Sometimes do you find you just can not concentrate

@joystick (1675)
May 28, 2011 8:46am CST
I am having a really hard time not being able to concentrate on responding to people as well as starting a discussion and that it one reason why i do not come on here as much as i use to.You read a discussion and you then go to respond to it, yet i can not get my brain in gear to respond, it also do not help when you are really tired.
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19 responses
• Philippines
28 May 11
Hello joystick, If some one takes much of your time, or some one taking your time or something just came up that completely distracts us from making more and more discussions ahead.other things like distractions from youtube videos and other sites distract me. but i guess it's gonna take some getting use to and adjusting again just to make it up to the times that i have lost.
@joystick (1675)
28 May 11
I am having to put up with noise each and every day from people shouting at each other out in the street and i tend to turn the tv up, so that i do not have to put up with the noise.I think with the noise and not much sleep that do not help me much to be able to concentrate.
@indahfth (11161)
• Indonesia
28 May 11
This happened to me a few days, because my body is less healthy. Now I am trying to continue to concentrate, so I can respond to some discussion. My body is still a little uneasy, but I still want to respond to some discussion.
@joystick (1675)
28 May 11
I am trying my best to try to catch up on here with a few friends that have responded as well as started a discussion.I think that i am really tired and that is one of the reasons why i think that i am finding it really hard to concentrate.Lets hope tomorrow will be better and tonight i will get some more sleep.
@jaiho2009 (39141)
• Philippines
28 May 11
It did happened to me sometimes. It happens when i have some petty problem which is actually not a problem and i am just being paranoid-that i cannot concentrate here in mylot. What i did is just reading all my old posts and sometimes resolving topics that i haven't given the "best response" Not everyday is same day..there are better days..and i just hope that better days are always here. happy weekend
@joystick (1675)
28 May 11
I hope that with a bit of sleep, perhaps that way i will be able to get really in the mood to read other peoples discussions, aswell catch up with a few of the people that are responding to the discussions that i have started.Like you say some days can be better than others.
@sender621 (14894)
• United States
28 May 11
There are often times when my mind begins to wander. this does make concetrating on anything a difficult task. getting back on track is not as easy as it would seem to be.
@joystick (1675)
28 May 11
I have problems like you, my mind tends to also wander and being tired just do not really help at all.
@umabharti (3972)
• India
28 May 11
hi, yes i sometimes cant concentrate and this happens when it should be really concentrated on important thing. i joined scribie recently, a transcription site. in that we shd hav gud lisening and shd concentrate thn type the discussion. it ws fr the first test tht i got rejected whn the raw transcript has been checked wth the hard copy or the actual copy. if i cud had done tht i could had earned a lot frm online, i culdnt get wth some wrds of the foreigners accent.
@joystick (1675)
28 May 11
I think there are lots of reasons to why we some times find it really hard to concentrate.In schools now they tell children, to make sure that they have had breakfast, as well as remind them to keep drinking water, as these two things really help in increasing the concentration.
• Brazil
28 May 11
Hi! Last week i was having a really hard time, headache, difficult to concentrate and lost my interest in reading, i was thinking that i needed a glasses but when i went to oftalmologist he said that i was with Convergence Insufficiency and i will start my sessions next week, but i'm having a really hard time to read and concentrate. My problem was that, maybe you are a just tired but if continue, go to a doctor and be sure that you are ok!
@joystick (1675)
28 May 11
I am thinking of getting me eyes checked, as i have noticed that after being on here for a while this is one of the things that cause me head aches.I feel tired alot of the time, but the funny thing is, is that i find it really hard to get off to sleep.
• China
9 Aug 11
I think that's common. I am an interpreter in my company, sometimes when foreigners are talking to me very seriously and the other person is eagerly waiting for my translation, I will suddenly forget what did they say just then and don't know what to say. Maybe people's vigour is limited and u never know when will it get stuck, so be easy on that, not a big deal.
