It took us almost 3 years to get the garage organized but it is almost done!

@free_man (7330)
United States
May 19, 2011 11:34am CST
We have been putting off organizing the garage because we have been doing other things to fix this place up. Well a week or so back it was cold so we spent several days in the garage moving and putting things in order and we got it to where we can work in it finally thank God! Built 4 birdhouses and building a shelf for our kitchen now. So if you have been wondering where I have been this is it. Haven't had much time to spend on here and wouldn't have this time if I wasn't waiting for the paint to dry on the shelf....LOL So what have you been doing with your time? Have you been working on something special? Hope all is well with all of you!
2 responses
@GardenGerty (160355)
• United States
20 May 11
Yesterday my husband and I went to Dodge City to meet another MyLotter and friend. It was fun. I seem to be doing lots of things except work online. I need to get some other stuff done as well. I am starting to go to the YMCA on a regular basis, trying to repair my health.
@free_man (7330)
• United States
20 May 11
Hi GG. So did you meet the other mylotter? I bet that was neat. Me too been busy doing everything but working online. It is good that you are going to the YMCA to repair your health. I think it is a wise thing to keep our bodies in shape as much as possible. Good luck my friend!
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@GardenGerty (160355)
• United States
21 May 11
Yes, ElicBxn and her room mate and roomie's Mom were visiting relatives near Dodge City. My hubby and I drove over and spent the day. I am so lucky to have met a few MyLotters.
@jleigh13 (34)
• United States
19 May 11
Way to go!! I love how good it feels to finish a much-needed project. Plus, I'm one of those weird people that gets happy over organization. When my house is a wreck, thanks to my children, I get mad, but when it's clean, I get this euphoric feeling of happiness. I know, what a weirdo, but I like everything in it's place. Plus, when you tackle a project, whether big or small, you feel such a feeling of accomplishment.
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@free_man (7330)
• United States
20 May 11
Hi Jleigh and welcome to my lot. I am one of those weird people that believe everything has a purpose and a place and that is where it should be when your done with it. I don't like things not functional. I like to be able to find a tool when I need it. Now I can get out in the garage and build what ever I want to when I want to. It does feel good. Thanks for sharing my friend!