When the mind changes the world changes...

December 23, 2010 7:27pm CST
The God in His wisdom has favoured us with the faculty of thinking which are not available to animals and birds.The brain has the faculty of thinking.The happiness or unhappiness is in the mind only and in no other organ of the human body.There is a theory that the human body is what the mind makes.You can observe that under similar circumstances some feel happy and some feel misrable.If you consider poor people there are many who are happy and some are miserable.Similarly in the rich also some are happy and some are unhappy.Therefore the mind decides.When you change your outlook on life you can either be happy or unhappy.Thereforee it is said "When the mind changes..the world changes" What do you think?
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12 responses
@anitoton (389)
• Kolkata, India
24 Dec 10
i think you are absolutely right.because the look of world is based on how do we see it.if we see with an eye eager to find imperfetion then world is imperfect to us.and in the other case the world is perfect to us..
1 person likes this
• India
24 Dec 10
When your outloook changes positively the world around you looks a happy place to live.You can observe that the crooks always find fault with others and never see good in any thing or in any person.Is it that no one is good in this world? certainly not.When you wear a color glass we will see the entire place in the color of your glass.When you see the world without any glass you see them in their true and original color.Similarly when the mind is in the negative bent how can you see the world straight...?
@deedee328 (1122)
• United States
24 Dec 10
I think, that in general, you are right. There are times when you are going to be sad without choosing that emotion, but after a time, you inevitably have to decide to continue to be sad or not. I am usually pretty happy, as I choose not to let the things of this world get to me too much. I do my best to live by the "Let Go, and let God" motto. It sure makes life easier.
• India
27 Dec 10
The happiness or sadness is all in the mind.Exceptioanally when you have physical pain you cannot be mentally happy and sometimes outward happening contribute to change our mood from happoness to unhappiness and vice versa.Generally it is in mindset that one is happy or not.When you think positively you would feel happy and so the saying that when mind changes the world changes...
@daliaj (5674)
• India
24 Dec 10
I agree with you saying that the world changes when your mind or thinking changes. I have seen very rich people who are unhappy, but poor and people in difficulties who are very happy. It depends on how you take things. It is important to be an open minded person. You can think about people in difficulties when you are in a small problem. It will help you to thank god by realizing that you are in a small problem, but there are lots of people in this world who are having big problems.
• India
24 Dec 10
yea it is very important to have open mind.When in difficulties compare yourself with less fortunate who have more miseries and then you get relief.When you develope positive thoughts everything around you looks good and when you develope negative thoughts you do not see good at all though there are good things around you.The crooks never see good and always they find fault in everything and in every man.
@sender621 (14894)
• United States
24 Dec 10
It can be amazing how we look at our lives. hat spins through our minds can have both positive and negative changes on the world around us. it may not seem what we can contribute matters, but it does. As we change, so does the world.
• India
24 Dec 10
The mind consits of both good and bad and it is in our hands how we control it.If We allow the mind to in the right direction by thinking only it idoes so positive thoughts arise.When we do the other way negative thoughts arise.So do good think good and it is essence of happiness.So when mind changes the world around you changes...
@sophia18 (106)
• China
24 Dec 10
I agree.Sometimes it is hard to change our life,not to say changing the world.But we do can change our mind.If we look at the matter from another aspect, it might be quite different from it was before.Therefore,no matter how poor a condition we are in, we should keep a positive attitude,after all,everything will be fine some day.
• India
24 Dec 10
We cannot change the world to make us happy but we can change our mind to be happy.It is in our hands.When we direct the mind in a positive way in the right direction we can easily find happiness.When we direct the mind in the negative way in the wrong direction we feel miserable.The crooks who have negative thinking always find fault with every one and in every thing.Health also improves by good and noble thinking..
• Nigeria
24 Dec 10
If one could change peoples mindset to focus on the same goal, to make the world better for others, i believe the world would be a better place.
• India
24 Dec 10
What you say is correct but who has to take the task of changing the mindset of all people towards right goal.One may rule anothe by force but cannot change the mindset of the other.If every one tries for himself to change his or her mind there will be peace automatically in the entire world.. All the best..
@peavey (16936)
• United States
24 Dec 10
I think that's very true. It's up to us to decide whether we will be happy or sad, whether we will enjoy the life we've been given or whether we will complain and gripe about everything. Happy people are usually healthier, so the mind really does make a difference in our lives.
