Have you met any of your online friends in real life?

@Porcospino (31366)
April 19, 2011 11:54am CST
I am a member of a Danish discussion site and some of the members from that site sometimes meet in real life. Most of those meetings take place in Copenhagen and I have never participated in any of those meetings, but I have met some of the members from a social networking site. We had dinner together and we talked a lot. Have you ever met the some of the other members from an online forum or a social networking site? How did the meeting turn out? If you haven't tried it, would you like to or do you prefer to keep your online life separate from your offline life?
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32 responses
@umabharti (3972)
• India
19 Apr 11
hi, i never met my friends whom i knw online .In reality or face to face i never met any one of them.It would be good if suddenly surprising ly we meet each person.It would be a memory in our life time.
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@Porcospino (31366)
• Denmark
19 Apr 11
I also think that it could be a great memory to meet online friends. I have meet some of my friends from one of the social networking sites in my country. I think it is interesting to meet people in real life after you have gotten to know eachother online and I would like to do it again. Many of my online friends live in other countries so it isn't so easy to meet, but maybe it will be possible one day.
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@yugasini (12893)
• Secunderabad, India
19 Apr 11
hi Porcospino, it is nice experience to meet the online friends of the sites, is the Danish discussion site is English or Danish?recently means some two months back i met our mylot online friend Mr Proffessor,i called him as Bhuwanji ,he have telephone contact with me, he informed me that he is coming from Tirupathi to Hyderabd by train that train pass through our place Kadapa ,then i met him ,his wife and his son for few minutes only,because the train stops here only two minutes,really it is exiting experience,have a nice day
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@yugasini (12893)
• Secunderabad, India
20 Apr 11
hi Porcospino, thanks for the response,so you are danish people,do you know that some 35 years back i have started collecting stamps,coins and currency with Denmark,i like Denmark ,i know only English ,Telugu and Hindi only write ,speak,read,thanks for the information about Danish discussion site,what other things you are doing for earning money?have a nice day
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@Porcospino (31366)
• Denmark
19 Apr 11
I think it is great that you had the chance to meet Proffessor even if it was a very short meeting. I would also like to meet some of my friends from MyLot. Many of them live very far away from me, so it isn't easy to meet, but maybe one day. Two of my Chinese friends invited me to China, it has always been one of my dreams to visit Asia
@Porcospino (31366)
• Denmark
20 Apr 11
I forgot to answer your question. The Danish discussion site is in Danish. Most Danes speak English, but many people prefer to write in our local language because they find it easier. I use the Danish discussion site if I want to talk about the local news or something like that, but I love to spend my time on international sites like Mylot where I am able to speak to people from many different parts of the world.
@singuri (571)
• India
19 Apr 11
One of the girls of my online friends met me in real life. She came to my college and we had a good time. Even now she often comes to my college and we share some good time. She is one of my best friends and I like her simplicity even though she is a rich girl. Thanks to orkut otherwise I would have missed such a nice friend.
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@Porcospino (31366)
• Denmark
19 Apr 11
It is great that you found a new friend that way. I have also found some very nice friends online. One of my friends and I kept in touch for several years after our first meeting. In the 2007 I met another online friends and we are still very close friends. Some of the people that I have met live in another part of the country and we probably wouldn't have met if we hadn't talked to eachother online.
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@mrfdg1972 (3237)
• Philippines
20 Apr 11
a few months back we atarted a grand ball for Philippine My lotters here in our country, too bad it did not push through.
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@Porcospino (31366)
• Denmark
20 Apr 11
I have read about the meeting in the Philippines. I don't remember who is was, but one of the members who partipated in the meeting wrote about it here on MyLot. There are many members from the Phillippines on MyLot, the situation in my country is a little different, there are other Danish members than me, but we are a pretty small group and I haven't met any of the other Danes. I think that it could be interesting meet the Danes or maybe the members from other parts of Scandinavia.
@mrfdg1972 (3237)
• Philippines
20 Apr 11
How about starting a discussion for your fellow Danes to meet up.
@keshia2007r (2880)
• United States
29 Apr 11
I have a very few online friends who I don't know via facebook. I would have to say, I did meet two about 4 years ago. Cool guy, but it just didn't work for us. Will I do it again? No, not at all. Now, I'm thinking its too dangerous. Plus my intentions were different four years ago compared to now. I was pretty much looking for a relationship. Now, I'm already in one. The online friends we all local, non out of state or anything like that. Again, just wouldn't do it again.
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@Porcospino (31366)
• Denmark
2 Nov 11
I understand that your situation is different today and that it has changed your thoughts about meeting online friends. Being in a relationship is different from being single. When I was single I also met some of my online male friends. Today I am married and I am not interested in meeting online male friends, and I am sure that my husband wouldn't like the idea either, because he would get jealous if I decided to meet male friends. I am still interesting in meeting online friends but only female friends, and I don't have any online male friends from my own country today.
