Are you so sure of your holy book that you don't seek answers elsewhere????

@bird123 (10643)
United States
April 23, 2011 12:27am CST
Everyone claims their holy book is the word of God. They claim their holy book has all the answers. You aren't supposed to question or seek answers elsewhere. Are you so sure of your holy book that you don't seek answers elsewhere?? The Knowledge that is God exceeds everything mankind has. To think it can be boxed in a book is no more than the EGO of mankind. Truth is truth regardless of where it is found. It will be the same. If holy books were all the truth, wouldn't they all be the same?? All holy books do contain some truth. Perhaps it's time to question instead of value the contradictions. Actions speak louder than words. So much of God can be discovered by looking at God's actions. Truth about God has been out there even before the first holy book was written by mankind. Knowledge about everything must be discovered. That is how true wisdom is acquired. Knowledge is all over this world. If we restrict ourselves to a single book, so much truth can never be discovered. We must all be willing to reach and explore into undiscovered country. Are you willing and brave enough?? Are you on the path of discovery or do you have your holy book memorized????
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11 responses
• United States
24 Apr 11
You just answered your own question. The fact is, not every book is the truth, that is why they are not all the same. As for knowledge being around us, what knowledge are you speaking of? The only knowledge that is of any value to you is what is relevant. Think with me, it's truth that if you step out on the freeway during rush hour, you're going to get hit and possibly die - that is truth, I don't need a 'book' to tell me that, yet, that truth bares no relevance on my everyday need to eat, pay bills, love my family, etc. It doesn't change the truth, it just at that time bares no relevance. What's in the 'book' however, does - all the time. The 'book', speaks of love, life, hate, sin, judgment, friendship, integrity, knowledge, revelation, discovery, war, peace, etc. All of which are relevant to all of us and apply even thousands of years after it was written. What's in the 'book' is powerful, quick, sharper than any 2-edged sword... I believe what you're asking is, 'Isn't there more to life than just one little book?' Right? I mean, is there someone out there who knows EVERYTHING and bases his/her knowledge on one book? The answer is NO. There is only One who knows everything, He is God. He didn't mean for us to know everything, He wants us to know ENOUGH. His Word gives us exactly what we need.
@bird123 (10643)
• United States
25 Apr 11
In this time based causal universe,God's actions are not hidden. By figuring out those actions along with the why and how of everything, will open doors on how God really thinks. One also gets a picture of the depth of the thinking involved in everything. When one understands, everything changes. This world will no longer be a sinful mess religion wants you to believe. There is reason and purpose behind it all. This world is a Masterpiece!! Sure all holy book contain some good lessons. How can one ever argue over love God and your neighbor? Holy books also contain the controlling parts of mankind. If your teacher is corrupt in their thinking so are the lessons taught. God is Unconditional Love. When you discover God you will know this. Holy books are mankid's view of God from their point of view. Religion teaches that God hates. The truth is that mankind hates. In this world God is teaching all His children to love unconditionally. This will take many many lifetimes until people understand. If you could filter out mankind's part in your holy book, I would say OK. THe truth is that God's system does not require a holy book. That's why God did not give everyone a copy of your holy book. Religion convinces people that the only place to find God is through them and their holy book. They fight all over the world claiming they are right. Religious people can do great things, however they corrupt the minds of people. This, of course, is another lesson many must learn. There are a million lessons to learn around religion. None of them about God. Religion is a catalyst that brings out problems in people so that they have to be dealt with. I merely place the truth out there. People should stand on their own two feet and discover the answers for themselves rather than have their answers served up on a plate from others. Why does God need a middle man?? Religion shouldn't be trying to convince people they do. Whew, my typing finger is getting tired. Be who you must! It's a part of the plan! In time everyone understands. God will leave no one behind.
@1hopefulman (45120)
• Canada
23 Apr 11
There is no end to the making of books. We can learn from all books. I have read many. But there is a reason why the Bible is the best-seller of all time and has touched the lives of so many.
@1hopefulman (45120)
• Canada
29 Apr 11
The "hell" you describe is an invention of evil people. It doesn't exist in the Bible. God is love! It is the Bible that says "the truth will set you free.” If only people would read the Bible for themselves and try to understand it?
@bird123 (10643)
• United States
30 Apr 11
Do you really mean to say hell in not in the bible?? I'm sure it's in there somewhere.