• India
24 Dec 10
what you say is correct."Healthy mind in healthy body" Those who think in a positive way are also healthy.The positive thinking helps yo live happily and make others around also happy.It is also in our hands to think positively and lead a healthy life...
@elmiko (6630)
• United States
24 Dec 10
i think the environment one is end depends on happiness more then the outlook someone has on life.
• India
24 Dec 10
Enviroment is one of the causes of hapiness but it is not entirely the environment that makes people happy or unhappy.The rich people with all comforts and good environment may feel miserable.I have seen many like that.You can take inspiration to live happily from environment but it is entirely within you whether to be happy or unhappy.The happiness or unhappiness is in the mind and not in the environment...
@bird123 (10643)
• United States
24 Dec 10
There are people who search all their lives to find happiness never realizing that happiness is no more than a choice. So many people allow events and others to decide their life. The world will change as soon as we decide to choose. It doesn't matter what everyone else is doing. It's our choices that count. Create and shape our lives. It rests in our own hands. I will always be happy.I made that choice long ago!!
• India
24 Dec 10
People have to search their minds only to find real happiness which is within and not without.Without mind there is no human life.Human beings only can think and not animals or birds.If we direct our mind in the right direction we easily find happiness.Similarly if we direct the mind in the wrong direct we are miserable.The happiness or unhappiness of aman is in his or her mind only and no where else..
• Philippines
24 Dec 10
Certainly agree, once our view of things changes the world that surrounds us will also change accordingly. It's how we see things that makes the difference in our lives.
• India
24 Dec 10
It all depends upon how we view things.When you start thinking positively we do not generally find fault with others.The crucked people always find fault in everything and in every one and bent of mind makes all the difference. you are correct..
• India
24 Dec 10
Yup well said man. I agree with you. Some say that god's greatest mistake was that he gave man the ability to think within the mind but it also turned out to be a boon. Man has reached the depths of the earth and as high as the moon with the help of his mind only and nothing more. Man with the help of his mind has done things some which had a meaning and others which did not. Some he had done for his selfish needs and others because he wanted to move people. Depending on what he has done some may be good and for others it may not be so good. It is the mindset of people which figures as to how should one think and do so. People learned that seeing is not believing. Some of the good things also came from this mind like kindness,love,compassion,humanity etc. As every coin has two sides, everyone and every mind also has two sides and depending on the conditions and the surroundings they come out. Cheers!
• India
24 Dec 10
As you rightly said it is the mindset that decides happiness or unhappiness.The mind of a man has reached the moon and fathomed far deep into the sea.It is wonderful to know more and more about our own mind.If you can conquer your mind you can conquer the whole world.You are what your mind is.All our actions are directed by the mind only.Thefore if you think good ..every thing appears to be good.It is vice versa.So crucked people never see good in anything...
• United States
24 Dec 10
I have never heard that statement before but I would have to agree with it. We can choose to be content with our lives or not. I have met people that always seem to be down and never happy with their lives. No amount of encouragement will lift their spirits. It is their choice, for whatever reason, to lead an unhappy life. I have a friend that I work with at the food bank that is always upbeat. The clue to her attitude can be found in each email she sends out. Her signature at the end of each message says "Choose to have a great day!" She obviously chooses to be happy and content with her life. My sister told me once of a visit with her therapist. She was full of despair, having a hard time finding anything good in her life. The therapist told her "Get out of your head. You don't live in your head." When we spend too much time thinking about our own worries and woes we get lost in our own heads. It changes how we view the world around us. Thus, "when the mind changes, the world changes." I belive that we can do as my pastor has often said, "purpose in your heart..." He is usually refering to some spiritual decision but I believe we can purpose in our hearts to be content with what we have and to have a positive attitude. And also, remember, we can choose to be happy. That will change the world around us.
• India
24 Dec 10
You have correctly understood the spirit of the discussion.It is upto us to choose as how we can live happily.I have seen many who are suffering but not blaming others and they say that it is the will of God that I should suffer and therefore I am suffering.This kind of attitude goes a long way in making our lives happy.That is why it is said then the mind changes ..the world changes.You are author and you are the content...