@jonify (90)
• United States
19 Apr 11
I haven't met any of my online friends in real life and i don't hope to. Why? Many of the profiles given out on social networking sites are fake, also, you don't realy know who he/she is. I was onced told of someone who was killed by her online friend, on their first meeting. So, its crazy meeting someone from an online community.
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@Porcospino (31366)
• Denmark
19 Apr 11
That is scary I don't think that it is crazy to meet someone from a social networking site, but I think that you definately have to be careful. I would never meet someone in their home or invite them to my home, I think that it is too dangerous if we have never met before, so our meeting would have to take place at a public place during the day when there are plenty of other people around us. I have found some very good friends online, and I am happy that I decided to meet them, but I think it is true that there are many fake profiles. We have to be very careful when we decide to meet an online friend for the first time.
• Philippines
21 Apr 11
I have been fortunate enough that I was able to meet my online friends. And yes, they turned out to be what I hoped them to be. Various sites and chat engines. First there was MIRC and then the blogs that I followed before. Now that I have met them online, they are one proof that they are real even though you got introduced first online. But still I advised others to still be cautious in choosing friends online. Know backgrounds first and try not to be impulsive. When you meet, you should meet in groups or bring a company of two or more. Just to be safe.
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@Porcospino (31366)
• Denmark
1 Nov 11
I agree with that. It is important to be careful when we meet people that we only know from the internet. I always choose to meet at a public place during the day, and I feel safer that way. I have met some very nice people from the internet, but when we have never met before we have to be careful in the beginning. It is nice to hear that it was a good experience to meet your online friends. I have also had the chance to meet some nice people. One of the girls that I met was a little different from the way that I expected, but our meeting when really well anyway, and today she is one of my close friends.
@whyaskq (7523)
• Singapore
21 Apr 11
Unless we are in the same country, I prefer to keep online friends as online friends. I just feel it is easier to communicate and talk online. Perhaps it is because we will never meet and so we are more comfortable with sharing even our deepest secrets.
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@Porcospino (31366)
• Denmark
2 Nov 11
Yes, sometimes it is easier to talk to a person that you aren't going to meet in real life. I have a close relationship to some of my online friends. We have never met, but we have known eachother online for several years. I always look forward to their emails and we share a lot of things about our lives and our experiences. I have also had the chance to meet some of my online friends. They lived in my own country so it was quite easy to meet. One day I am going to meet some of my online friends from other countries as well and I look forward to that.
@blue65packer (11826)
• United States
21 Apr 11
I would not care to meet people from a social discussion group. I doubt I would even have the change to! So it is not important to me! I would like to keep my social life seperate from my online life.
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@Porcospino (31366)
• Denmark
7 May 11
I have an online friend who feels the same way as you. We have been in touch for several years and I once asked her if she wanted to meet, but she said no, because she prefered to keep her online life separate from her offline life. Personally I like to meet my online friends and I have met several of them, but I respect her decision.
@myfb2009 (8296)
• Malaysia
21 Apr 11
Actually, there are a few online friends who are living in the same country as me. The only thing is, they are all living not in the same town as myself. Until now we haven't have the chance to meet each other. Maybe in future, i plan to get some time off and set appointment to meet everyone of them. It is really a great memory worth to be remembered, if one day we can meet our online friends.
@Porcospino (31366)
• Denmark
1 Nov 11
I hope that you will get the chance to meet some of the online friends from your country, but it can be a little difficult if you don't live in the same part of the country. Some of the online friends that I have met have become close friends in real life. It is always interesting to meet online friends. I looking forward to meeting you in Denmark and showing you some of my favourite places around the country
@mythociate (21432)
• Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
20 Apr 11
Kind of; she is a semi-famous politician I had rehd about in the Oklahoma Gazette and then had gone to meet on Facebook. When I saw her at the karaoke bar, I only had the suspicion that it was she, and I checked back on Facebook the next day. I kinda think of the Internet as 'me and my imaginary friends' and don't think I would recognize anyone I met online as anything more than 'my imagination' ('runnin` away with me ...')
@Porcospino (31366)
• Denmark
7 May 11
I don't think that I have ever seen anyone famous that I have met on Facebook, but I once recognized a person from a discussion forum. He had posted pictures of himself and mentioned the name of the city where he lived. I also lived in that city and one day I saw him in a club, at first I wasn't sure if it was really him and I didn't know his real name, but it was him.
@thatgirl13 (7294)
• South Korea
21 Apr 11
No I haven't. For me I like to keep my online life separate from my personal life.
