I am less important.

@sjaswon (635)
May 4, 2011 8:02am CST
I went to the office for an assistant job. I asked the secretary, "I can't get a job." She said "You can't get a job because of hearing impair." It made me hurt. I thought I went to the school. I learned more much of an education. I have a skill. I have a certification. There is wasting at me. I am a deafness. I lose a goal and dream. I don't need more skill. I can't go such marry/date, vacation for trip and rent. I better am a single and rest of my life. If I am sick and hungry. My family will ever dead except me. Who care me?
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38 responses
• United States
5 May 11
Welcome to my world. Since I was 15, I started losing my hearing in my right ear due to an unknown ailment? It really affected my entire life, and you're going to get alot of distreatment because of it.
1 person likes this
6 May 11
I'm sorry for what you've suffered. However, both of you should cheer up and don't give up. If other people treat you unfairly, seek some help, don't take everything by yourself. Best wishes!
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@QeeGood (1213)
• Sweden
4 May 11
You are an important person being who you are. I am sure your education, your own unique qualities, abilities and capacities will be useful. Keep on trying to make people know who you are. Your knowledge has its value in the right place for the right people. Be a peaceful fighter by showing the world how priceless you are. Stand up for you. There is only one of you!
@Hatley (163776)
• Garden Grove, California
4 May 11
thanks for what you said. He sounded so sad he is making me cry and I told him we mylotter do no think he is less important. thanks again
@Thoroughrob (11742)
• United States
5 May 11
That was cruel and so wrong for the secretary to say. If you went to school and are certified, keep looking. Don't lose your dream. You can do what you put your mind to, don't let anyone tell you any different. It may make it rougher for you, but you can do it. I have a son that is confined to a wheelchair. I know how it is with the whole disability thing. People can be cruel.
1 person likes this
• United States
5 May 11
First of all, the secretary is an idiot and totally unprofessional for saying such a thing. People with disabilities get jobs all the time. My daughter has mental retardation and does more work than any other three people I've ever met. Second, why would you let that secretary or anyone else tell you what you are capable of doing? You are the only one who can hold you back from accomplishing what ever you want. Look at Marlee Matlin - no one would dare tell her what she could or couldn't accomplish since she is one of the top Hollywood actresses, brilliant in business, and is totally deaf. She has always refused to 'hear' when people tell her she can or cannot do something. You are the one to depend on to care for you, but first stop feeling sorry for yourself - it's one thing that an employer will pick up on and decide you are not strong enough to work for them. It will have nothing to do with your deafness, but with the way you look at the world.
1 person likes this
• United States
5 May 11
I am sorry she spoke to you this way and this is terrible that any human being could actually speak to someone this way. Is there anyway you can get a hold of some time of organization where they help people with impairments get work. I don't know how it is by you there where you live but here in the US we do have this type of organizations and impaired people do well in all sorts of jobs. Best of luck to you and please do not take what she said to you too hard, as she is one ignorant uncaring person and she should be so lucky as she simply does not know what tomorrow will bring her.
• United States
4 May 11
Go talk to a different personor try a different job and your not useless friend I have felt the same way many times
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@CatsandDogs (13963)
• United States
11 May 11
You are worth something. We ALL are worth something. God put us all on this earth for a reason and although we may not know what it is for majority of our lives, we are here for a reason. You have to know that! You see, it's taken me years to come to realize that because I'm deaf too. I've been discriminated against so many times that I've lost count and it got me down so low till my family and friends have lifted me back up. Then I reached a point that I finally learned that I AM worth something! I CAN do something! I may not be able to hear but I can do something! I have two arms and hands and I have two legs and I have a mind, teach me the job and I will do it. You have to stay strong and stand up for yourself in order to let people know how you feel, otherwise, people are going to continue discriminating you and that's not right. You have a voice, use it! Maybe you're here on this earth to teach others that you and others like you ARE worth something and that you have feelings too and to be treated this way is so wrong and hurtful. Have you thought about being a motivational speaker? You could teach others to treat people with or without handicaps with respect and dignity as they would their family.