@bird123 (10643)
• United States
23 Apr 11
Yes, it offers just what everyone wants, eternal bliss, free from all problems with God loving you endlessly. If that doesn't get you, let's throw in fear of frying for eternity. Better get in line. I hear it's pretty hot in hell. There are many holy books out there. The bible being the best seller might just be due to the greater economy countries which believe in the bible. I wonder which holy book was read by more people. All these statistics mean nothing. Popularity only means something when it comes to entertainment. When one searches for the real truth, one must turn over every rock, investigate every possibility, and question all beliefs even long held beliefs. We must be willing to change our beliefs in favor of the truth whether we agree with the truth or not. Truth isn't a popularity contest. It's what IS!! Only staying with the truth will we come to understand.
• United States
26 Apr 11
"Actions speak louder than words. So much of God can be discovered by looking at God's actions." There are difficult things in the Bible, things that disturb and confuse when one doesn’t have understanding or when your eyes have been blinded and your heart has been harden by a spirit of evil. I can’t fault you for being misguided. It’s easy to be caught up in what you believe to be the truth, even when there’s no evidence to back it up. It is my prayer that God will give you a spirit of discernment, so you’ll learn the difference in what is from God and what is religion. If there is morality in the world, and we know there is, there has to be a moral law giver. I think we both will agree that law giver is God. Is it reasonable to believe God would want His laws broken? I don’t find any reasoning in that. If God is perfect, would He be able to abide imperfection? That does not seem reasonable to me. So, if God loves His creation as He says He does, but can’t abide imperfection, which we are, what can be done to make things right? How can the unrighteous be made righteous (meaning right with God and man)? As long as there is evil in the world, man will be tempted to rebel against God. It is the goal of evil to separate us from the love of God, so we’ll never know His righteousness or His forgiveness. Evil is a great deceiver, but will tell you just enough truth to confuse. You want God to add up, so do I; and He does add up through His Son, Jesus Christ. “For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son that whosoever believes in Him should not perish, but have eternal life. For God didn’t send His Son into the world to condemn it, but that the world through Him might be saved.” (John 3:16 & 17) “Every kingdom divided against itself will be ruined.” (this is from Matthew 12:25). Even though this is from the Bible, it’s still a reasonable statement. God cannot allow both good and evil to abide in His kingdom. God has given you the freedom to reject His teachings, but you do it at your own peril. Don’t BLAME God or the Bible for the consequences.
@bird123 (10643)
• United States
27 Apr 11
My heart isn't hardened. I have nothing but Love for you and God. As for religion, I merely shine a light on the truth so that people can see for themselves. Really look at your thinking. RULE,CONTROL,LAW,FORCE,PUNISH, We must have a Law Giver to get these people to do right! Let me ask you. Isn't there a better way?? Ways that are far beyond the ideas of mankind??? Where does all the anger and hate get you?? This idea that God can't stand to be around His children is WRONG!! God is creating perfection with all His children. He's not done yet!! Now you are saying that evil has a goal??? Does evil think now??? I don't think you really understand evil and why people choose it. You say that I want God to add up. God does add up not like your holy book. Anyone who really questions, can see that. Try as you might. You will never get it to add up perfectly. Lastly, you tell me don't BLAME God. Only mankind plays the blame game. Blame means nothing to God or myself. It's the results that counts. Blessings.
@bird123 (10643)
• United States
27 Apr 11
My heart isn't hardened. I have nothing but Love for you and God. As for religion, I merely shine a light on the truth so that people can see for themselves. Really look at your thinking. RULE,CONTROL,LAW,FORCE,PUNISH, We must have a Law Giver to get these people to do right! Let me ask you. Isn't there a better way?? Ways that are far beyond the ideas of mankind??? Where does all the anger and hate get you?? This idea that God can't stand to be around His children is WRONG!! God is creating perfection with all His children. He's not done yet!! Now you are saying that evil has a goal??? Does evil think now??? I don't think you really understand evil and why people choose it. You say that I want God to add up. God does add up not like your holy book. Anyone who really questions, can see that. Try as you might. You will never get it to add up perfectly. Lastly, you tell me don't BLAME God. Only mankind plays the blame game. Blame means nothing to God or myself. It's the results that counts. Blessings.
