Did you agree that MATH is a hard subject?

April 9, 2011 12:26am CST
Every student I think is afraid in MATH subject. They always found it very difficult to answer and solve. And even myself as a student having a hard time also in answering problems in mathematics, that's why I always have almost failing grade. You? did you find MATH also as a math subject? or you love it compared to other subject? please voice out your answer? My pleasure....
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39 responses
@babyanna (1216)
• China
10 Apr 11
Hi,there! Well,for me,not really.From primary school to high school,I would say my maths was quite good among my classmates.I lost about 17 points when I had the college entrance exam.And I usually was on the top list.Yet,if it's some really hard problems,I may find myself uncapable of solving them.So I don't hate it or love it.Just okay with it. Have a nice day!
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@sunnycool (12714)
• India
9 Apr 11
I found it hard to grasp until 8th grade ... worked on it under the guidance of my teacher ... BOOM it has been my favourite subject since then Try to enjoy solving those critical problems ... than to be scared!Start playing chess too it would help you to an extent mate Great day.
• Philippines
9 Apr 11
What an inspiring comment sunnycool. But I doubt if that will also happen to me, because to conquer my weakness I must think positive, think that it's so easy. You think it's a good idea? or I just tolerate myself to rely on what others say?
@sunnycool (12714)
• India
9 Apr 11
Nothing is impossible!The farther you run from your fears the worser it gets So just face it ... you would learn from your mistakes
• Philippines
9 Apr 11
Two thumbs up! wow.. Who knows i would be next top math wizard.!
@keshia2007r (2880)
• United States
9 Apr 11
To each its own. I actually enjoyed math until I got to trig in college. That was just last semester. I thought I was really good at math, but trigonomentry was really hard for me, so in taking that class it did ruin my love for math lol.
• Philippines
10 Apr 11
We have the same experience keshia2007r, i just took my math subject last semester and it's only subject that i got low grade. And next math for me is the calculus. Good Luck for both of us.
• India
9 Apr 11
In my school while i was studying +1 and +2, i thought to take maths group but i took computer science group. Thank got i didn't take maths, i know maths but i don't like it that much as too many formulas and confusion in it. Accounts also will be some what same as maths, both are headache, if theory means no problem we can write anything related to it and easily pass and get good marks.
• Philippines
9 Apr 11
Haha. I think it just best explain that math is everywhere.
@rpingol (11)
• Philippines
10 Apr 11
just listen carefully to your teacher and you know the things that you want to learn.:)
• Philippines
10 Apr 11
or you can read books.
• China
9 Apr 11
May be,sometimes it is easy,but i feel it hard when it need deep thinking.It has the level.
• Philippines
9 Apr 11
I think all we should do is to think positive and just go with it. :)
• China
16 Apr 11
Good, it is necessary to do like this.
@SimpleBB (1329)
• Philippines
9 Apr 11
You hit me there, kiddo. I'm one of those people who got tired of trying how to be good in MATH. I envy and admire as well those people good in that subject. I don't know, why. But when someone talks about subjects in school, you're right, there are lots of students who are scared of that subject. Well, for me, it's really must be a gift being good in MATH. Though when I analyze it, it only needs good comprehension skill, but still, I can't get it. It is very different in any subject, very conflicated for me that makes me sick. Basic is not a problem, but when it comes to higher MATH, wheeww. I will just try to excell into something which I'm good, that's better I think. Hope you can still have time to get good in that, maybe you're still young to for that, unlike me, it's too late for my age. Good luck and happy mylotting.
• Philippines
9 Apr 11
Thanks SimpleBB. Education is continues process, it doesn't matter how old you are or how how young indeed, for as long as you are having fun in discovering new things and learn from it. :)
@megamatt (14292)
• United States
9 Apr 11
Actually for me, Math was one of those subjects that could come easy, but it also could be something that was perhaps a rather hectic bit of torture. It all had to do with the teacher who was teaching the subject. If I had a good teacher for math, then I was able to understand it rather well and do good. However, there were times where, I don't want to say the teacher was bad, but explaining a complex and delicate subject was far from a strong point. I think Math is something that for many, if it is explained well enough, then they will survive it. Perhaps not excel in it. However lack of explanation leads to lack of understanding and that could in fact be a problem. However, I will concede the point that there is sometimes no amount of explanation that can allow us to pierce the mysterious veil that often surrounds the subject of math. So for me, there are times where I did well, but there are other times where I barely survived with a pass.