@celticeagle (164367)
• Boise, Idaho
29 May 11
I have severe depression with panic attacks so I do have a hard time concentrating. All that you spoke of (tired, can't concentrate, etc.)all sounds like your depressed! You are probably in a rut and there are several other people I have talked to that are depressed with this weather and all.
@myfb2009 (8296)
• Malaysia
29 May 11
Yes, sometimes when we are too busy with our daily offline matters, we are able to think well to give our response. It occur to me many times and that's why you can see that my post counts still very low although i had been here for years. But, i am trying to make up my time and comes here, whenever i am free now. So, i can chat and respond to any discussion which i have ideas to share. Hope you will be able to come here as often as before again.
@allknowing (132676)
• India
28 May 11
This happens some times to every one but if you say that you have not come to your normal self even after a reasonable time then you need to may be do some meditation and/or resort to such approaches before it really goes out of hand.
@joystick (1675)
28 May 11
I think a lot of the problem may be due to the lack of sleep and that i maybe getting to tired.Lets hope that i will soon be able to come on here for long period of times.
@asliah (11137)
• Philippines
14 Jun 11
hi, that's right,if i am really tired to think or what ever is that feeling there is no idea that come to my mind to response in any discussions here,so that sometimes i need to work it out just to be active here while earn money.
@inertia4 (27960)
• United States
14 Jun 11
I get that way most days. I find it hard to concentrate lately period. I do however find myself being able to respond to posts here at MyLot because I do find them interesting. I do post new topics abut only after I catch up on my responses from my email. But as far as concentration, I find it hard to concentrate in everyday life.
@BenA10 (36)
• United States
28 May 11
I suppose that'll happen sometimes...which is why myLot is so great! You can post as much (or as little) as you want, and it won't really change anything, other than you making more or less money. But in the end, as long as you keep your account, you can make some cash when you do see a post you want to respond to. It's pretty great :)
@joystick (1675)
28 May 11
I think that sometimes on here it is eaither very busy with people starting discusssions, or very slow.I have tried to keep up with a lot of the friends discussions and it is really hard, when sometimes it can make you feel really tired.I am like on and off here some times doing or replying to discussions, but other times i just can not seem to get into doing anything other than read what people have put.
• Philippines
30 Jul 11
I think this is just normal sometimes. Maybe you don't have to force yourself. If your mind doesn't really seem to work well, let it rest for a while and relax and unwind so that after maybe a few hours or a few days, you're excited to mylot again.
@thaMARKER (2503)
• Philippines
28 May 11
whenever i just cant get my head straight is when i'm in the middle of the crowd or some people are making noise nearby. sometimes though when im alone and it's so silent and still cant make out anything, that's when im problematic or somethings worrying me and cant get my head stop thinkin about it. i dont love writing but i write whenever i wanted to express what im feeling ( -- because i dont like sharing it to people hehehe..) so i just get a place and write, moments that no matter what, im focus on to something and cannot be distracted. ;)
@blue65packer (11826)
• United States
29 May 11
I have trouble concentrating when I am tired,stressed out and when I am not feeling well. I have this probelm from time to time here! Sometimes I just won't respond to discussions or post discussions if I can't concentrate. Otherwise I make way to many spelling errors and rambling that makes no sense! When I get that way I go and post photos or do searching on Mylot's serach engine.
@anklesmash (1412)
28 May 11
I am in the state as you i am struggling to concentrate enough to reply to discussions as well i have just got in from work its 5 to 12 and im just to tired to think.But im really,really trying to do a few posts before i go to bed as i want to drastically improve my earnings.
• United States
29 May 11
You are not alone on this one either, I think a lot of us get this way from time to time. I do not sleep well and have my moments where no matter how much I would like to participate sometimes I simply cannot concentrate on the discussion. So what I do on days like this is that I take a break and come back later to see if I am in better concentrating mode.
• United States
29 May 11
Yea, I've felt like that sometimes. It's usually those discussions that don't pose a question that's easy to answer. I mean I want to answer the question, but I don't what's the question the person's asking or how do they want to respond to the question.