You mean Irene Marcos was not the youngest child?

@eileenleyva (27562)
March 31, 2011 5:18pm CST
Well, here's the gossip in me, although I heard the news only in the radio a few minutes ago. An Australian model by the name of Anna Lisa Josefa was kicked out of a reality show after she admitted that her father was Philippine dictator Ferdinand Marcos. She was supposed to be the lovechild of a playboy model and the Philippine strongman and was born in 1971. If the claim is true, that means Irene is not the bunso, or youngest child. And all through the decades, many had been wondering why the eldest Imee has no resemblance to her two younger siblings. Well here comes Anna Lisa Josefa now and she has Imee's features.... Gossip! Gossip! What would the world do without it!
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18 responses
@aerous (13434)
• Philippines
1 Apr 11
I read that news from yahoo. I also wonder in that particular gossip. But I think this is normal to those male President, to have a child outside...
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@aerous (13434)
• Philippines
6 Apr 11
You right, friend. But what do we expect to those male president? They are only a human being that attract to beautiful women they like...most especially they have money and president...of a country. So, those beautiful girl out there did not refuse because of money...not because of love
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@eileenleyva (27562)
• Philippines
1 Apr 11
Marcos was the epitome of the law. He even declared Martial Law. To have an illegitimate child was against the law.
@eileenleyva (27562)
• Philippines
5 Apr 11
You are correct. But before he did sire an illegitimate child, he engaged in extra-marital affair?
• Philippines
2 Apr 11
It is indeed probable that this Anna Lisa Josefa was the former dictator's daughter. The former president-dictator was linked to many other women/models even though he was already married to Imelda Marcos. Until this news, I have always thought that the youngest of the Marcos siblings (though adopted) was a certain Little Imee.
@eileenleyva (27562)
• Philippines
2 Apr 11
Oh yes, thanks for reminding about the little one... so, it is Imee, Bongbong, Irene, Anna Lisa, and Aimee.
@eileenleyva (27562)
• Philippines
5 Apr 11
As my thoughts are, though not exactly.
• Philippines
3 Apr 11
Is Aimee really adopted? She looks like the Sonora clan. Maybe she is Sheryl Cruz hslf sister after all? Just a thought
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• Philippines
1 Apr 11
With this kind of gossip, I must say I'm not surprised. You see it could go either way. It may be true, it might be false. Still, if it's true, then there's always that possibility and it could be believable. To tell you the truth, I have heard more gossips about the Marcoses that are more than shocking than just having a love child younger than Imee. Well, that's what power can do. It could make a gossip die as fast as it spreads out and it could attract more gossip than ever. Even though Ferdinand Marcos may not be the president anymore, the Marcoses are still a bunch of powerful people who holds a lot more followers than we can imagine. Gossip is gossip and it doesn't hurt to hear some once in a while.
@eileenleyva (27562)
• Philippines
1 Apr 11
So, what is the old gossip that is more shocking than having a lovechild. Gosh, what is it?
@eileenleyva (27562)
• Philippines
2 Apr 11
Senator Bongbong Marcos now is his father's image, don't you think? Well, that disproves the rumor. Don't worry, I think the Marcoses take all the gossip about them in stride. In fact, I think Imee enjoys it when she is given attention. She perks up in front of the camera.
• Philippines
2 Apr 11
Too many to mention. Those were some hearsays I've heard throughout the years but they weren't proven anyway. I heard that Bongbong is not Imelda's son. And another said that Bongbong is not really Bongbong but actually just a look-a-like of the real one since the real Bongbong got killed when he was young. Well those were just gossips I've heard from a particular historian friend but I am not saying that they are true. It was just a little puzzling on my part especially since those were gossips shared by one of their History professors. Kinda creepy right? Well that's just mere speculations and I don't want to be a part of it.
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@macayadann (1235)
• Philippines
31 Mar 11
well,it makes the world go round. And it says also where there is smoke ,there is fire. For me it depends what kind or type of smoke.
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@eileenleyva (27562)
• Philippines
1 Apr 11
The smoke is thick, and perhaps black with age.
• Philippines
2 Apr 11
well that will surely burst,pressurized
@katrinapaz (2436)
• Philippines
1 Apr 11
whew.. what a revelation. I think the girl is also proud and wanted the world to know that she is not a nobody but a somebody because of her dad. I do think a man like marcos must have had a lot of girls during his time. a man as bright minded as he is is sexy to some women's eyes and so it is not impossibe for him to have lovechildren. I wonder what Imee and Ms Imelda Marcos's reactions are?? :)
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@eileenleyva (27562)
• Philippines
1 Apr 11
Let's wait, especially that this Anna Lisa Josefa has semblance to Imee!
• Philippines
2 Apr 11
im so excited to see the face of this model. I have tried to search the internet but i cant seem to get the results.
• Baguio, Philippines
1 Apr 11
halu eileenleyva, gossip,..gossip..makes the people happy who loves gossip.isn't it? people that i think their life is not complete without gossip,,but we can't stop gossip,until there's people who still live with gossip. whatever it is,we can't go on shock if we heard about rumors and gossip,becoz i think gossips are part of life.that's one of trials that we should know how to manage and handle if we involve. thanks GOD BLESS
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@eileenleyva (27562)
• Philippines
1 Apr 11
A good gossip, they say, is actually beneficial for the heart.
• Baguio, Philippines
6 Apr 11
halu eileenleyva, aha, absolutely I agree to you my dear,how could i wish all gossip is GOOD and HELPFUL (LOL) anyway GOD BLESS
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@johndur (3052)
• Pasig, Philippines
6 Apr 11
well that is a hearsay at the moment.anyway what can we do if it is really true?
