Cyber Bullying Question?

United States
December 31, 2010 3:08am CST
I am being Targeted at a place called Yahoo Answers! People are posting rude questions about me calling me names and what have you Is this a form of cyber bullying? What can I do? or what should i do?
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4 responses
• Brazil
2 Jan 11
Sorry, I don't mean to be direspecful, but is it so important to you? Why don't you just ignore them? As far as I know the Yahoo Answers is a public forum, a place where anybody can post whatever they want, without any kind of properly registered profile nor previuos moderation. So why don't you just post your doubt somewhere else, like here, for example? Let those guys speaking to themselves!
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@LittleMel (8742)
• Canada
2 Jan 11
"Let those guys speaking to themselves!" exactly
@GardenGerty (159885)
• United States
1 Jan 11
I am not really familiar with how that site works, but based on my experiences here, I would say that you need to find a button or tab that will allow you to contact the administrator. Copy and paste the rude things into a message to the admin and ask them to deal with it. I do believe they are obliged to take care of it for you.
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@xfahctor (14118)
• Lancaster, New Hampshire
1 Jan 11
May I say something with out offending you? Seriously, please don't take this the wrong way. But my advice is simply this...grow a spine. It's words on a computer screen. This is the absolute worst any of these people can ever do to you, words on a screen. You don't really know these people, they don't know you, they are of zero significance in your life. People who do that are usually bored kids or adults who never out grew being juvenile. You're an adult, ignore and get over it.
• United States
2 Jan 11
thank you you are right
@tiffnkeat (1673)
• Singapore
31 Dec 10
I am sad to hear that you have been targeted by cyberbullies. You could report them or just ignore their infantile acts unless you feel so personal by the names. Do you personally know these people? If so, maybe warning them that you will report them to police if the bullying goes way out of hand might soften them. The other question is are you able to get answers elsewhere so you can stay clear of those people. Hope all turns out well for you. Look for another community....say, hey, myLOT.