Do you worry when your older daughter and son not yet get married?

@flower21 (765)
June 5, 2011 9:16pm CST
Some parents and even their sibling get worried when their son or daughters not yet married. They are afraid their older son and daughter would become a spinster or bachelor. What you do to encourage them to meet a partner and settle down. Some parents insist while some let their son and daughter decide. Do you become afraid for their future too..?
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4 responses
• United States
6 Jun 11
I don't think they should HAVE to meet someone only if they want too. People are sometimes happier single rather than married. 50% of all marriages end in divorce that has to say something that people aren't just satisfied with one partner.
@flower21 (765)
• Philippines
6 Jun 11
of course some are happy being married when they last longer years and being committed and responsible. they love their wife or husband especially when their are children around. so i think many get married to have children who would take care of them during old age while some who are not married are unhappy being single old and loveless. though , not all feel the same way, especially if they have their own job and financially well off. then being single is not that bad though..
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@larish (2191)
• Philippines
6 Jun 11
I think the term for this is sadness not worry. I am not worry when my eldest sister got married but I was sad that time because I know that things will change because she will have other priorities in life. We would no longer have the long talk before bedtime. I won't be seeing her everyday because we will live with her husband after the wedding which is 1 hour away from us. We'll be seeing each other during special occassions and special family gathering.
@flower21 (765)
• Philippines
6 Jun 11
of course anyone could be sad knowing a sister get married and use to be close but not get now a little communication. in some instances some sister get sad when their youngest get married ahead of them and they felt being left behind. and in terms of parents they are not really have to adjust not seeing their daughter and some get worried when their daughter or son not get married. because they worry when they gone no one could care for their child especially if they are left alone with no companion. other reason their children is not yet financially independent.
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@stephcjh (38473)
• United States
6 Jun 11
I do not have to worry about that anymore. My daughter actually go married sooner than we ever expected. She is way too young to be married.
@flower21 (765)
• Philippines
6 Jun 11
okay, that so her fate. but still good if both parents consent and if they are ion the right age. the important they love each other and both are committed to work it out well both emotional and in terms of financial stability. some parents could not really dictate their children not to get married since some get trap to a situation where they really want it or get married because they get pregnant. so many reasons but i respect whatever kind of decision they take in life.
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@_sketch_ (5742)
• United States
6 Jun 11
I don't have any children, but I don't believe that that is anything to worry about. Personally, I am not sure that I will ever get married. I am not sure that I really want to. I find it so funny that people believe that one must get married in order to live a happy and successful life. Maybe that is why there are so many divorces.
@flower21 (765)
• Philippines
6 Jun 11
me too. but just wonder too when some women and men reach age more than 30's. most parents and even their sibling act very freaky. you know they start to be getting annoying such as keep asking repetitive question like when do i suppose to get married. as if they think that being settle down they could be keep quiet in asking the same question over again. such when i attend family occasion, some relatives or friend ask the same question. well, i think getting married or hitch depend on the person decision and they are the only know who know better and they do not need to be pressure when they do not want too... thanks
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