Unemployment Falls To Two-Year Low

@gladys46 (1205)
United States
April 1, 2011 9:04am CST
The Bureau of Labor Statistics announces today that the nation's unemployment rate fell to 8.8% in March, from 8.9% in February. Total nonfarm payrolls rose 216.000 last month, driven by private-sector growth of 230,000 jobs. Services which includes health care, hospitality and finance added 199,000 jobs. Wall St. analysts had predicted an expansion of 180,000 to 200,000 jobs Reported in Politico ... The unemployment rate has declined a full percentage point since November, 2010, helping to shape a narrative of an economy in recovery. But the year's first quarter has added unertainty to that picture ... an earthquake and nuclear crisis in Japan has threatened automotive and electronics industry supply chains and contined unrest in the Middle East has drive a spike in oil prices. House Speaker Boehner welcomed the jobs news, but cautioned that Washington "needs to do more to end the uncertainty plaguing job creators." This is very good news, isn't it? And, shouldn't Speaker Boehner propose to his republican and tea party members that they could help calm the "job creators" by partnering with the President in what is actually pulling this nation back from the "great recession of 2008"??
7 responses
@matersfish (6306)
• United States
1 Apr 11
+ is better than - But I can't help but wonder: if still surrounded by nothing but enabling, likeminded, party-thumping D's, which direction would we be going in? Speculative, sure - but nothing would have changed the original direction. I know you blame Republicans for everything from meteor showers to the Japanese earthquake, and I know it's hard to hold off on throwing your foot on their throats until the last bit, leftybug, but Obama's "agenda" sorta changed not because of the times but because of the resistance his original plan was meeting. Take Republicans and the TPers out of the equation altogether, and it's pretty hard to say what we'd be looking at... other than higher taxes and more regulations and so for businesspeople of America. Love it or hate it, the liberal agenda had absoultely zero to do with boosting private employment and everything to do with using spending to stimulate the economy. Y'all still scream to "tax the rich" while defining rich as anyone making X, not caring a bit if they're employers. So don't front. But I won't bash anything going in a positive direction. I just find it a little strange to give all praise to Obama when we all know he would have just signed more and more stimulus bills without any pressure. It's kinda like taking credit for the 2009 oil numbers, proof that even "facts" are completely relative.
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@gladys46 (1205)
• United States
1 Apr 11
You are so right ... YES, I blame 8 utterly failed republican years on REPUBLICANS! I'd rather love this news ... it is news!
• United States
1 Apr 11
You did not mention that these numbers reflect only the numbers of persons on unemployment and not those who are no longer on it because they used up their time not found a job. Millions of people ran out of unemployment benefits who still do not have jobs they are not included. Many of the jobs posted as new are not they are seasonally and do come back every year thankfully. As for some of the other jobs I hope they are here to stay and not just exaggerated like some of the other numbers.
@gladys46 (1205)
• United States
1 Apr 11
No I did not mention that!! Nor did I mention the fact that 8 years of republican administration apparently did not create or help to create not one "sustainable job" that survived into 2009!! Would you like to discuss that?
• United States
1 Apr 11
No they did not. All either side wants is too sound good. Liars the lot of them! I am so tired of listening to all of them blame each other.... this is an accumulative out come. I see businesses dying left and right, people losing their homes and "jobs" being started. Just because they can make it sound good doesn't mean it is. Like variable rate mortgage that both Clinton and Bush supported look where they got us. Also in your anger did you notice I did not attack your beliefs just that fact where left out!
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@gladys46 (1205)
• United States
1 Apr 11
Thank you for not "attacking my beliefs" and thank you for adding your fact! I'm rather tired of listening to "them" as well ... however, I do believe in considering results ... you know, the results of a policy or plan! Seems President Obama's policies are showing signs of positive results.
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@Netsbridge (3253)
• United States
1 Apr 11
The wars in Libya and Ivory Coast have created jobs for US citizens. Wars and more wars are how the US keeps unemployment low.