• Philippines
9 Apr 11
Helllo megamatt, a great job for you. And i should adore you for that. Thus, I should not feel worry for I know that there are also people who is fighting for these hard subject.
@Ladyslipper (1327)
• Philippines
10 May 11
In my opinion it is one of the hardest subject I ever encountered while I was in College. Math in grade school and high school is a lot easier. However, for me the hardest subject is still Physics. I hate it so much... lolz...
@dream_ozn (1754)
• Singapore
26 Apr 11
I have having a maths paper in 2 days time. not really maths, more of a calculus course. For me, although maths is indeed quite tough, i quite like this subject. whenever i complete a touch question, i get a sense of satisfaction. Furthermore, maths is the only subject where full marks is easily attainable because the answers are all in numbers unlike english where there will be grammar mistakes and all. for math, the chances of getting full marks is higher. Having said that, i do find math questions difficult too. we have to remember all the steps and not make any careless mistake. this is one problem that i face regularly. i am quite rough with my workings and many a time make stupid mistake. I am in fact thinking of furthering my studies on some maths course. what are your views?
• India
9 Apr 11
For me Math is a favorite subject I regularly spent 3-4 hrs solving mathematics problems than other subjects and in my class I occupied the second position scoring marks but in other subject I was not so good just for example physics or biology I am not so good as maths........
• Philippines
9 Apr 11
My pleasure to know your experience. wow, you are very intelligent ashish3090 Congratulations... hope i'm like you also.
• India
9 Apr 11
I think, no subject is hard if we start taking interest in this.. thats why, Maths is also not a difficult subject, just need of practice is there. Always remember that practice makes man perfect.......
• Philippines
9 Apr 11
Best regards ujjwala27, maybe it's what I should possess. Yah, your right practice makes perfect. But somehow my friend told me that nobody's perfect so why practice? lols. just kidding.
• India
9 Apr 11
I dont think maths is a hard subject if u have your basic right from very beginning.It becomes more interesting.If u take it like a challenge comparing it to any puzzle game i am sure you would enjoy it :-)
• Philippines
9 Apr 11
Ms. Deepali2406, I thought that was easy but answering new problems in that particular subject give me a headache. By i'm trying my best like you also to overpass my weakness. :)
@overtoom (33)
• United States
19 Jun 11
no!!!!!!! because the questions seems like you are in an adventure !!!!!
@daeckardt (6237)
• United States
15 Apr 11
I may be strange, but how I did in math always depended on what my teacher was like. If I had a mean teacher, I did bad in math. If I had a teacher who cared, I did ok. It was never especially easy for me, but some areas of math are actually fun! I like it best when you use it in "real world" applications rather than just theory. I had trouble with word problems until I started studying chemistry. Then I could see where math came in handy. If you use math for a purpose, it is easy, but if it is just to pass a class it is really hard.
@K46620 (1986)
• United States
11 Apr 11
Just certain kinds of math, especially calculus...
@gaiza12 (4884)
• Philippines
23 Apr 11
Not for me though. I never saw math as a hard subject, but I saw it as a fun subject. I never was afraid to learn math. I may not be smart nor get the highest grade from my batch, but I have always enjoyed learning it. It was challenging though but it sure was fun. :)
@stylewaves (1060)
• India
12 Apr 11
It is a very good subject to make a person to suffer and get confused a lot , if ther wasn't maths many would have not failed in their studies
@tkonlinevn (6437)
• Vietnam
15 Apr 11
As me, chemical subject is really hard. I love Math and Physic.
@macayadann (1235)
• Philippines
11 Apr 11
Yes,directly proportional to engineering.