Admit it, At some point in time you'v tried to see if you had superpowers?

February 20, 2011 6:04am CST
Well I guess it has happened with all of us. When I was a kid, inspired from the Superheroes show,, I used to think that God must have given me some super powers, So I used to try to fly.. i used to jump thinking that I'll never land on the ground.. but it never happend Lol. So have you ever tried anything like such, just to check if you have some super powers? Plz share
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17 responses
• Pamplona, Spain
20 Feb 11
Hiya smile, To have been a super Hero in the sense that I could do things like the Fairy God Mother is supposed to do. You know wave your Magic Wand and and it all changes to good things instead of bad. Although I do admire the Films about Superman, Spiderman, Batman and Iron Man. I wish I could have had their strengths sometimes. What would have been fun would to have been invisible to see if certain said anything about me you know what sort of conversation but now I donĀ“t care about that.
• Pamplona, Spain
27 Feb 11
Hiya smile, Really it would be awesome if we could wave a Magic Wand to make all those nasty things vanish out of our lives. Yes I am more able to switch off than before except for one or two things I have to work on those more difficult to handle. All the rest is easy for me now but it was not before I can tell you that. You take care too you and yours. xxx
• India
21 Feb 11
Hiya Angel! Haha.. yes that would be just awesome if we had such superpowers.. Wave the wand ..and... whhhhoooooossshhhhhh.. everything changes for good.. But yeah.. reality sucks at times..and Its good not to care about things we cant change. So good you just ignore it all. Well thanks for sharing. Take care
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@adnileb (5276)
• Philippines
20 Feb 11
LOL.. I tried that but I wasn't a kid anymore. And I was influenced by magic so, I try to elevate myself by truly concentrating but not an inch was elevated. LOL.. That was so funny sometimes when you think you can do some powerful things. I can't help but laugh when I think of that idea.
• India
20 Feb 11
Oh its really funny to think of such moments, i know. Well i have seen some magic shows in which the magician elevates himself off the ground by doing some meditations or something.. But now as an adult i dont have belief in all this. So never tried anything like such in adulthood , unlike you.. Lolz. But yours is a funny one I must say. Thanks for sharing. :)
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@adnileb (5276)
• Philippines
21 Feb 11
Yeah, that was really funny... Super powers that are unbelievable. LOL... But I wish I some, it's cool... =)
@EdnaReyes (2622)
• Philippines
20 Feb 11
Yes, I used to think I have this ability to snoop on people's mind, read them and tell what they're thinking. I used to tell myself, ah, I can guess what's in the mind of that person cause I've seen it in the movies! But alas, it's just plain foolish for me to think I am a super hero with super power. Reality checks me out!
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• India
21 Feb 11
Power to read mind can really be interesting to amaze people by telling them what they are thinking. But like i said in a comment above, at times such a power can also hurt us, when we find out the intentions of such people who show a very good face in front of , but actually hate us or have bad thoughts for us. It will make us such that we wont be able to trust anyone. Isnt it? Well thanks for sharing. take care
@lokahiou (37)
• Greece
20 Feb 11
that might go out of the spirit but as far i know humans have many abilities that they dont know. So the idea of the superpowers i dont believe its something so far. Maybe not to fly or be insisible, but mind reading maybe or moving things i dont think its so unreal... and as far i know humans doesnt use 100% of their brain they actually dont use not even the half of it... so i guess in the rest part of the brain that we dont know how to use probably are some of these things
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• India
21 Feb 11
Yup, I have read about it mate. that human brain has enormous powers, and if trained properly we can have some such superpowers. But it takes a lot of efforts, practice and meditations to train it in this way. Well thanks for sharing. Take care
• Philippines
20 Feb 11
I was remember when I and my boyfriend watch the t.v. show entitled "No Ordinary Family". It's all about a family who got a vacation and experience a plane crash, but they survived. When they are finally at home. After a couple of days, one by one they notice that each of them possessed different super powers. First the father, he got super strength. Second the mother, she got super agility. Third the daughter, she can read thoughts. Last the son, he has super brain(knowledge). My boyfriend as me if God give me a chance to have a super power what should i choose. I answered him that if God gives me a chance, i want to possess a power like the daughter on No Ordinary Family. Why? Because I want to know the thoughts of those people whose around me, special you(My boyfriend). He smiled! Then a funny things came up to my mind. While he looking at me, I've try to read his mind. I'll focus on his eyes. But sadly to say its not worked. Instead I read his mind my head gets pain, so i stopped forcing my mind to read what it is on his mind.
