is working at home depressing?

@misc11 (384)
United States
April 16, 2011 6:22pm CST
I recently started to work at home, and it is very different from being around people all the time at the office. it is a big change not seeing people all day, and it makes me feel lonely. I am not sure if working from home is for me, or if I just need to wait and get better adjusted. For people who work from their homes, do you ever feel lonely or wish you were around people? or did you just get adjusted and used to it?
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24 responses
@Suzieqmom (2755)
• United States
17 Apr 11
Yes, it can get a bit lonely, but there are such easy ways to overcome the loneliness--go have lunch with a friend, just like you would have in the office, or go shopping, or to the library, or anywhere else you like to go and interact with people. Visit with a neighbor, or a relative--then when you feel rejuvenated, remember why you decided to work from home in the first place!
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• Philippines
17 Apr 11
I do not intend to work from home, but circumstances had given me the time to do so. Man is a natural social being. We live to gain praise and acknowledgment from others and also to share it back. It really gets lonely because we are not able to quench that natural thirst to socialize. I think it is best to have a life outside cyber life. Reconnect with old friends or meet with someone new. Do an outdoor activity once in a while. Drive to a sport game that you wanted to watch. This may help you be more creative in your home job and alleviate the feeling of loneliness that you experience. That's what I do. Trying something different everyday is fulfilling and helps people to be more holistic.
@peavey (16936)
• United States
17 Apr 11
I think it depends on the person. I've worked from home doing several different things for about 10 years now and I like it. I'd hate to have to get up, get ready and be somewhere at a specific time every day. Email and phone calls are all the contact that I need, but not everyone is happy with that.
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@indahfth (11161)
• Indonesia
17 Apr 11
I have never felt the work in the office, or outside the home. I am just a housewife, who is always in the house. Sometimes I get bored, but I have no other choice.
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• United States
17 Apr 11
I can relate to you man, Especially on a Friday or Saturday Night. Your sitting at home working while you know deep down other people are out having fun, Its a real mind f*k, But it does have its advantages. No more getting up super early, Dealing with the Rush Hour Traffic and a crappy Boss. Eventually you will get some-what adjusted and used to it. Like I said before, It has its Pros and Cons From 1 Work at Home Person to Another Your Friend, Larry
• Canada
17 Apr 11
I'm not working from home full time, but it does take up a good chunk of my time, I don't find I miss being around people too much, but I do have people coming to my house through most of the day, so there's not much time to get lonely. I imagine you'll be able to adjust to not being around so many people, and being self-employed you can let yourself take a break if you need some time to interact with others. Best of luck to you, and I hope you find a happy balance with work and pleasure in your life.
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@tjburcham (690)
• United States
18 Apr 11
Years ago I decided to stay at home to take care of grandkids,they lived with me. Just to have some adult conversation I took a part time job--I work with teens and young adults so much for adult converstation. I also have a homebasedbusiness. Not so many grandkids now. It does take some adjusting staying at home. Take some time to be around people for a short time during the day. Go out for coffee or something. I totally enjoy being at home. Now that summer is coming, my mornings will be spent having coffee with my neighbor, we sit outside and watch the wild life before we start the house wife job. I still do have the part time job and it now gets in the way of my home life. LOL. But it serves a purpose a few hours a day. You will get used to your time actually being yours. Best wishes.
@daeckardt (6237)
• United States
17 Apr 11
I think I would rather work at home because you don't have to worry about whether you will get along with your coworkers or not. I spend most of my time alone (I don't work per se but spend a lot of time online). I prefer to not be around people all the time. When I need to see people, I will go out and visit people. I am not on any kind of schedule (except when I need to go to appointments) so I don't have to worry about only being able to go out at certain times. I guess it depends on what your personal needs are. Have a great week!!!
@wongchoiyee (7413)
• Malaysia
17 Apr 11
I work from home and I wish I can get along with people in the office before that. But working for yourself is way much better than working for other people. I get satisfaction that I had never got before and I will continue working at home from now on.
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@eysiojo23 (141)
• Philippines
17 Apr 11
Sometimes, but ofcourse you must balance it. In my experience, I work longer hours by doing work at home than having a regular job. I learned that keeping the enjoyment while doing your work at home thing will make you loss the depression your feeling and also have a break sometimes. Have a chat with people in your place. =)
@lindsiko (355)
• United States
18 Apr 11
It is a bit depressing. I recently moved to a new area and have had to work online due to a poor economy in my area. I wish that I had a job to go to so I could meet new people and be out and about. Working at home is really convenient, but I miss the social aspect of work.