@bird123 (10643)
• United States
28 Apr 11
I do not have a hardened heart toward anything. Your bible and your god isn't God at all. You can't even see when I point.There is no anger or hate on my part. It's like math. One plus one equals two. Lot of the bible simply is not true. Their view of God is wrong. The truth I point to is about God. I place it out there for those who are ready to take the next step. I have never looked for followers like your religion. I am doing like God does with all knowledge. I place it out there. What people do after that is up to them. They are free to discover just as we are all free to discover. I know you believe in your ruling,judging,punishing views. It's where you are at. There is a better way but you are blind to it. You simply are not ready. That's ok. As far as things coming back to you, it has never ever been about punishment. When a person chooses evil, it's simple because they do not really Understand. What better way to understand than to be on the receiving end of your own actions. Your actions show what lessons you need to learn. They return to teach you what your actions mean. This is also God's way of teaching unconditional love. In time, you will understand what your choices mean. Yes. there is much to learn. It will take many lifetimes. Worry not, we will all know God's unconditional love that heals all hurt. Do you ever wonder why everyone wants to have it made. Perhaps they are a bit spoiled for we all have known God's unconditional love. Everyone would do anything for it. As far as forgiveness, that has never been needed. Mistakes create learning. God knows this is part of learning. You wouldn't be who you are today without your mistakes. God isn't about hatred, neither am I. In time you will understand what I speak of about your holy book. I know it hurts to hear the truth, however the truth must be out there. God is nothing like your bible. God is much better. The only thing I feel for God is love and a hunger to learn more. Sometimes, I feel I'm not learning fast enough then I discover things unexpected. Don't be so ridgid in your thinking. There is so much out there waiting for you to discover. I point but it's up to each of us to discover and learn. If you aren't ready, we do have eternity to learn. You can stand on your own two feet.I will not carry you. Discover something your religion hasn't yet. It stares you in the face. Blessings
• Mexico
23 Apr 11
Hi bird: I agree with you. I am Catholic so my Holy book is the Bible but I understand that all the answers are not on the Bible. I think that in general science and studies don't contradict God. On the opposite they make us now how great and wonderful life and the whole creation is. So it's always good to keep on studying and looking for the answers. ALVARO
@bird123 (10643)
• United States
24 Apr 11
Yes, there is so much out there to learn. It's just like you said. Contrary to popular belief, it all fits together perfectly. It's only in the view of mankind that the contradiction exists. All the physics of this world add up perfectly, so does the people factor. Since there are many more variables with people, figuring it all out will be much more complex. Everything about God does add up completely.
@ivansama (758)
• Bulgaria
25 Apr 11
l seek answers everywhere but in those so called holy books. But that's just me knowing where it's impossible to find answers
@bird123 (10643)
• United States
26 Apr 11
Hmmm??? You might be closer than most to discovering answers. Really look around you. Everything about God and this world does add up. Now, can you figure out how??? If you can, you will discover more doors that can be opened.
@bird123 (10643)
• United States
27 Apr 11
Perhaps you should not base your view of God on anything religion has been teaching. That will clear the way to discover what is. One must always be open to discover what is. There is always more to discover beyond the surface. If it all adds up, that tells me it's time for you to search to discover what is new!! I know there is something out there you haven't seen yet.
@ivansama (758)
• Bulgaria
26 Apr 11
Anything but god adds up really.
@jennyze (7028)
• Indonesia
25 Apr 11
Well, I read a couple of them... Tow different things in views and approaches. I would not elaborate on what I found, just that I've drawn my own conclusion and move on from there. If I can get on Hindus and Buddhist I would like to read them too.
@bird123 (10643)
• United States
26 Apr 11
Sounds like you are trying to discover rather than merely following. Very good. Don't forget that which can be seen all around you that isn't in books. It is a big step once you can see God's actions then understand Why. OK, jennyze, never be afraid of telling it all to me. Even if there is some secret Drama inside you, I am always happy to share with one so wonderful. ...... .......
• Thailand
23 Apr 11
Strictly speaking my religion does not have an individual holy book and what we do have is certainly not the word of a god. In a world filled with many gods and many truths one would be foolish indeed to restrict oneself to one book and a restrictive version of a truth.
