Turning the night into day.

@shynie (556)
May 21, 2011 3:30pm CST
Lately, I've been having trouble sleeping. And my big problem is that I dont get sleepy at night but during the day, I cant seem to do anything because I would be sleeping the whole day! I think I need help. Take it this instance, its 4:40 in the morning already and I am still up. I have tried putting the lights and everything else off earlier but still I can not sleep. What do you think can I do?
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11 responses
• Philippines
21 May 11
try to shift your scheds gradually. i mean if you sleep @around 6 or 7 in the morning, try to get some sleep at least an hour earlier. then once you get used to that, add another hour earlier 'til your cycle turns back to normal. doing activities during day time even when you are sleepy, i think, will also help..
@shynie (556)
• Philippines
22 May 11
Thank yo for the advice. I guess I will try that.
@stephcjh (38473)
• United States
21 May 11
Maybe you are used to light when you sleep. Maybe you can turn on a night light to help you go to sleep at night time. I work both day and night so my sleep schedule is all messed up.
@shynie (556)
• Philippines
22 May 11
I did that too actually. But I am thinking maybe its something medical related. I hope I get to sleep in a regular basis.
@elmiko (6630)
• United States
22 May 11
well you could lay off the caffeine altogether if you consume some or even alot of it. that should help. it helped me at a time I was having sleeping problems. If you don't consume any caffeine or not hardly any then maybe its just who you are. people have their differences.
• India
22 May 11
I think first of all your mind is been garbed from something, are you worried about any issues? or do you have any tensions? cause such things when they are around us we can't sleep easily. If this is not the problems then i think your schedule is causing you trouble. You work hours in night must have increased or you may be having the habit of staying late at night. Well anyways keeping these issues aside also try to exercise in morning or do some busy activities during the day time which will make you tired and force to have a good night's sleep. Try these things they may help you. And yeah one more things is the key to have a good sleep is remaining free from worries so be tension free and get your sleep.GOOD LUCK
@nykel88 (999)
• Philippines
22 May 11
DayBreakers? Just kidding. Try to get some proper rest. Drink warm liquids, avoid noisy environments, or better yet do something you might feel tiresome and get to sleep. That works for me.
@moirai (2854)
• Philippines
22 May 11
Hmm... I wonder if this will work... next time you find yourself awake still at early hours of the morning, get up. Do not sleep anymore for that 'night'. Then during the day, stay awake. Only sleep again during the night (by then, hopefully you are very sleepy already =P ). There. I wonder if that will work. =P Hahaha! Something tells me I'm giving bad advice right now... =P
@sedel1027 (17846)
• Cupertino, California
22 May 11
During the day spend time in rooms with plenty of sunlight and go outside in the sun as much as you can. Then in the evenings a hour or so before bed get off of the computer and turn off the TV.
@cream97 (29087)
• United States
21 May 11
Hi. shynie. I think that you should try working or doing a lot in the day time, so that by the time that night comes along, you will be exhausted and this will make you want to go to sleep.
@joystick (1675)
21 May 11
I started getting into that habit as well, but in the end i had got really behind with all the things that i should have done.It is like our body clock is wrong.I would start off by trying to go to bed an hour earlier each night, until you get to the proper bed time.Also it is a good idea to have a nice warm bath, as well as read a book before trying to relax to sleep.If that fails, have a chat with your dr and get some pills that will help you to relax, this will also help.
@cora30 (134)
• United States
21 May 11
Hi shynie,goodmrning to you,my sisterly advice to you is that try to consult a doctor so they can help you with your problem of havig troible sleeping at a regular time.:)so they can give you prescription for you to take before bedtime at night.hope my advice help you somehow.:)
• Philippines
21 May 11
We have the same problem. Even if I try to sleep at earlier time, I still couldn't. I close my eyes and my mind still wants to run. I try to shut down my mind and think of nothing and I get a humongous headache. I guess I need to relax more and let sleep take me.