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@eileenleyva (27562)
• Philippines
6 Apr 11
We look at the script given us and decide whether we are amused or not. At this point, I am not amused at all actually.
@jazel_juan (15747)
• Philippines
1 Apr 11
Oh yes i was also surprised when i read the news on yahoo! well there are so many mysteries when it comes to their family. there might be more!
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@eileenleyva (27562)
• Philippines
1 Apr 11
And we would wonder why many families did follow the same path...
@stanley777 (9402)
• Philippines
1 Apr 11
good day eileenleyva, Me too, while listening to "kabayan Noli" in his morning news I over heard that one Anna Lisa an Australian model was removed from a reality show.I don't get the complete details though 'coz I'm busy that time.The girl admitted that her father was really Pres.Marcos.The news said that she was kicked out because she is Marcos daughter, but Ka Noli counter that statement saying that the Australian reality show is a contest and the girl was eliminated or voted out.Well we don't know what's the truth. Anyway we all know that Marcos have other children aside from Imelda, that's what money and power could do.
@eileenleyva (27562)
• Philippines
1 Apr 11
Either Anna Lisa Josefa needs the fame and attention of she's in desperate need of money.
• Philippines
5 Apr 11
I knew that our former dictator and president had an affair with a unknown Hollywood actress. I read it in Carmen Pedrosa's unofficial biography of Imelda Marcos. However, I knew thought that there was a lovechild involved. Whether this rumor is true or not, it would add to the distress of the former First Lady and possibly, their children. Her perfect husband is being remembered as a tyrant and a adulterer to boot. It does not help at all to their image as a family and to the image of the former president. With respect to the children., there was also a rumor that Irene wasn't even a biological child of the family if we were to count the family resemblance. There was also a secret child somewhere that the family refuses to talk about.
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@eileenleyva (27562)
• Philippines
5 Apr 11
What a web? And I thought we are now more interested in the new generation. After all, Borgy is already married, isn't he?
@vannyt (343)
• Philippines
1 Apr 11
There's a lot of rumors like this when it comes to the late dictator, seems that the Marcoses don't care anymore. Although it's appalling to know it's her affiliation with the late dictator that caused her eviction at the said reality show. What I mean is they should have checked her background first before letting her join in order to avoid such incident. Besides reality shows should be apolitical right.
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@eileenleyva (27562)
• Philippines
1 Apr 11
People and reality shows, nowadays, are users. We would not have given Australia a thought had that Anna Lisa Josefa not joined the show and was not accepted because of her being a Marcos child...and so here we are, all of a sudden looking Australia's way!
@gelayagui98 (1336)
• Australia
1 Apr 11
Who knows there are still a lot of Irene's siblings around the world that are not reveals knowing that Marcos was powerful during his time. Do you believe that Bongbong was not the true bongbong? ahahaha there was a rumor before that the true bongbong was killed. Gossip! Gossip! Gossip! so exciting sometimes! whether true or false, proven or unproven is still a gossip!
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• Philippines
1 Apr 11
I didn't knew that kind of Gossip. Well, Is that really true? What will happen in the Marcos Clan? I'm just curious what will be the next episode in the Marcos Family. I'm just Thinking that Anna Lisa Josefa will be here in the Philippines to pursue her broken career in Australia.
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@eileenleyva (27562)
• Philippines
1 Apr 11
Only if she gets good offers, and by the way the showbiz industry here goes, am sure she is already up for grabs.
• Philippines
3 Apr 11
I have a big question is Aimee really adopted or she is really the daughter of Marcos maybe through the Sonora clan? Well take a look she is like Sheryl Cruz's half sister. Well come to think of it maybe she is also from the Sonora clan not just Fpj's daughter. SERIOUSLY
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@eileenleyva (27562)
• Philippines
3 Apr 11
I looked at some clips at YouTube. I think Aimee looks more like Irene. Sheryll's features is a chip off the old block, Rosemarie.
@GardenGerty (158131)
• United States
1 Apr 11
If we did not have gossip, we might become more productive, and happier people. I do not understand why the girl would be kicked out because of who her father was. I think most people know that we have two parents and infinite genetic combinations from them. I have also known of unrelated people who resembled each other. It is just lots of fun to think the worst and make up the worst. Or to spread the gossip and make it worse, is another favorite passtime.
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@eileenleyva (27562)
• Philippines
1 Apr 11
Perhaps she used it to attract media attention. Marcos was a dictator, but he built an image of a loving padre de familia.
@se7enthbird (8307)
• Philippines
31 Mar 11
i am no longer shock there is always new gossip coming out in the open... specially from a family that is very popular. Kris Aquino has two sons from different fathers so this rumors are no longer shocking. if a nun or a priest will come out and have a child then that would be a good one har har har. well true gossips makes the world turn around specially if your neighbors live and breath it. have a nice day
@eileenleyva (27562)
• Philippines
1 Apr 11
This new gossip is exciting because two scores ago, there was no freedom of speech, and the dictator was portrayed as a good father and loving husband. To think that he chased not skirts but bikinis...hmmmm....
@junrapmian (2169)
• Philippines
1 Apr 11
I saw that news on TV just this morning and I was as well astounded by revelation. And thinking about it, I am not happy about the girl being ousted from the reality just because she was a daughter of ex-President Marcos. I thought those reality type of shows doesn't look at the social status of the contestant but this act shows discrimination.
@eileenleyva (27562)
• Philippines
1 Apr 11
Or it could be the other way around. Perhaps the girl is using the reality show to up her command price.
• Philippines
31 Mar 11
That what makes the world go around what publicity means it will alwalys start with a gossip. What ever that means every politician has it's own weakness and I think Macoy is not excempted to that, it's very amusing but yet it does have a sense.
@eileenleyva (27562)
• Philippines
1 Apr 11
He is the real macoy!?