@gladys46 (1205)
• United States
1 Apr 11
So, you think that the private sector hired 230,000 Americans in the last 2 weeks?? Interesting! And those would be hires in health care, hospitality and finance?? Interesting!
@ParaTed2k (22940)
• Sheboygan, Wisconsin
1 Apr 11
Unless you go buy the "official" unemployment rate.. which is over 16%. I have never understood why there are so many "unemployment rates".
@dark_joev (3034)
• United States
1 Apr 11
The reason there are so many different numbers on the Unemployment Rate is because they use different things to judge the unemployment rate here a a few of the information they use to pick up on the Unemployment Rate. These are the big things they use to get our unemployment rate but they only use one of them not all of them. 1. People who are actively searching for work (Meaning they have Job Searched in the last 2 weeks) 2. People who are claiming Unemployment from their state. So the numbers vary widely and that is how you can go from some saying 12% to others saying only 8% depends on what they are using as there source.
@anniepa (27955)
• United States
2 Apr 11
To answer your last question...roflmfao! Seriously, I'm not laughing at YOU, gladys, I totally AGREE, but we both know the tan man and his cohorts would rather have needles stuck in their eyes than to ever give President Obama or any Democrat any credit for anything. I take it as good news; we've still got a ways to go but we had a long ways to come back from so it's a helluva start, right? Now we have to hope gas prices don't slam the brakes on the recovery and that the GOP doesn't succeed in getting all their draconian cuts through so there won't be anyone to spend money to keep the economy growing. Annie
@anniepa (27955)
• United States
3 Apr 11
I thought everyone on Fox News was blaming President Obama. And, no,I don't remember when gas prices were all Bush's fault! Annie
@Taskr36 (13963)
• United States
3 Apr 11
I'm still wondering why nobody is blaming Obama for the gas prices. Do you remember when gas prices were all Bush's fault?
@gladys46 (1205)
• United States
3 Apr 11
Annie, I'm constantly laughing ... clearly most of these republicans can carry water so well, they don't spill a drop!! Talk about gas prices, wow would right leaning folks ever understand Wall St. speculators?? I'm still waiting for some respectful republican to apologize for the lie they help spread about President Obama not consulting with congress regarding that "no-fly" Congressional Resolution #85, wherein there was a UNANIMOUS decision vote!! Supporters of such folks as Boehner carry the water (lies) very well, and they never repent or take any responsibility for spreading the disinformation even when caught in their lies!
@sierras236 (2739)
• United States
2 Apr 11
I hate to say it but it is very likely to go up again. One big industry known as NASA hasn't yet finished their lay-offs. Look for Florida's unemployment to start rising again. The car industry is also taking a hit on its supply chain. There won't be a bailout this time for car companies. Then there is the Government. Lots of jobs going to be slashed due to budget cuts. This is all our Federal/States/Local governments that are going to be slashing.
• United States
2 Apr 11
I forgot to add if gas prices keep going up and food prices skyrocket, that little growth can quickly turn negative.
@Taskr36 (13963)
• United States
2 Apr 11
All I can say is that Obama really banked on people having short memories and not looking at the big picture. He grew unemployment from 7% when he took office to 10%. By growing it so much people forgot that during Bush's presidency it had been under 6% the entire time, and under 5% for a big chunk of that. Suddenly he only has to bring it under 9%, and his minions cheer like he accomplished so much, bringing unemployment down to only 1.8% higher than when he took office, and 0.9% higher than he get if the stimulus passed. The fact is that things will get better no matter what. The only question is how long it will take and whether the government will make it take longer. Roosevelt turned a recession into a massive depression that lasted over a decade. Now Obama lacks the power to screw up the country as badly as Roosevelt did, but he was pushing in the same direction as far as heavy deficit spending. That had the potential to really ruin recovery attempts for years. I'm just thankful that he lost his supermajority in the senate, followed by losing control of the House. That brought his agenda to a screeching halt which allowed things to start improving. It will still take a while to get our economy back where it was before democrats got control of congress in 2006, but at least we have enough balance now to allow recovery to take place.