When an old one is dug out and responded

@eshaan (6188)
December 3, 2010 10:32am CST
It makes me feel proud (though a bit)if someone picks up a very old discussion of mine and bring it at the top of MINE (mine if discussions) Today a friend of mine responded to a discussion about 11 months old...I don't understand how these friends do so much research...as the discussion doesn't even appear at the top page of my profile...even if we click 'see all discussions'...then also we have to go pages by pages to find the one that interests us and then respond it...what do u think must be the reason beside this? The person finding your discussions good...or he/she is just in the mood of turning pages...and suddenly something they see which they like.... anyways...i feel honored to happen this to me
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19 responses
• India
4 Dec 10
Hello my friend eshaan Ji, I feel there may be still another reason to response in rotation.Some members have lot many friends and they respond equally to everyone in rotation withoiut being biased by topic and interest OR even need of the hour lioke some days there are burniong topic where members may be attracted to response. Thanks. May God bless You and have a great time.
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@eshaan (6188)
• India
4 Dec 10
yes..it depends in what mood the users are..it definitely matters
• India
5 Dec 10
Hello my friend eshaan Ji, So nice of you for your immediate positive comments. Thanks Take care. May God bless You and have a great time.
@devijay78 (1573)
• India
3 Dec 10
Hi eshaan. I did respond to one of your old discussions and I guess it is the one which you are talking about. I was replying to a discussion started by a friend of mine when in the right hand side of my page I saw discussions with the same relavant topics. I was just going through them when I found yours interesting and thought that I would reply. Contrary to what you think, I did not do any research. The discussions were there already and all I had to do is choose one of them and reply. Thanks for starting the discussion though. It made me think of what happend five years back when I met my husband and made me smile. Good day.
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@eshaan (6188)
• India
4 Dec 10
yes the discussion is same...but before u replied, one more friend responded to it yesterday itself...i understood the way u came to my discussion...yes that way someone can discover our old topics..but its good of u to look around the page when u posted....i remain focused to the topic i am replying and i honestly admit that i am always in hurry to notice things around...
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@devijay78 (1573)
• India
4 Dec 10
Yes, eshaan. I know that somebody else responded and you meant that person's response. Was just confirming that it was the same topic. I am here to make friends and unwind from my days's work. So I do take time in responding to discussions and so I guess I have the time to explore this site.
@Sreekala (34312)
• India
4 Dec 10
Hi eshaan, I am lucky enough to get that opportunity in mylot. Many often my old discussions come to the top and thanks to those who spend time for me to search and respond. Once my three year old discussion comes in the top and then only I realized the thing, the discussion was left unresolved. Yes, I started that topic in the beginning and was not aware the importance of commenting back and resolving the topic. As soon as I realized the mistake I resolved the same in the next minute itself. Be happy and proud of your friends eshaan,as they are caring you much.
@eshaan (6188)
• India
4 Dec 10
yes..dear friend..and i value each of my friend..including you...each one os a precious gem for me
@Hatley (163781)
• Garden Grove, California
4 Dec 10
hi eshaan for me its finding old discussions from some of my old friends here and loving to respond and move it up front for others to see. I do it because I realized how thrilled I was when some old discussions of mine had been revived . It was a nice feeling to think someone thought enough of an oldie to resuscitate it and give it new life.
@eshaan (6188)
• India
4 Dec 10
yes..its like a big achievement ..
• Philippines
3 Dec 10
Sometimes this happens to me too. There were a couple of users who answered my old discussions. In fact, there was one who answered my oldest discussion. I didn't comment on his response thought cuz I think it would be the best if we left those old discussions be. It's not that interesting after all. LOL
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@eshaan (6188)
• India
4 Dec 10
you can't say which topic interests which person...and also its good to add your comment to anyone who responds to u...
• China
4 Dec 10
Maybe your topic is interesting to them,maybe they just feel bored~Who knows
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@eshaan (6188)
• India
4 Dec 10
ya...someone here told me that she got my old discussion in the relevant topics to one of the other discussion she had replied...good that mylot has placed this option...
@devijay78 (1573)
• India
4 Dec 10
That was me me me!
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@eshaan (6188)
• India
7 Dec 10
@MsTickle (25180)
• Australia
15 Dec 10
When your discussion appears and is ready for responses, on the right hand side with the heading in blue will be similar discussions or discussions from the same interest. Some of these may be 5 years old as I have discovered to my chagrin. I have jumped in and written a long response and it will never be read by anyone most likely. It might also happen that the original poster is long gone.
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@eshaan (6188)
• India
6 Feb 11
yes..that is the reason most of the people have stated here...now i understand that there are researchers here op mylot
@paula27661 (15811)
• Australia
6 Dec 10
It may be that this person really likes your posts and thought it worthwhile to look through your old discussions. It happened to me once although I don’t know if my responder went as far back eleven months! I would feel honoured too! Sometimes people have a little time on their hands and take a look around at old discussions or may come across a particular post while searching for something else. Either way, it’s all good!
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@eshaan (6188)
• India
7 Dec 10
yes...whatever may be the reason it feels good to re-talk on the same matter
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@marguicha (216895)
• Chile
6 Feb 11
At the right of each post you answer, there are other posts with similar content judging by the tags. Probably they got it from there. I often follow those threads to see where they will take me.
@eshaan (6188)
• India
8 Feb 11
so u keep exploring mylot ...right?