• India
21 Feb 11
Yeah these Tv shows are mostly responsible for us doing or trying such things. Well power to read mind, yeah sounds great,We can read everyones mind who is around us. but I guess, its good we dont have it, because sometimes we may get hurt too, by reading the minds of people who show a good face in front of us but have bad thoughts for us. In such a case, i dont think power to read mind would really be that beneficial. Well, Thanks for sharing. Take care
• Philippines
20 Feb 11
When I was young I tried to make a can of coke move..thinking that I have a hidden power I tried really hard and concentrated on no avail I had my eyes strained..nothing happened..hahaha And there was another one..I was younger by then and I keep scanning magazines, I was imagining that I can get anything I like from the magazines. It's like I'll take it out and it's mine..hahaha too childish though.. Thoughts that I could make it rain money...hahaha it's really nice..
@prinzcy (32305)
• Malaysia
21 Feb 11
Well, when I used to think Ultraman did exist and there's a planet called Krypton, yeah I did think I had superpower. I thought I could bend a spoon with only looking or something. Also I wished I was able to fly so I could anywhere without problem. Not that I tried to jump from anywhere. By now I probably won't think like that anymore. Apart from not believing, I am terribly afraid of high places.
@Kirinx (1688)
• United States
23 Apr 11
the power to bend things is lke telekinetsis or something along those lines
• Mexico
20 Feb 11
Hi smile pleeaz: Actually yes! I have always wished to have the superpower of teletransportation. I close my eyes and try to image the place where I'd like to go. Of course nothing happends but it would be awesome to have this power. I also like the powers of invisibility and time changing. ALVARO
• India
22 Feb 11
Oh yeah, tele-transportation is another kinda super power that really seems cool. But its more a realistic one according to me. I have read about it , there are experiments going on its implementation. Idea is to break a thing in its atoms, then encode it in the form of light signal,so it could travel at the speed of light, but the real challenge is to decode light signals again in its original form. But we can hope in future we'll have such thing. Thanks for sharing. take care.
@Kirinx (1688)
• United States
23 Apr 11
lol your silly. um when i was a little kid i thought i had super powers because whatever i prayed and asked for i got.So i thought i had the power to grant wishes. looking back on it what a silly kid i was XD
@louievill (28851)
• Philippines
20 Feb 11
Oh I burned leaves and cardboard with a magnifying glass in our backyard and pretended that it was my super vision that was doing it.
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• India
20 Feb 11
Oh.. lolz.. So you tried to fool yourself.. Hehe.. Thats funny. :D Well thats the advantage of learning science.. I never could fool myself like that. Lol ;)
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27 Feb 11
Hi,I have seen my self as a mind bender. I used to concentrate on a piece of spoon to see if it would bend by just thinking that it would. Obviously this did not materialize as what I have seen on television as to what some people could do.
@jhaidro (877)
• Philippines
20 Feb 11
I did wish to have something like it. Years back I wanted to be invisible. I always had this fantasy of finding out what people do when there is no one watching. It never happened but the thought of it was fun. I am 22 now but I am hoping still thou. lol
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• India
20 Feb 11
Oh great.. It was on of my fantasy as well to be invisible(not to mention inspired from a movie Mr. India in which the actor found a gadget that makes a man invisible). So I too wanted to be invisible just like you. Well now I can understand such superpowers doesn't exist unless aided by science and technology.. Hmmm.. but for you I must say. 'Hope is a good thing to keep',,.. who knows you would wake up one day just to find that no one is able to see you.. omg you are finally invisible..LOL Well thanks for sharing.. take care
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@jhaidro (877)
• Philippines
21 Feb 11
Everything is a possibility right? lol. Well, for now I think that I am just going to use my power to decide on things. I just hope that things go well for each one of us. Take care as well.
@stk40m (1119)
• Koeln, Germany
20 Feb 11
I admit it. I have super powers. But I never use 'em :D
• India
22 Feb 11
Good you dont use 'em otherwise you'll realize you dont have any. Enjoy d bubble.
@stk40m (1119)
• Koeln, Germany
22 Feb 11
strange kind of logic... just because I don't make use of something doesn't necessarily mean it doesn't exist, right? just joking man ;-)
• United States
20 Feb 11
Hey smilepleeeeaz I actually had tried this before. LOL I remember when I was a little kid, I used to jump around on my couch and bed, trying to fly. Of course, I HAD to buy a trampoline. At the time, it was a necessity. I actually had lots of fun with it. Good times.
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• India
21 Feb 11
Yeah, childhood is a time when we have so much hope from ourselves, we can even challenge superman and spiderman. Lol But now its fun just thinking of all those times !! Well, thanks for sharing. Take care
@Lore2009 (7378)
• United States
20 Feb 11
Yes, when the show "Out of this World" was popular, I used to touch my pointing fingers together to hope that I would one day be able to freeze time.
@ebuscat (5935)
• Philippines
21 Feb 11
For me yes so that I would get kick the bad person without heating me.
@rameshchow (4426)
• India
20 Feb 11
I was also much inspired by superman. When i was in 10years, at that time i saw the super man daily serial in Door Darshan(we can call it as DD channel, At that time there were just two Televisions only in my entire village(that was in 2002only). Of course, it is one of the rural area in the india. Thanks for sharing, have a nice day, god bless you and your parents.