When it says this... What Should I do?

United States
March 23, 2011 7:54pm CST
Ok, when I log into my computer, and I go to run a virus scan on it, it will say that so "42" things have been found. But it won't let me try to resolve them myself. I mean, I want to because I want to make sure that it is gone, and not there anymore. I have no clue what to do. I am the only one that uses my computer, no one elses does. Also I DO NOT look up bad things so I know that there isn't anything coming from that. What Should I do?
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3 responses
• India
5 Apr 11
Hello Welcome to mylot, you have not mentioned which one you are using? There are so many free and semi-free versions.. I think out of all Microsoft security is the best, i had tried most of the free versions, some of them seem to be virus themselves, the paiful part is they say, it removed xxx virus, not others, they can kill uour pc etc etc, buy the registered version for total protection.. Thanks for sharing Cheers. God bless you, have a nice day ahead. Professor ‘Bhuwan’. .
• United Kingdom
30 Mar 11
I think the first thing I would ask is, what antivirus program are you using? Was this free or a paid version? Not that it matters much but some programs offer better results than others. I personally use Norton 360 which is a paid version but it's a very good product in my experience. It finds things and then it cleans them up automatically once I have carried out a system scan. When your scan results say 42 things, what things? Viruses, Trojan horses, worms? These are normally indicated in the results. You antivirus scan should then give you the option to remove the items or quaranteen them at best. I think the most important thing first of all is to mention what your antivirus program is whether it be Norton, AVG and so forth. Good luck. Andrew
@CmesaMTG (21)
• United States
24 Mar 11
Well the first thing that I would do is boot up in safe mode. This is done by pressing the F8 or F5 key while the computer is first booting up. Once there I weould try to re-run the scan and see if it will let remove the viruses then. Next I would down load and install malware bytes. Note that you will have to reboot after running your scan and removing what you can. Boot the computer up normally. Then got to www.malwarebytes.com, download and install, then reboot into safe mode again and run the malware byted scan. remove everything it finds and proceed from there. I would also advise running a third party defrag like smart defrag and a program like ccleaner to clean and speed up the computer. Good luck and let me know how you make out on here. Carlos Mesa Mesa Technology Group. :)