Have you ever posted a resume online?

United States
January 6, 2011 11:21am CST
If you haven't.. don't! I've been looking through the want ads for a part time job.. and came across a few that wanted a resume.. so I made one on a jobs website. Boy was that a mistake! Since the day I posted that resume I've gotten a ton of spam e-mails about weird jobs. Most of them do not even list a company or any job requirments.. they just say "We saw your resume, call us about a job opening". I've even gotten a few phone calls!! I ended up going into the jobs website and deleting my resume, but I'm still getting the e-mails and phone calls! I don't know how to make it stop.
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10 responses
@jillhill (37354)
• United States
7 Jan 11
My friend did that too...but I don't think she got all the spam you did....that's creepy....most the time they say they won't share your info and guess what! They do..stinkers! Good luck making it stop!
• United States
7 Jan 11
The phone calls seem to have stopped luckily. Though I still get a couple e-mails a day. It's frustrating!
@GardenGerty (159036)
• United States
7 Jan 11
I am afraid I do not know how to make it stop, either. I have used online templates to write resumes, and then I send them to individual companies if they request them. I have not just done a blanket posting. If you have some kind of filter on your browser or service provider you could put a filter on to send them all to spam. You could then check spam periodically to see if any good ones landed there. I use caller ID so I do not answer phone calls that I do not know.
• United States
7 Jan 11
Well I learned a lesson from it!
@lilybug (21107)
• United States
7 Jan 11
I have not ever posted a resume online. I have responded to a few that asked for a resume on things like craigslist. Actually one of the two jobs I have now I got that way. Thanks for the warning about doing that though. I will be sure to avoid doing it in the future.
@bunnybon7 (50973)
• Holiday, Florida
6 Jan 11
that is the problem these days. cant do anything the old way. have to go online. my youngest son doesnt have a computer and has to come over here to use mine. what makes these places think that you would be wealthy enough for a computer if you are desperate for a job i mean how can they always expect that? used to be you could just go fill out apps in person. now they tell you to fill out on a pc.
• United States
6 Jan 11
I don't think it is so much that nobody wants to do things the old way where you go in person to fill out the application as it makes more since not to spend the money driving to different place with the price of gas, and with as many people who are looking for work and struggling to make ends meet. I know that was why I choose the internet to get my application for employment out to employers.
@arthi_88 (1516)
• India
6 Jan 11
I am graduating this year and like every other engineering graduate I too posted my resume online.I have faced similar spam emails but fortunately no irritating phone calls till date. I am quite happy about the quality of response though and would go for some interview calls in the coming weeks..Hope you get some better jobs..Online world poses this problem while it has the advantage of of reaching out to a bigger platform the same platform has so many unwanted members that it becomes difficult tolerate..
• United States
6 Jan 11
Well I learned my lesson and in the future I will only submit my resume to job postings I am interested in and will not post the resume online at all.
@2004cqui (2812)
• United States
7 Jan 11
That happened to me with Careerbuilder. "I saw your resume' and thought you would be a perfect fit". They asked me to sell just about any product out there. Several were for insurance sales. Ugh!
• United States
7 Jan 11
These won't even tell me what they're for.. but whatever it is I'm sure I'm not interested! Nobody is that hard up for a job! LOL
@krajibg (11923)
• Guwahati, India
7 Jan 11
I never felt tat I needed to submit mt resume through mail. For me immediately after passing my masters I got a job in a college and later it got approved and I remained full time job holder.
@zzzyanni (18)
• China
7 Jan 11
at present, no. i am a student now,but i'm going to submit my resume within few years in the future.
• India
7 Jan 11
in the internet the website owners are linked with each other (similar websites) ,they have access to mutual website where they are linked up,if you send a form like resume that will mailed to other websites by the owner or by website it self. in resume the contact details will be phone number and mail ID,you can stop mails by spam setting,reporting as spam on mail you got. but the bad thing is, you have to change your mobile number or phone number that you have provided in the resume to avoid the calls i think there is no other way. may suggestion is please do not give your personal contact details to unknown if want to avoid this in future. professional.
• Philippines
7 Jan 11
i haven't even tried making one and am planning to make one thou.. it isn't safe.. its good that you told me i was planning of posting resumes online.. thnks a lot