feel like it is an indirect discrimination. Some companies prefer those universities where only rich people can study.
@ifa225 (14464)
• Indonesia
11 Dec 10
if you are one of the al-mameter of your boss, then it would be important. sometimes in the job world there is nepotism inside. we can't deny that this is exist
@allamgirl (2140)
• Philippines
29 Nov 10
here in our country it does, a LOT. i know it's unfair, but i guess that's just the way it is, especially when it's big companies. it's really sad, because everyone should have a fair chance.
• Philippines
15 Nov 10
It's a sad and not exactly a good basis, but yes, it does. HR staff usually specify schools that they prefer. I don't agree with this. For me, this is a blatant form of discrimination. Here's what you can do, rise above it and prove it that you're as good as any of those high class private school grads. Or even better. Impress them with your resume. Strut your stuff during the interview. There's no point in losing to this unfair qualification. You've got to show 'em what you're really made of!
@aaronfyzeon (1920)
• Philippines
15 Nov 10
It does really matter when applying for a job. I never had any problem with this because I am from the best University here in our country. I guess if I were not from that school then I will still have the confidence during the interview. I will just let them know that whatever these people from popular universities, I can also do that.
@NoWayRo (1061)
• Romania
15 Nov 10
I think the school matters a lot, especially for people who are fresh graduates and don't have anything else to show in their resume. In time, it might become less important, but in the beginning, graduates of a reputable school will have higher chances in interviews than others. When I was doing interviews, there were some people that came from a particular university that didn't stand a chance in our company, we didn't even call them for interviews, because we had a long history of bad experiences with them.