@garson (884)
• United States
25 Apr 11
Working at home is like a dream or hope for many people. Lots of people dread going to work because of mundane routine or hate getting up early in the morning, going to meetings, etc. It's just that some people wish that they can stay at home. For you, you just need to get familiar with your own styles. You don't necessarily need to stay at one setting. You can go and spend time in a library maybe for few hours, then go to a park and spend time as well. Maybe you want to mix the settings up a bit. I assume you have a laptop or something. If you go out there, just take something that you are comfortable with. Leave important documents at home. Decide what to take and what to leave behind. If you still go to your office every now and then, maybe suggest inviting some of your coworkers to work with you for few hours at home if that is ok per company policy. Also, you can trade working at your coworkers' place. Sometimes talk it out with your family and friends can give you some better ideas. They can help you out and suggest some ideas.
• United States
17 Apr 11
Currently I do mostly all my earnings from home, with a great many projects I run simultaneously. I am one who has always worked outside of the home, so initially it was completely fun to do so from home. I won't say it is completely fun, because I am focused on earning while running IT networking so it is a bit of a headache from time to time. It can be difficult for some to adjust but I suppose for me it is okay because from time to time I do go to home offices where I am around others. I would say that you should stick it out a bit longer and see, especially if you are making a descent living off of it. Maybe too, take a few breaks and go outdoors where you can perhaps meet with others to chat if even for an hour as if it were a lunch break. This may help. Best of luck to you and working from home.
@stary1 (6612)
• United States
17 Apr 11
misc11, I suggest you give it some time. I feel there are so many advantages to working from home. What I needed to work hard on in the beginning, was making myself follow a routine in scheduling my time for various projects. The challenge was sticking to a schedule because it's really easy to shift hours or put off chores. Of course the flexibility can also be a plus for working at home, but I needed some routine to be effective. I find the internet has been a great way to not feel lonely. You get the best of :)both without hassel:) Weekends can be set aside for variety and getting out and seeing people. I wish you all the best. I don't know the specifics of your at home work but I would give it time and then if you really dislike it, you need to do what is best for your mental and emotional well being. Good luck to ya!!
@bingskee (5234)
• Philippines
17 Apr 11
i feel sad for you. and here i am wishing that i am not working anymore but only doing a WAH jobs.
@sender621 (14894)
• United States
17 Apr 11
I don't think that working at home is depressing. Working at home gives you more quality time to be with the ones you love and care about while still making your way in the world. Time and life are precious. whatever we can do for our own peace of mind and happiness is something we should strive to do.
@achraf52 (179)
• Morocco
17 Apr 11
It is fun, but I haven't yet tested to work in group on office of something, but I think it will make me controlled (no music, no games, no videos, no custom hours, no out) so I think to test both before judge .
@tiina05 (2317)
• Philippines
17 Apr 11
hello, I am not yet working at office but I am doing part time job at home. I don't know what is the feeling of being in the office. If I were to choose I wish only to be in my home because I can do whatever I want without any boss or without any intrigue. right?I heard that usually when you are working in office there are lot of intrigue around you. So, I am scare I'll better choose home to be safe from anything. but the disadvantages of this is you cannot explore or socialize with other people. right? So, I think you only need an adjustment because many of people now is working inside there home. good luck
• United States
17 Apr 11
I have been working from home for over 5 years and wouldn't have it any other way. There's times I have thought about getting an outside job before I had my daughter but I was outweighing the pros and cons then I remembered when i did work in a call center on the outside I had to fight to get medical time off and had to fight to get time off to go to Drs appointments. I live in a state that may get bad snow storms in the winter so I thought about that too. If there's a blizzard or an ice storm employers are going to expect you to be to work anyway. By working from home I don't have to worry about having to drive in bad weather. There's times that I had gotten lonely but thats where you need to get out with your friends or join a group of some kind to get out and socialize to fill that gap. Right now I live in an apt complex so I have neighbors to hang out and socialize with when I'm not working. With the gas prices rising working from home is a plus. Besides saving on gas it saves me on daycare, lunches, and if the employer requires special clothing. Me personally I don't like bosses hovering over me. I like being my own person and being able to work on my own. It felt weird for a bit when I 1st started doing call center work from home something I had always did in a call center but after I got that 1st check it was feeling pretty good to work from home and earn a paycheck every 2 weeks. After I got that 1st check everyone i knew friends and co-workers wanted to apply.
@iCeeLuSh (187)
• Philippines
17 Apr 11
Working at home is not a joke. Its a serious business. Sometimes I clean my house for 2 days just to clean my whole house. Sometimes you will get bored just by watching television, surfing the net, etc. Not unless you go outside your house and talk to other people. But I think working at home by yourself lonely is boring. Your gonna suffocate because there will be no around to talk to you. Unless you got someone to talk to. To your question? Yes it is depressing not unless you got some activities to cook to.