• Australia
7 May 11
This sounds like discrimination to me which in most countries is illegal as most employers are supposed to be equal opportunity. I am legally deaf in my left ear & i also suffer from tinitus (constant ringing in the ears) & it has never effected me from getting a job here in Australia - the only thing that has stopped me is when an employer thinks that I haven't had the right qualifications. Good luck in finding a job that doesn't discriminate against your hearing impairment.
@kiran8 (15348)
• Mangalore, India
6 May 11
Hi, jaswon, don't be so negative, I realise that you have a reason to be so, but,the most important thing is for you to look for every option available to you. I agree that sometimes world could be a cruel and uncaring place, but once you decide to stand firm things will change for the better and so will your family's feeling towards you. I wish you all the best and keep sharing your feelings here, we are all there for you - take care and have a nice weekend
@gaiza12 (4884)
• Philippines
21 May 11
Don't look at yourself so down my friend. Remember that we are all important in the eyes of God. And we are created with a purpose. don't let others judge you for who you are and what you are. Stand up and let everybody else see that you are more than capable of doing everything that others can't.
@sswallace21 (1824)
• United States
5 May 11
It appears that people are missing out on a great person. Obviously, you've had some obstacles in your life and you are still making the best of it. I commend you for having goals and sticking to them. If I were you, I would continue looking for the job you want. There will be some smart company that will take you off the market. Don't give up. I know it's hard but you can do it. Best Wishes!
• United States
5 May 11
I must disagree. As long as self-pity is the poster's best buddy, the chances of getting and holding a job are much less if self-pity is dropped an self-confidence replaces it.
• United States
6 May 11
I read your posting, as well. You can disagree with my thought, however I believe if a person is feeling down it doesn't hurt to give them a boost of confidence. Your negative thoughts will only discourage a person who is obviously looking for some help.
@kheydia (882)
• Philippines
11 May 11
oh, don't be so upset dear, i know that God doesn't make junk. Just don't give up, try and try until you succeed, all of us has a talents and skills because we are children of God and we have inherited divine qualities and that qualities we should need to develope in ourselves.And i know there are a lot of people who do cares for you, just don't feel so bad about yourself.
@macayadann (1235)
• Philippines
6 May 11
You can use hearing aid, however, you can also study sign language. Do not lose hope and do not think not to marry anymore because there are so many deaf who has good family life and is loved so much by their children and most especially by their partner.
• Philippines
4 May 11
You aren't dear. There is more to this life than what your mind could think. God has a plan for your life. He wants you to live a beautiful life. Pray to Him and ask for His direction and purpose for your life.
@zhpshql (693)
• China
5 May 11
oh,come on,buddy... don't let yourself down,please..nobody cares you...then care yourself..^^
@Anitismo (229)
• Bahamas
5 May 11
I understand you, I do. these day due to the over populated world we live in your secretary is wrong, it doesn't based on your deafness, because there are many people out the in your seem position who are not deaf, with education and certificates and still don't even have an assistant job. Millions people just sitting home writing resumes and getting rejected everyday. Everyone do matter, even for you. But all everyone can do is wish you better day. and that don't care what other people say not even the secretary (probably having a bad day)say you will get that job you wishing for and the life you always wanted.
@adhyz82 (36249)
• Indonesia
5 May 11
why do you think like that?? c`mon...you must be optimisctic that you are smart , you had a talent and off course the other will give you respect..
@anil02 (24688)
• India
5 May 11
I am also hearing impair. First thing you accept your self as you are. In private sector it us not possible to get a job. In my country here is provision of reservation for disable one including hearing impair, If you country have it than try in govt. job.
5 May 11
Hi sjaswon, please don't give up. there is always hope, and I believe with your skill and certification, you definitely will find a job. Don't listen to that secretary, under such economic ression, it is difficult for every one to find a job, so what you need to do is to be confident, and never say no to your goals and dreams. Best wishes!
• India
5 May 11
don't feel sad about your situation and never feel pity on yourself.if god gave you deafness then surely must have given you other talents as well. dotn be upset and keep trying and don't feel sad.