@marguicha (216895)
• Chile
8 Feb 11
Sure. Sometimes old posts are more intersting than the new ones. There are days when noone is inspired (and neither am I)
@dorannmwin (36392)
• United States
7 Dec 10
I've been responding to quite a few older discussions lately because of the fact that I've been going through some of the old digests that I had saved in my email because of the fact that my friends really haven't been starting as many discussions lately as they typically do. However, there are other times that I will dig up an old discussion quite by accident because of the fact that I will search to see if something has been discussed and I will find a similar discussion that has been around for a while.
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@eshaan (6188)
• India
7 Dec 10
i have also preserved the mails about 4 months older in my mail-box..now busy with the newer ones...but once i get sufficient time..i will be looking into all those...
@nangisha (3496)
• Indonesia
6 Dec 10
Hi eshaan!. I think if were in your place I think I feel the same. Its really need a dig to find our old discussion. Well mine is not much as yours so think thats person really browsing it one by one. I don't mind either response to old discussion if it really interest me even there is a chance I will not got response back.
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@eshaan (6188)
• India
7 Dec 10
hi nangisha...yes there are many reasons for the user to come to our old discussion...for me..even if the discussion becomes old..i will comment on it...
• India
18 Jan 11
Some times i face the same situation, i really get delighted and honored, when i like some particular person's discussions, i try to respond as many as possible by going to his/her profile and enjoy each.. Thanks for sharing. Cheers. Professor. .
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@eshaan (6188)
• India
6 Feb 11
so it must be a kind of lucky draw for the person whose profile u visit...
@thanks1961 (7035)
• India
3 Dec 10
Yes, such experiences make us more comfortable and confident. Keep it up. For them it must have a best topic for discussion and once it has been already discussed and talked about, you also must have a better feedback on the subject. Thank-s
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@eshaan (6188)
• India
4 Dec 10
yes...even when we start the discussion we do not understand ..but when it is restarted by someone...when they respond it..then we feel the goodness of the topic...
• India
9 Dec 10
Hi dear, In fact, 2 days back I was gone little more in details on myLot. I understood that many people are there around 4 years back and in those days, there were a lot of best and nice topics were discussed. Unfortunately, it shows that they are not logged in for 2-3 year. That means, there were people enjoyed earlier with more enthusiastically and later they just give up or gone from here. Just for a trial basis, I have commented for those 4 year old posts and accepted friend request also. Even though they are not reverted, I think if they come and look their site details, they may wonder that even after 4 years also, people commenting to their topics. Interesting?? That means, the topics are always new, if it has relevant with time or if it holds a universal acceptance. However, nice to hear you back again, we can expect to do more and more here in myLot. Regards, Thank-s
@surekharathi (14146)
• India
31 Oct 12
Ohhh I am also a member like this open old discussions like 4 years old or 6 years old no matter if discussion is good respond on it and some I comment on my old discussions also. You are right we can see all discussions of our friends and own.
@eshaan (6188)
• India
21 Nov 12
thanx surekha for coming to such an old discussion...but how u people get it ...where it shows..and how...is still a puzzle for me...anyway thanks...i got one more good friend
@shaggin (71672)
• United States
4 Dec 10
I like when my old discussions are dug up. It seems that they almost never are though. I love to think of a topic and type it in the search box and search for discussions on those subjects. I start with the oldest ones first. To me its so much fun. I comment on them and its like either the people are no longer active or do not want to comment back on their old discussions. Sometimes I ask them what happened after so many years like what was the outcome of their dilemma in their discussion but they never comment back :(
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@eshaan (6188)
• India
4 Dec 10
ya...sometimes the user is no more active at mylot...if u wish to get comment...first look on the profile of that user and find out when he/she last logged in.....just kidding it will take too much of your time..first searching the discussion...then researching about the presence of the user....big head ache
• India
4 Dec 10
I think you must just celebrate the situation and not bother how, it came up on top! Celebrate the fact that you have friends of that sort who can enliven something you have forgotten!?!
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@eshaan (6188)
• India
4 Dec 10
yes...the friends here are a real treasure for me..thanx for adding sweet to the celebration...
• Singapore
4 Dec 10
Congratulations! This has never happened to me so far. Well, I think that, if that someone is doing his research, then a lot of the older discussions will show up and he'll respond to something that interests him.
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@eshaan (6188)
• India
4 Dec 10
yes..it feels very good that ur discussion got picked amongst them...
@Suzieqmom (2755)
• United States
3 Dec 10
Maybe they did a search on the topic and your popped up? Anyway, it's great news--it means our older discussion topics may still be relevant. Congrats!
@eshaan (6188)
• India
4 Dec 10
one of the friend here has stated that how we reach the older topic...they look at the list of other relevant topic ...and yes..this way they can reach the older discussion...
@sweet_pea (3322)
• Philippines
3 Jun 11
Whenever I get bored here at Mylot and don't find any discussions that interests me, I go over my friends' profiles and search for discussions that interests me. Sometimes I use the search bar to search for topics that I like to respond to. That is why tags are so important. I know the feeling when a topic that you started from way back then comes to life specially if they don't have any responses at all. My first discussion was responded 6 months after I started it by 2 valuable friends. That made my day and I just feel so happy!
@eshaan (6188)
• India
4 Jun 11
You are right friend many times when i too do not get interesting discussions, i simply got to the discussions started by friends haha