@bird123 (10643)
• United States
23 Apr 11
Ah, but we all do carry the word of God in some form. Truth about anything or any subject is in a way the word of God. The problem comes anytime people value beliefs over the real truth or facts then become so narrow minded they see nothing else. We must strive to shine a light in those people's eyes so they might see.
@barehugs (8973)
• Canada
23 Apr 11
Its all about Faith! Who needs proof when he/she has Faith! It helps to have something to lean your mind on when lacking physical evidence. Who needs Knowledge, just ask your resident Priest or Pastor, and they will have a ready answer, (of course it will cost you!)
@bird123 (10643)
• United States
23 Apr 11
It's a question of what you value in life. Does one value truth, facts. reality. knowing OR does one value beliefs, feeling good, and having the world only as we wish to see it. Do you want to live in the matrix and be a duracell battery or do you want reality, the truth, then learn to really create??? Yes, living in beliefs and religion will cost you, maybe something much more valuable than money. Keep shining your light in the eyes of those with blind faith. They will never see until some light gets in.
• India
2 Jun 12
Why shud i look for any answer anywhere?
@vandana7 (100083)
• India
23 Apr 11
Ah bird... you have presented my thinking. :) Honestly, I think when we are young, our knowledge is limited, and we've not experienced many feelings either. Therefore, we are less likely to conform to the rules framed for common good of the society. I mean does a five year old child really know what is romance? And what is adultery or molestation? Since these words are alien to them, some simple stories were developed perhaps based on real personalities. The good in such people was emphasized and bad in other people was condemned. It doesn't mean good person is 100 percent good, or bad person is 100 percent bad. It is a blend, and we need to look and appreciate or denounce actions rather than an individual. Perhaps our ancestors hoped that as we mature, we will be able to reach that level. Unfortunately, people are not coming to that level. I feel very bad when Hindus and Muslims in our country fight in the name of religion. Nowhere did scriptures or holy books say destroy the other religion, or you are superior to all other religions. It is the interpretation that has gone terribly wrong. And to tell you the truth, there are plenty of inconsistencies, which we'd discussed in one of your previous discussions. As a mature person, I can question them. But people older than me wish to push them under carpet in the name of faith. So I do become a "bad" or "non-believer", in their eyes, which is far from the truth. I believe in creator, and whenever I need help or guidance, he has been there though I dont really recognize it as such. I could have been worse you know..
@bird123 (10643)
• United States
23 Apr 11
Let's not forget that life is a Learning experience. We choose what to believe in and follow. We choose our actions. We decide what we deem important. When one makes a choice, God returns it to us so we can decide what the truth really is. Living all sides of our actions create the total view so we understand. It's education. We are all children of God so we are all very special in our own way. Seeing others choose evil can be hurtful to watch for we have already learned that lesson. It is merely a reminder of what the right choices really are. Through life, it is also our duty to teach others, point them in the right direction. This also reinforces what we have already learned along with giving our students the opportunity to learn the lesson easier. There are wonderful souls willing to go through great adversity to do this. They understand they are eternal and that regardless of what they must go through, it's the RESULTS that matter the most. These are multilevel teachers. They are at a higher level of understanding. If you look closely, they are all around us. God supplies the answers all around us. If only we could learn to see what is rather than just what we want to see. Indeed, it's a lesson for us all. Always great hearing from you Vandy!!
@arunadas (111)
• India
23 Apr 11
Hello Bird123 hmmmmmm i have read the Bible and Koran(English version) and the Baghwad Gita though they all say more or less the same thing LOVE and only love will get you far in this life and in after life if there is one i see that people interpret everything to their own convenience. I think all the books were written just to instruct people about how their actions will affect their life for good or bad ....they were more like moral instructions but to think everything about God and His wonderful creation can be written down in a book my men/women is actually the height of egoism of mankind in general. And no book can teach you more than what life teaches you ....if you cannot learn from the lessons life teach no book is going to help holy or otherwise :)
@bird123 (10643)
• United States
23 Apr 11
Indeed, we all carry a different view in life. This view is based on our level of understanding along with the lessons we have already learned. Since this world is a multilevel classroom, it is expected to have so many at so many levels. You say that most all holy books teach love. Indeed, then God is in everyone of them. If only we could filter out mankind's part. This is all part of the learning on our quest that all God's children have, to learn how to love unconditionally, to be like God.