Just let me sleep

February 17, 2011 5:57pm CST
Lately I feel as if I could sleep for days. Hubby says its the end of winter and its normal. I wake up tired and then when I get to bed at night, Im so tired that I cant fall asleep. I toss and turn for a while before falling asleep. Do you notice that you are more tired during the months of February and March? Is there anything that I can do to get my energy back up to normal??
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8 responses
@Redeye95 (19)
18 Feb 11
As previously mentioned go for a walk, make it last for as long as you can. Workout, it will help you. If that doesn't help find a some stress management games. Believe it or not that can help you as they do make games that relieve stress.
• Canada
18 Feb 11
I know that I should go out for a walk but its not always something I can do unfortunately, but I'll try. GG Im the same, I need to eat a little something or I get SO hungry that I need to get up eventually and eat. My favorite snack is one toast with cheese. They say we shouldnt eat before bed but ......Im hungry!! lol. Thanks to both of you !!
@palonghorn (5479)
• United States
18 Feb 11
I only feel that way the last part of Feb and first part of March, but it has nothing to do with the weather, or season. It has to do with putting on a 3 day wildland fire academy, and being the academy coordinator. Making reservations, making sure everyone is notified, going to meetings, and making sure that all supplies are bought and delivered when needed. Takes months to plan and coordinate, 3 days for the academy itself, one day of clean-up, but the days start at 5am, and normally end around midnight.
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• United States
19 Feb 11
Oh I have plenty of help, but a lot of it falls into my lap, and there are things that only I can take care of.
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• Canada
21 Feb 11
Oh I understand, well you remember to take care of yourself also.
• Canada
18 Feb 11
Woah!! you are very busy!! No wonder you're having problems sleeping also or being tired when you get up. You sound like you might need someone to help you with all this at that academy!! Thanks!
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@GardenGerty (160339)
• United States
18 Feb 11
February is my tiredest month. Somewhat in January as well. By March we will be having lots of sun. The recommendations that they give are to possibly take melatonin as you get into bed. First thing in the morning look out the window at morning light, or even better, go out in it for a few minutes. Make sure you get your vitamins. Stop looking at the computer or television at least an hour before you go to bed. I like to have bright lights on where ever I am sitting. Another tip is a hot or warm bath or shower an hour or two before bed so that your core temperature will go up with the warm water and then drop, as that signals your body to make sleep hormones.
• Canada
18 Feb 11
I bought some melatonin and for some reason, it didnt put me to sleep. I'll try it again though. I can fall asleep in front of the tv when its something boring haha!! I get too hot after a bath or shower (im at that stage now....hot flashes) The heating is turned off in my bedroom. I'll try to go for a walk before bed, that might help me......right after I had my bedtime snack lol. Thanks for the tips, I'll try them again!!
• United States
18 Feb 11
I feel the same way. I go to bed kinds late and then have to get up early to get the kids ready for school so I only get about 6 1/2 to 7 hours of sleep a night. You would think thats enough but I can wake up ok and get the kids out the door but a few hour later I have to take a nap before I go back into work or I just cant make it through the day. I only try to sleep for an hour but that does work for me sometimes. I never have trouble falling asleep and I think I could sleep for days too.
• Canada
18 Feb 11
Dr. Oz says that we all need a minimum of 8 hrs sleep a night. So you probably arent getting enough sleep. I tried to go to bed earlier but I cant, I have too much to do. They say napping is great....I might try that! Thanks!
@buggles64 (2709)
• United States
18 Feb 11
I am like this all the time, no matter how much sleep I get or don't get. I never feel well rested. The only thing that I know of that helps with sleep, is de-stressing, and a proper diet and diet.
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• Canada
18 Feb 11
Stress, yes arent we all stressed out lately? They need to invent that magic pill that will take our stress away. Lets hope we get some rest soon. Thanks!
@kirtricks (650)
• India
18 Feb 11
try having some protein rich food to keep you healthy,, so that you will have energy all the time
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• Canada
18 Feb 11
Thanks, I'll try this and hopefully it'll give me more energy.
@dainy1313 (2370)
• Leon, Mexico
18 Feb 11
Hi again MagicalBubbles, I just try to activate myself in the morning and I just try to relax me by evening. I mean, I take a sunny walk today, very early at 9. And I use to take a really hot shower by 7.30 pm. I make the kids dinner, and I go quick to bed. I´m feeling tired because the years before I was exposed to too much stress, and I watch that my life rythm is relaxing. Blesssings!... Dainy
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• Canada
18 Feb 11
Hello again Dainy, I know what you mean about stress....Im going some stress right now and that cant help me get some sleep or relax. I'll try to do as you say, relax a while before I go to bed. Curl up with a good book might help. Thanks!!!
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@mermaidivy (15395)
• United States
18 Feb 11
I think it is normal to want to sleep more in the winter because it is cold, who wants to get out of the cozy warm blanket? I would I wish sleep some as well but I couldn't because my baby doesn't let me.
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• Canada
18 Feb 11
Ahhhh your baby is really cute and Im sure you dont mind getting up for your baby. Yes I wish I could stay in bed all day and get some sleep. Thanks and enjoy your baby!
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