cartoon character on the avatar?

@carrine (2743)
January 25, 2011 5:20pm CST
last month in facebook it was broadcast that we should change our avatar picture into a cartoon character which you like most. at first i was not convinced and said, what? why should i do that, though its a choice. but as far as i can see and noticed that all of my friends list are in cartoon character already. so i felt like im so fire out. what i did, i find a very sexy cartoon character and post in my avatar LOL. did you changed your avatar too that time in facebook?
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13 responses
@bounce58 (17387)
• Canada
27 Jan 11
I saw a later post on FB that said, the reason why people wanted to change their profile pics to cartoon characters was to disguise pedophiles trolling the site for potential victims. It would be easier for young people to trust and accept Friend Requests if the profile pic was a well known cartoon character. I have an FB account which I rarely visit, but I didn't change my profile pic there.
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@mayka123 (16603)
• India
27 Jan 11
I did not see this notice. May be I was not active on facebook at that time. But if I had to put a cartoon picture it would have been Mickey Mouse
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@thanks1961 (7035)
• India
26 Jan 11
I am not so often with facebook. I have created an account few years back and sometime I used to go there but not regular. Facebook has a conceptual meaning that it is a place where we make acquaintance with other identifying by a photo and it was the technology when it got developed. The sole meaning itself was to identify people each other via their photo or avatar. But people misusing the chance by applying anything and any way. We should keep own photo and we can change periodically but it should resemble the person. Though there are misuse and people taking advantage of it. But the concept of the site itself is a communication by attaching our photo on it. So that I never changed my own photo to something else or any cartoon picture, which in turn found meaningless. Also, there may be people doing it, but it doesn't mean that we should support all nonsense what others are doing. Thank-s
@jennyze (7029)
• Indonesia
26 Jan 11
Congratulation! I don't know about facebook, but I put pictures other than myself (usually of nature beauty) for my profile in any networks, except Skype.
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• Philippines
26 Jan 11
No, I did not follow that thread. I don't usually go with the flow, I still post my own profile picture. But still its your decision in the end :)
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@Marmot (590)
• United States
26 Jan 11
I haven't changed my picture because I like the original one better. I am not a trend follower so I just put what I like on facebook. But some of my friends changed theirs. I think it is just an optional choice, change or not change. It depends on which one do you like better. If you prefer the former one, why should you change?
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@fliffy555 (1044)
25 Jan 11
I personally didn't change my picture, but I had good reason not to, whether it was just a rumour or true I don't know, nor will I ever I don't think, but there was word going around that peadophiles had started that up to make it easier for them to add the younger generation on facebook. It worried me because I have my younger family on facebook and didn't want them to fall victim to any predators, so I was making a stand by not changing my picture, however, I know a lot of people who did change their picture.
@kun2349 (23381)
• Singapore
29 Jan 11
haha =D U are already more than sexy in real, and so how can your cartoon avatar be any sexier than u!! lol =D I din know about that thing in facebook because i'm seldom there.. hehe ^_^ But luckily, my avatar is already a cartoon caharacter same like mylot here, and so no problem for me.. haha =D I wonder why facebook requires that?? hehe
@much2say (54423)
• Los Angeles, California
25 Jan 11
Ha ha - yah, I did change it! If I remember correctly, it was for child abuse awareness. And I think it was only for a few days - so I kept my end of it - but put it back to a real avatar as soon as that day hit. I changed my avatar to the Groovie Ghoulies (a cartoon from my time). Normally I don't take part in such things, but yah, everyone else was doing it - so I thought why not. It was no biggie to change it.
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@aeisle (377)
• Philippines
26 Jan 11
Yes! I did change my avatar into cartoon during that time too. Actually until now, I still haven't changed my avatar yet. I didn't know about the broadcast at that time but my girlfriend only told me about it. I think it was something about your childhood favorite cartoon character. The purpose was somewhat for the benefit of children I guess regarding violence or something. I don't actually remember it clearly now. What I chose wasn't actually cartoons but rather anime. Well, I see that anime are still animated cartoons but some people just say that they were different. It was Hisoka the magician from the anime series Hunter X Hunter. -)
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@Strovek (868)
• Malaysia
26 Jan 11
This was for the awareness of Child abuse for the first week of December. I only found out about it towards the end of December so did not get the chance to change my avatar. It did not make much difference though since my avatar has always been a animated character. I doubt if they met the objective of creating awareness for child abuse.
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• United States
26 Jan 11
I didn't hear about the time people changed their pics to cartoons for child abuse awareness, but a while back a trend went around through my friends list where everyone was changing to their fav childhood cartoon character. I wasn't interested at first, but like everything else facebook related, once all my friends were doing it I was too. I changed mine to Rainbow Brite, but I only left it that way for a couple days. I didn't hear the pedophile thing-- that's totally creepy!
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@e_mendo2 (127)
• United States
25 Jan 11
I changed my avatar character for awhile, I had rocko from rocko's modern life haha but I took it down as soon as I saw on the news that it had something to do with pedophiles. Not so fun after that.
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