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@Porcospino (31366)
• Denmark
1 Nov 11
One of my online friends feels the same way as you do and she also wants to keep her online life separate from the offline life. I once asked her if she wanted to meet and she said no and I respect that of course. We just continue to exchange emails instead of meeting in person.
• Philippines
20 Apr 11
i never had the chance to meet my online friends. most of the friends i add on facebook are the persons whom i know. and mylot is my only site where i have friends i didnt know at all, and most of them are foreigners. so there is no chance of meeting them, we're far from each other. but if i'll have the chance to meet my online friends, its ok with me as long as we meet with other online friends too =D
@Porcospino (31366)
• Denmark
27 Apr 11
I don't use Facebook that often, but the friends I add are also people that I know in real life. It is not easy to meet friends from other countries. I would like to meet some of my friends from MyLot. Most of them live very far away from me, and we can't just meet, but I hope that I will get the chance to meet some of them one day.
@asg_85 (8)
• Bahamas
21 Apr 11
Well, I met one or two girls through networking sites. Most, didn't end well and a few I am still friends with, It was a cool experience; meeting someone you probably would have never met through normal circumstances.
@Porcospino (31366)
• Denmark
1 Nov 11
That is one of the things that I like about meeting online friends - it gives us the chance to meet some of people that we wouldn't have met in our offline lives. Most of the people I meet in my offline life live in the same area as I do, but when I meet online friends I meet people who are from other parts of the country. I meet people who have different jobs than I do and who are interested in things that I don't know much about. I think that is great and I enjoy meeting new people that way.
• Philippines
20 Apr 11
yeah I did some are from forums and from Facebook group. some are from abroad and when they visit my country we found time to meet.
@Porcospino (31366)
• Denmark
25 Apr 11
I also hope to meet some of my online friends from abroad one day. That could be interesting I think. I have never met any of my online friends from other countries, but in the past when I had snail mail penpals I had the chance to meet some of them. A couple of them visited my country and we met while they were here. When I was in Italy and in Estonia I met my penpals from those countries.
@rosapai (254)
• Philippines
20 Apr 11
I have met in person some people I met online. It turned out to be good.. we are still friends, the communication is good and still meet sometimes. I agree that we really should be careful with people we meet online, I already have been scammed and broken hearted through the internet. The first I meet a person, I make sure we meet at daytime and on a public place. It always pays to be careful. I have met people in social networking sites but not from those in forums. Maybe when I become active in forums I might consider that.
@Porcospino (31366)
• Denmark
27 Apr 11
I am sorry to hear that you have had some bad experiences. Most of my own experiences have been positive, but there are a few exceptions like a guy that I met on a date once. Fortuneately we met at a public place and not in my home or his home. It is important to be careful when you meet someone for the first time, sometimes they aren't the person that they pretend online. My friend had a scary experience once. She had been writing to a person who pretended to be a girl, but it was actually a man.
• United States
20 Apr 11
No, i have never met anybody but sure would like to meet some of my mylot friends. I think that would be sooo much fun.
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@Porcospino (31366)
• Denmark
25 Apr 11
I also think that it could be fun to meet some of my friends from MyLot. I have many friends from Asia, and because of the distanse we can't just meet, but it has always been one of my dreams to travel around in Asia, so maybe my wish will come true one day
@eresilva (91)
• Jersey
20 Apr 11
Yeah, I have...And it was disappointing.We just felt so awkward with each other...So we left and were like "See you on the internet!"
@Porcospino (31366)
• Denmark
27 Apr 11
Sometimes it is easier to talk online. I have sometimes experienced that as well, but it usually got better after a while when we got to know eachother in real life.
• Malaysia
20 Apr 11
i always find an opportunity to meet my social networking site. meet them,have lunch together then we always keep in touch.it is so good to make a lot of friends..
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@Porcospino (31366)
• Denmark
25 Apr 11
That is great. In the past I have also met some of the people from a social networking site. I was nervous before our first meeting and I wondered if we would be able to find something to talk about, but that wasn't a problem. We had coffee and dinner together and we had a really good time. The group doesn't exist anymore, but I enjoyed our meetings and I would like to join or start a group like that again.
@Jlyn10 (11965)
• Malaysia
20 Apr 11
Yes, I have met one or two local friends whom I met from social networking site. The meeting was great and although we seldom visit that site anymore but we still keep in touch once in a while. I have never met any that are from overseas, but I have spoken to a few on the phone though.
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@Porcospino (31366)
• Denmark
27 Apr 11
That is great. It is nice when the meetings turn out well and we find a new friend that way. I have also found some friends that way. One of my best friends and I met eachother on a friendship/dating site. We have both left that site by now, but we still keep in touch. In the future I hope that I will also get the chance to meet some of my international friends. It is more difficult because of the distanse, but maybe one day.